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Gifted Hands (The Ben Carson Story)

1.The woman stood on the ledge at the beginning of the movie because she
was struggling with depression and was contemplating suicide.
2.Dr. Carson delayed doing the cranial separation surgery for 4 months
because he wanted to prepare himself fully and to ensure that the surgery
would have the best possible outcome. He prepared by researching
extensively, consulting with other medical professionals, and practicing the
procedure on cadavers .
3. Ben's elementary teacher recorded math test results by writing the
percentage score on the board. This is not a good way to record test
results because it can be embarrassing for students who scored
4. When Benjamin said he was dumb, his mother told him that he
was not dumb, but rather he just didn't know something yet.
5. When the Carson boys were not monitored, they watched TV.
6. Benjamin's mother noticed that he had a strong imagination when
he was able to turn a boring homework assignment into a creative
7. After he got glasses, Benjamin's math grades improved
significantly. He discovered he had an imagination when he started
reading books. An imagination is important to have because it can
help you think creatively and solve problems.
8. Benjamin's mother replied that he could be a missionary doctor if
he wanted to be.
9. Benjamin's mother was 13 when she got married and lived in rural
Tennessee before she was married.
10. Benjamin's mother supports her family by working as a domestic
servant. It is not necessarily mean for her to keep her children inside
until they learn their times tables because education is important.
11. Benjamin's mother found a letter from a previous employer in her
suitcase. Benjamin is a man of his word, which is important because it
shows that he is trustworthy.
12. Benjamin's hard work paid off when he was accepted into Yale
13. After cleaning a rich, educated gentleman's house, Ben's mother
came home and asked her boys to start reading books in their "spare"
14. Benjamin was able to improve his spelling tests by reading books
and looking up words he didn't know in the dictionary.
15. The black (obsidian) rock that Benjamin found was significant
because it was a reminder to him to stay humble and grounded.
16. The teacher responds with "Someone unlocked the door for you a
long time ago. Do you know who that was?" The teacher is referring
to God.
17. The television programs that the Carson boys watched changed
over time because their mother only allowed them to watch three
programs a week.
18. Benjamin Carson's achievement in 8th grade was undermined
because his classmates accused him of cheating.
19. When confronted with information he didn't know anything
about, like music and art, Benjamin studied and practiced until he
became knowledgeable.
20. Benjamin's mother said he was "talking smart but acting stupid"
because he was not doing his schoolwork.
21. Benjamin could have ruined his entire life by stabbing a friend. His
friend's belt buckle stopped the knife.
22. Benjamin managed his anger problem by praying and reading the
23. The medical school professor is saying that becoming a
neurosurgeon requires a gift of incredible hand eye coordination.
24. Benjamin overcame his studying obstacle at Yale by using a study
technique called "chunking."
25. Benjamin was accepted to John Hopkins because he was one of
the top students in his class.
26. Benjamin experienced racism as a new intern when a patient
refused to be treated by him because he was black. He overcame this
barrier by proving himself to be a skilled and competent doctor.
27. Yes, it is important for doctors and friends to take proper action in
critical situations.
28. Benjamin was able to go back to work after his wife suffered a
miscarriage because he found solace in his work and it helped him
cope with his grief. It was the right decision for him at the time.
29. Benjamin is drawn to playing pool because it requires strategy
and focus. I like to focus my attention by reading books.
30. Benjamin Carson figured out a solution to the bleeding out of the
twins by creating a plan with his team to separate the blood vessels
that were connecting the twins.
31. The result of the surgery was that the twins were successfully
separated and both survived.
32. The most important lesson from this movie is that hard work,
determination, and faith can help you overcome obstacles and
achieve your dreams.
33. I believe that the movie "Gifted Hands" to inspire me to work
hard and persevere in pursuing my goals, just like my teacher.

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