Present Simple Vs Cont

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Non–action verbs (or stative verbs) cannot be used in present continuous. They must be used
in present simple. The most frequent are the verbs of the senses (hear, see, smell, look, seem,
sound), verbs of opinion (believe, consider, like, love, hate, prefer, think, etc.) verbs
of possession (have, own, belong, etc.). Other common non-action verbs are: agree, be,
depend, need, mean, remember, realise, recognise, seem, want, etc.
 Please, give me my money; I need it now.
 Look at her; she seems sad.
Some verbs have an action and a non-action meaning; for example, have or think:
 I have a car (=possession) / I’m having a siesta (=action)
 I think he is great (=opinion) / What are you thinking? (=action)
The verb see also has a dynamic and a stative meaning.
 I‘m seeing the doctor tomorrow at 9. (see= ‘have an appointment’)
 What do you see in this picture? (see= ‘see with your eyes’)

1. What is he doing? He at his desk. (sit)

2. Listen, someone at the door. (knock)

3. On my way home I usually to drink a cup of coffee. (stop)

4. Architects plans of the buildings. (make)

5. Look at Betty: she the piano. (play)

6. At this moment I my pupils' exercises. (correct)

7. Where are you? I my lessons in the study. (prepare)

8. She a lot of money. (earn)

9. Chris near the table. (stand)

10. We often tea for breakfast. (take)

11. William to our workshop on Mondays. (come)

12. Let's wait a moment still. Tom soon. (come)

13. I must run home, mother for me. (wait)

14. The telephone often during supper. (ring)

15. Stephen a cigarette now. (smoke)

16. It hard at the moment. (snow)

17. I always to my office early. (go)

18. Two and two four. (make)

19. What are you doing here? I for my book. (look)

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