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National VLTD Backend System.

AIS-140/BIS 16833 Device Activation Slip

(In Compliance to CMVR 125 H)

Activation Details
Activation NO : 406318 Activation Date : 05-Nov-2022

Next Renewal Date : 04-Nov-2023 Renew Date : NA

Vehicle Details
Vehicle NO : JK08C2329 Chassis NO : MAT448050B0J15888

Permit Holder Name : GURBAKSH SINGH Permit Holder No : 9906369437

VLT Device Details

Manufacturer Name : ITRIANGLE INFOTECH Manufacturer Code : ITR1

Model Name : aQuila Bharat101 with IRNSS Devcie Sr. No : ITR1B1I012208022887

IMEI No : 358250330507053 ICCID NO : 8991102205594258802

Validity Details
Sim Validity : 19-Nov-2023 VLTD Backend System Validity : 05-Nov-

NOTE : It is a system generated receipt does not require any signature.

The activation receipt is only valid for the permit holder, device.

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