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1. When does the story begin?

April 4, 1948.

2. What kind of day is it?

Its was a bright cold day in April.

3. How have the clocks been changed?

Military time.

4. Who is the first character introduced?

Wiston Smith.

5. Where does he live?

Victory mansions.

6. Describe the place (details: smells, conditions)

Smell of old rags, cabbage. Poorly built in disrepair.

7. What is the large poster?

Big brother.

8. Why doesn’t Winston take the lift?

Doesnt work.

9. Why is it difficult for Winston to climb the stairs?

Varicose Ulcer on leg

10. What is the caption beneath the large poster on the wall?

Big Brother is Watching You (INGSOC).

11. Where does the “fruity” voice come from?


12. Why can’t the telescreen be completely shut off?


13. How does the telescreen differ from our television?

It receives and transmits.

14. Describe Winston (Be specific)

39, frail, blue overalls (party Uniform)

fair hair, course skin, ruddy face

15. What is the word on the flapping poster?


16. What police bother Winston?

Thought Police.

17. What city and country does Winston live in?

London (AIRSTRIP ONE), Oceania.

18. Can Winston recall the city of his childhood?


19. What can Winston see from his window?

The ministry of truth.

20. What are the 3 slogans of the party etched on Miniture?

War is peace, Freedom is slavery, ignorance is strenght.

21. How many buildings like these can Winston see from his window? What are

4 ministries of truth, peace, love, and plenty.

22. Which is the most frightening? Why?

Love of Miniluv (Ministry of love).

23. Does Winston have any food?

Old dark bread.

24. What does he drink?

Victory Cin.

25. What does he smoke?

Victory Cigs.

26. Where does he sit to write and why?

Alcove, hidden from Telescreen.

PART 1: Chapter 2

1. What does Winston realize he has done with his diary?

Left it open with words, “down big brother” visible.

2. Who is at the door?

Mrs. Pansons.

3. Are the Victory Apartments well built? Explain.

Built in 1930’s, now falling apart.

4. How is the Parson’s flat (apartment) different from Winston’s?

Bigger and dingier in a different way/sports/stuff/smells.

5. Why are the children disappointed?

They haven’t been out today.

6. Who is Parsons? Describe him.

Also works at the ministry of truth “a mass of imbecile enthusiasm”

7. How are Parsons’s children similar to all kids today?

Energy, playing soldier, imitating adults without thought.

8. For what are the children of 1984 being trained?

War/spying/finding traitors/being loyal to party.

9. Who does Winston think says, “We shall meet in the place where there is no

O’brien: an inner party member.

10. What is the bad news on the telescreen?

After mentioning glorious victory, chocolate ration being cut from 20 to 30


11. What does Winston say is the only thing people can call their own?

The few cubir centimeters inside your head.

12. Before Winston leaves for work, what is the essence of what he writes in his

He is already dead. He must stay alive as long as possible. He wants to stay

sane and different.

13. What ordinary thing does he do to himself before he goes back to work?

Washes his hands because an ink stain could give him away.
14. What does he put on the corner of the cover of his diary before he leaves?

A whitish grain of dust to see if the page is turned.

PART1: _Chapter 3

1. What does Winston think happened to his mother and father?

Must have evidently been swallowed up in one of the first great purges of the

2. Why does Winston think his mother and father had to die?

So he could stay alive.

3. What change has there been in emotion since Winston’s mother died?

Seems like death is no longer tragic or sorrowful. Part of daily life

4. In Winston’s dream, when the girl throws off all her clothes in one graceful
motion, what is it that most captures his interest? (It is not her nudity!!)

That one act seems to annihilate a whole cultural system of thought:

BB/Thought Police/PartyOf.

5. Why does Winston sleep without night clothes?

His meager clothing allowance equals 5 changes per year

6. What does Winston do after his coughing fit?

physical jerks. Mandatory exercise.

7. What can Winston remember of his early life?

History is fading/ no historical record/ Names of countries different:
England/Britain/London. Atomic Bomb

8. What does Winston remember about the beginning of the war?

A-Bomb/ Street fighting in London

9. What country is Oceania at war with at this time?

At war with Eurasia and allied with Eastasia. Enemy of moment is always an
absolute evil.

10. Why is the Past to be wiped away?

Party Slogan: Who controls the Past controls the future; who controls the present
controls the past.

11. What is Winston’s decision about the past?

The past has not merely been altered but completely destroyed

12. How long has Big Brother (BB) existed in the Party histories?

He has been pushed back in history to 30's and 40's.

13. When does Winston first believe he heard the word “INGSOC”?

Not before 1960

14. How is Winston reprimanded and why?

Telescreen yells, "Smith 6079. Do better."

16. How does the instructor encourage her audience to touch their toes?

Reminds them of comrades fighting on Malabar front

PART 1: Chapter 4

1. What is Winston’s job?

Rewrites history at the Ministry of Truth p34-35

2. What happens when all corrections are made in The Times?

38 After corrections, original copies destroyed and corrected copies replace


3. Is this process of correction used in other media (newspapers, magazines,


Used for all books, lit, music, photos, cartoons- every kind of lit. or
documentation that might have pol. or ideological significance.

4. What are some of the jobs of the Ministry of Truth other than the Records

One branch simply collected and destyoyed all documents that have been
superceded and due for destruction. P 38 A woman who tracked down and
deleted names of people who were vaporized and therefore never considered to
have existed at all. Studios for faking photos.

5. Does Winston enjoy his work?

His greaest pleasure in life was his work.

6. What happens to people who displease the party?

Read about Withers. Most commonly they disappear/never heard from again.

7. How does Winston decide to fulfill his assignment in regard to BB’s speech?

He creates Comrade Olgilvy to take the place of a vaporized person.

PART 1: Chapter 5

1. Describe the canteen (cafeteria)?

low-ceiling, deep underground, noisy, smelled of sour stew and gin

2. Who is Syme?
comrade, almost a friend, works in research dept-a philologist and expert on
newspeak, working on 11th edition of dictionary

3. What does he want from Winston?

Razor blades.

4. What does Syme work on?

working on newspeak dictionary

5. What is his remark about the language?

It is a beautiful thing the destruction on words.

Cutting language down to the bone.

6. Of what does Syme accuse Winston?

that he does not appreciate newspeak. he thinks in oldspeak

7. What does Syme say the whole purpose of Newspeak is?

That he doesn't appreciate Newspeak. He thinks in Oldspeak

8. Describe Parsons (p. 49)

A tubby, middle-sized man w/ frog face.

Ideal Party man. Sweaty, illiterate.

9. What does Parsons want from Winston?

Money for "voluntary subscriptions" (25% of Party salary) for flags for Victory

10. What is Parsons’s attitude towards his sweet children, especially his

Seems both proud and afraid of his kids (Spies) vigilance. Daughter turns in a
man after following him.
11. What makes Winston think he has an ancestral memory?

The innate feeling things were once different. That he is being cheated

12. What is the “ideal” type as described by the Party? Remind you of anything?

Tall muscular youths and deep bosomed women, blond and carefree (Like who?)

13. What are most of the people like (as described by Winston)?

Airstripone: Beetle-like Ministry members: dumpy little men grown fat early in

14. Who is Winston afraid of and why?

The dark-haired girl was staring at him from across the hall- face crime

Chapter 6

1. According to the Party, what is the only purpose of marriage?

Only recognized purpose was to beget children for service to party

2. Why have Katherine and Winston separated?

After only 15 months his dread at having unpleasant, mechanical sex.

Chastity was deeply ingrained in women as a sign of party loyalty.

PART ONE: Chapter 7.

1. According to Winston, where does the only hope lie?

Winston thinks that hope lies with the proles because they make up the majority of
Oceania's population and are the only group that could summon enough force to
overthrow the Party.
2. How many proles are there?

Paradox of Proles" 85% of population- like Proletariat in USSR

3. What is the Party’s attitude towards the proles?

laimed to have liberated them from bondage of capitalists/(Doublethink) Like animals,

must be subjected (means controlled) - inferior to Party

4. Is there any attempt to convert the proles to Party ideology?

was not desirable for them to have political feelings

5. What does Winston think are the only characteristics of Party life?

Not its cruelty and insecurity, but simply its barrenness, it stinginess, its listlessness. The
reality was p. 64 decaying cities etc.

6. Does the Party admit these equalities?


7. What happened to the leaders of the revolution by 1960?

By 1970 all other leaders but BB are wiped out- last were Jones, Rutherford, and
Aaronson at Chestnut tree café.

8. What is the significance of the photo showing three men at the social function
in New York?

It was proof their confessions were lies- concrete evidence. He destroyed it (10-11 years
ago). Today, he would have kept it.

9. For whom does Winston think he is writing his diary?


10. What does Winston decide?

They (Party) was wrong and he was right). Freedom is the freedom to say 2 +2 =4. If
that is granted , all else will follow.
What is a steamer?
A Rocket bomb landing in the prole section.

Who warns W?
p. 73 A prole walking by. They seem to have an instinct for missiles which implies
this happens a lot.

How does the Party fool the people with the lottery?
Since there is no real communication in Oceania (except Party), fictional people
in remote locations won large payouts- only small sums were actually paid out.

Why can’t the old man get a pint?

p. 74-75. Word “Pint” has been erased (Old Speak). Now ½ liter.

Does W get any important information concerning the Past from the old man?
No. p. 78-9. His memory was a rubbish heap of details. READ p. 79

6.Where does W eventually find himself?

Junkshop where he bought pen and notebook.

Does the proprietor recognize W?

Yes- as the man who bought the diary

What does W find to buy?

Glass paper weight w/ pink coral

Why does he buy it?

p. 81 “Belonged to a different age

What else does the old man show him?

Upstairs room where his wife lived

Is W attracted to the room?

82 Room awakened ancestral memory/ Nostalgia (he felt at home there)
What doesn’t the room have?

What picture does W recognize?

83 Court of Laws. Place of Justice.

What is the proprietor’s real name?

Mr. Charringtom. (Widowed aged 63)

Has W ever heard the church bells ringing?


Does W intend to come back to the shop?

In about a month- despite the danger

Whom does W see as he leaves the shop?

p. 85 Julia- the dark haired girl from Fiction department

Why is W worried?
She must be spying on him. Amateur spy or Thought Police.

What words does he read on the coin?

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

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