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an1re020 Wayback Machine (ntpviwww brinaspatinet” [Be] SEP DEC MAR ® ® <02> 2000 2001 2003 8 o 375 captures sit HOUSE: Children, virtuous deeds of the father, king, minister, good character, sculpture, mind, education, pregnancy, discretion, umbrella, listening to or spreading good stories, auspicious documents or parchments, clothes, employing great prayogas or mantras for achieving varied desired ends, paternal property, foresightedness, wealth and prosperity acquired through the wife or her relatives, affairs with courtesans or loose women, profundity or seriousness, firmness, secrets, humility, good reporting of news, welfare, friendship, composition of Kavyas and Prabandhas (minor epic narratives), undertaking some good work, stomach, Mantra, Upasana or worship with penance, splendour which is graceful and pleasing, distributing food, discrimination between virtue and vice, performing japa of mantras, wisdom, deep thought, means of earning money, having the instrumental music of mridanga (clay drum) and the like that give delight, scholarship in literature, and acquisition of the hereditary post of a minister. sth HOUSE: Diseases, obstacles, fighting in war, maternal uncle, phlegm, tumour, cruel or fierce activities, madness, smallpox, foes or enmity, miserliness, ill health, venereal boils, boiled rice, heavy breathing, debts, slanders, delight of the foes, tuberculosis, healed constitution, wounds, mental agony or worry, many intense worries, hated by many, frequent diseases of the eyes, receiving alms, untimely food, fall or loss or destruction brought about by foes who are collaterals, profits, wearisomeness, poison, peptic or duodenal ulcer, fetters, protecting one’s own fame, urinary ailment, dysentery, six flavours, reproach, sorrows from servants and thef?, imprisonment, quarrels from brothers and others. 74 HOUSE: marriage, loose sex life, victory in love or passion, hatred of a loose woman, deviation from the right or proper path, having perfumes, music and flowers, delicious food, drinks and the like, chewing betel leaves, break in travels, curd, loss of memory, possessing clothes and the like, semen, husband’s or wife’s purity, a pair of wives, generative organ, urinary track, anus, commerce or trade, milk, sweet or pleasant mansion, food with cereals and ghee, charities, valour, destruction of enemies, victory, acquisition of money that is kept in a different or distant place, arguments, sexual union, adopted son, preparations with ghee, own place, foreign or distant place, wife (or husband), all secret sex affairs, and theft. 8! HOUSE: Longevity, happiness, disgrace or defeat, money coming from the death of someone as in insurance or as in the case of dead distant relative, afflicted face, worry about or arising from death, absence of quarrels, sorrow from an ailment of meha, worries arising from brother, enemy, wife or husband, The fortress of the enemy, misery or worry, idleness, fear of punishment from the government, loss of money, debts, receiving the money of others out of ignorance, long awaited money, hitpssweb archive.orgweb/200112021837 1hitpwnmw.brinaspati nol wu

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