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Third harmonic generation in air ambient

and laser ablated carbon plasma

Cite as: Phys. Plasmas 22, 123302 (2015);
Submitted: 30 September 2015 • Accepted: 25 November 2015 • Published Online: 11 December 2015

Ravi Pratap Singh, Shyam L. Gupta and Raj K. Thareja


Third-harmonic generation in optical breakdown of a monatomic gas by an intense laser field

Physics of Plasmas 24, 063110 (2017);

Study of second and third harmonic generation from an indium tin oxide nanolayer: Influence
of nonlocal effects and hot electrons
APL Photonics 5, 010801 (2020);

Low-order harmonic generation in metal ablation plasmas in nanosecond and picosecond

laser regimes
Journal of Applied Physics 111, 043111 (2012);

Phys. Plasmas 22, 123302 (2015); 22, 123302

© 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.

PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 22, 123302 (2015)

Third harmonic generation in air ambient and laser ablated carbon plasma
Ravi Pratap Singh,a) Shyam L. Gupta, and Raj K. Thareja
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016, India
(Received 30 September 2015; accepted 25 November 2015; published online 11 December 2015)
We report the third harmonic generation of a nanosecond laser pulse (1.06 lm) in air ambient and
in the presence of nanoparticles from laser ablated carbon plasma. Significant decrease in the
threshold of third harmonic generation and multi-fold increment in the intensity of generated third
harmonic is observed in presence of carbon plasma. The third harmonic in air is due to the quasi-
resonant four photon process involving vibrationally excited states of molecular ion of nitrogen
due to electron impact ionization and laser pulse. Following optical emission spectroscopic obser-
vations we conclude that the presence of C2 and CN in the ablated plume play a vital role in the
C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
observed third harmonic signals. V

I. INTRODUCTION depending upon material properties and the intensity of laser

pulse. Recent work of Lopez-Arias et al.17 for low order har-
Laser produced plasmas are being extensively studied
monic generation using nanosecond and picoseconds laser
because of their wide range of scientific and technological
pulses also shows that efficient harmonic generation at opti-
applications ranging from the fabrication of thin films, labo-
mum delay between ablating and driving pulses depends on
ratory models of astrophysical plasma, as a source of highly
the thermo-physical properties of target material and laser
charged ions and XUV radiation, nanoparticle formation,
pulse width.
analysis of soils and hazardous materials, and harmonic gen-
Recently, there has been renewed interest in the applica-
eration.1–5 Several successful attempts have been made by
tion of plasma as a nonlinear medium because ions, molecules,
various research laboratories to generate harmonics using
and nanoparticle/clusters present in plasma have higher ioniza-
various nonlinear media, including birefringent crystals,
tion potential and/or increased polarizability that contribute to
noble gases, and ionized metal vapour. The efforts are in pro-
harmonic generation.5,18 Finite size and surfaces of nanopar-
gress to discover the new processes that can enhance the har-
ticles/clusters introduce the anharmonicity that in-turn results
monic efficiency, generation of high order harmonics, and
in a size-dependent susceptibility.19 The response of constitu-
to increase the conversion efficiency of preferred harmon-
ents in the presence of E-field of laser pulse leads to the polar-
ics.5–11 The first experiment for generation of optical har- ization of the medium which can be expressed as P ¼ e0 ðvðxÞ E
monics was reported in 1961 by Franken et al.7 who þ vð2xÞ E2 þ vð3xÞ E3 þ :::Þ. Under the influence of weak laser
produced the second harmonic in quartz crystal using a ruby field the charge distribution of these clusters get weakly per-
laser. Later Maker and Terhune10 reported third harmonic turbed and bound electrons contribute towards the lower order
generation (THG) in crystals, glasses, and liquids. Noble harmonic generation. Third harmonic generation, in general,
gases are generally preferred as nonlinear media for high is described by the third-order polarization. The intensity of
order harmonic generation due to their larger ionization generated third harmonic (I(3x)) depends on input laser inten-
potential compared with ordinary gases and also they are sity of fundamental (I(x)), third ordered nonlinear susceptibil-
free from optical damage problem; however, availability of ity (v(3x)(3x)), the number of contributors (N), and the phase
limited noble gases and generation of only odd harmonics matching function (F) as Ið3xÞ / ðNvð3xÞ ð3xÞÞ2 I3 ðxÞF.20
due to symmetry imposes constraints. The recent reports on The thrust of experimental and theoretical study in this area
remote atmospheric sensing have shown that availability of of research is to understand the laser interaction with plume
UV laser in ambient air could revolutionize the field.12 The constituents and to relate it to their macroscopic nonlinear
lasing in air has been shown either by femtosecond laser fila- response. In this report, we have presented detailed study of
mentation or by electrons impact excitation of neutral nitro- the third harmonic (TH) generation in air and carbon plasma
gen molecules in air in the ultraviolet regime. Nonlinear using nanosecond laser pulses of 1.06 lm and attempted to cor-
wavelength conversion in air has also been discussed as a relate the contribution of plasma species, in particular, nano-
potential source of air lasing.13–16 particles/clusters, to the enhancement of third harmonic
A laser ablated plasma plume is a complex mixture of generation efficiency.
atoms, electrons, neutrals, ions, nanoparticles/clusters, and
molecules. It has been reported that the harmonic generation II. EXPERIMENTAL
is sensitive to the plume constituents and harmonics can be
generated in the plasma through various possible processes A schematic of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1.
The carbon plasma was produced inside the plasma chamber
Author to whom the correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: by irradiating the graphite target in air ambient at atmospheric pressure with 8 ns pulses of 1064 nm from Nd:YAG laser

1070-664X/2015/22(12)/123302/5/$30.00 22, 123302-1 C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

123302-2 Singh, Gupta, and Thareja Phys. Plasmas 22, 123302 (2015)

impurities present in the gas.2 The atmospheric air is pre-

dominantly nitrogen. Since the ionization potential of N2
(15.6 eV) is much larger than the single photon energy
(1.15 eV) of the fundamental wavelength (1.06 lm) of
Nd:YAG laser, the air breakdown can be achieved either by
multi-photon or cascade breakdown process. For the multi-
photon ionization to dominate, Ps < 107 Torr-s; where P is
ambient pressure and s is the laser pulse width.21 For our
study, P ¼ 760 Torr and s ¼ 8 ns that leads to Ps ¼ 6.18
 106 > 107 Torr-s. This implies that the cascade ioniza-
tion predominates the observed air breakdown. We observed
a threshold of 110 mJ/pulse for air breakdown, consistent
FIG. 1. Experimental set up for the study of third harmonic generation with the literature.22 To see the third harmonic signal gener-
(THG). ated in the air breakdown, 355 nm reflecting mirror was used
along the propagation direction of probe beam to reflect TH
system (Indi series from Spectra Physics). The radiation was towards an optical fiber coupled with spectrograph for detec-
focussed to a spot size of 300 lm using a focussing lens of tion. The energy of the probe beam was varied from 10 mJ to
40 cm. In order to avoid the possible erosion of the target, the 500 mJ and no pump was used. We did not observe the third
target holder was continuously rotated using a stepper motor. harmonic of 1064 nm laser pulse in air for energies below its
Another Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm wavelength breakdown threshold and thus conclude that only excited
and of 8 ns pulse width (Spectra Physics Lab-190) was used molecular nitrogen contribute towards the third harmonic
as a probe beam. The energy of the probe beam was varied by processes. However, with increase in probe laser pulse
using a beam attenuator (Topag; DA 10-1064). The probe energy (>110 mJ) the third harmonic signal is observed that
beam was focussed using a focussing lens of 30 cm at 1 mm increases with energy of the probe beam and follows the
distance from the target surface in a direction parallel to the cubic dependence,23 Ið3xÞ / I3 ðxÞ on the laser pulse energy
target surface. The delay in probe beam with respect to pump up to 300 mJ (Fig. 2). This confirms the non-linear character
beam was controlled using a delay generator (Stanford of the emissions at third harmonic of 1064 nm laser pulse.
Research System, DG535). The delay between the pump and However, with further increase in laser pulse energy above
probe beams is monitored on an oscilloscope using two identi- 300 mJ, the TH signal does not increase, which can be attrib-
cal fast photodiodes placed at equal optical distances from the uted to a combination of effects like medium heating
target and illuminated by the part of pump and probe beam. In induced by self focusing/defocusing of the laser beam, etc.24
order to separate out the fundamental wavelength from the The optical emission spectra in the direction normal to
TH, we have used a combination of IR and UV reflecting mir- the probe beam propagation direction do not show any signa-
rors. The filtered TH is then detected using a fiber coupled ture of 355 nm. The observation of TH signal only along the
spectrograph (Andor Shamrock SR 303i) attached to an exter- probe beam direction indicates its generation due to the non-
nally triggered gated intensified charge-coupled device linear processes taking place along the beam direction. The
(ICCD) (ICCD, DH-720, ANDOR Technology, USA) whose possible explanation of TH generated in air is the quasi-
gate opening is synchronized with the probe beam. For spec- resonant four photon process taking place from vibrationally
troscopic observations a 12 00 l/mm grating and 100 lm slit, excited states of molecular ion of nitrogen. The electrons
which yields spectral resolution of 0.1 nm was used. To absorb laser energy through inverse bremsstrahlung (IB)
identify the plasma species, we have recorded the optical
emission spectra of plasma in presence and absence of probe
beam by imaging (1:1) the plasma plume using a quartz lens
of 10 cm onto the input of an optical fiber coupled ICCD spec-
trograph (same as used for recording the TH signal). The opti-
cal emissions of plasma were recorded perpendicular to the
probe beam direction under similar experimental conditions
as used for third harmonic generation.


When the laser is focussed in gases and its intensity in
the focal region exceeds gas breakdown threshold, the elec-
trical breakdown of gases takes place and a luminous spark
associated with this breakdown is observed in the focussed
region. This spark is due to the visible emissions of electron-
ically excited/ionized atoms/molecules of the gases. The
FIG. 2. Variation of peak intensity of third harmonic TH with respect to
breakdown threshold of a gas strongly depends on the laser probe pulse energy in air (without carbon plasma) at 103 mbar. Inset shows
wavelength, pulse-width, intensity, focal spot, and dust or the cubic fit for TH up to 300 mJ.
123302-3 Singh, Gupta, and Thareja Phys. Plasmas 22, 123302 (2015)

FIG. 3. Variation of TH of probe pulse

(90 mJ) in presence of carbon plasma
(at 100 mJ pump pulse) with respect to
delay between pump and probe pulse.

absorption and if the energy gained by the electrons is suffi- clusters towards THG. The presence of these clusters/nano-
cient, they can impact ionize the N2 through the following particles in the medium is supported by the scanning electron
reaction23 microscopic (SEM) images of the deposition on the target
! ! (discussed later in the text). In order to investigate the contri-
þ Xþ
bution of nanoparticles/clusters further, we varied the probe
e þ N2 X 1
! N2 X 2
þ 2e : (1)
g g
pulse energy in the carbon plasma at 1.5 ls delay with
respect to ablation event (Fig. 4). We observed lower thresh-
Since the air plasma species after excitation move towards old of THG in presence of carbon plasma (30 mJ) as com-
the laser beam due to its recoil momentum, there pared with air only (110 mJ; Fig. 2). Observation of TH for
is probability of interaction of molecular ion with the energies much lower (25%) than the air breakdown thresh-
remaining part of the laser pulse. During this process, the old and 4-fold increase in the maximum output TH intensity
molecular nitrogen ions get excited to the higher vibrational indicate significant contributions from carbon plasma con-
P stituents. We observed the conversion efficiency of 104 in
N2þ ðB2 þ Þ levels which subsequently decay to the state
Pu presence of the carbon plasma plume. Third harmonic gener-
N2þ ðX2 þg Þ by emitting photons of energy (3h)
ated in carbon plasma follows the cubic dependence up to
! ! 200 mJ; however, after that up to 400 mJ it increases slowly
þ X
N2þ B2
 3h ! N2þ X 2
: (2) with probe energy and with further increase in probe energy
u g it shows a decrease in third harmonic intensity (Fig. 4). In
order to correlate the effect of probe energy variation on
With the increase in probe energy the density of N2þ and TH third harmonic and plume species, we recorded the optical
signal intensity increase initially. However, the relative pop- emission spectroscopy (OES) of carbon plasma in presence
ulation of NII emissions starts dominating over N2þ species and absence of probe pulse. The optical emission in the
and a decrease in the intensity of generated third harmonic direction normal to the carbon plasma expansion was imaged
signal is observed at larger probe beam energy. This con- on to the optical fiber-spectrograph arrangement. Figure 5
firms the contributions of N2þ species toward THG. shows optical emission from carbon plasma for different
In order to study the contribution of the laser ablated probe beam energy at fixed pump energy used for carbon
carbon plasma towards the THG, we ablated the graphite tar- ablation of 100 mJ. Plasma emissions corresponding to NII
get using 100 mJ of the pump pulse and passed the probe (399.5 nm and 566.7 nm), NIII (400.4 nm), and CII (392 nm
pulse parallel to and 1 mm away from the target surface at
different delays with respect to pump pulse. Figure 3 shows
that TH signal intensity observed at 90 mJ of probe pulse first
increases, attains maximum 1.5 ls and then slowly decays
with time, showing its presence up to 500 ls. In our previous
study, we have observed that carbon plasma is predominately
populated by C2 and CN species 1.5 ls under similar ex-
perimental conditions.25 The molecular emissions and the
TH signal follow; both peak at 1.5 ls and then decrease.
This indicates that these species might be contributing
towards the THG at earlier temporal delays. The laser pro-
duced plasmas are well documented to have abundance of
nanoparicles/clusters of respective target material at longer
temporal delays.26–28 These nanoparticles/clusters are
formed due to recombination of molecular species and arrive
late in the interaction zone. Thus, the plateau and the
FIG. 4. Variation in TH signal in presence of carbon plasma (at constant
decrease of TH intensity at longer temporal delays may be pump pulse energy of 100 mJ) with respect to probe pulse energy at 1.5 ls
attributed to the contributions from carbon nanoparticles/ delay between pump and probe pulse.
123302-4 Singh, Gupta, and Thareja Phys. Plasmas 22, 123302 (2015)

FIG. 5. OES of carbon plasma in dif-

ferent spectral range at 1.5 ls delay
with respect to pump beam (100 mJ) at
varying probe pulse energy; 90 mJ
(red), 115 mJ (blue), 215 mJ (dark
cyan), 300 mJ (magenta), 400 mJ (dark
yellow), 570 mJ (navy), and no probe

426.7 nm, and 657.8 nm) start appearing along with the C2 and the emission from C2 and CN decreases. Therefore, over-
(d3 pg ! a3 pu ) band system corresponding to Dv ¼ 1, 0, and all molecular density increases slowly with probe energy,
1 and CN band (B2Rþ  X2Rþ) corresponding to Dv ¼ 0, resulting in increase in third harmonic intensity up to 400 mJ
1 at lower probe energy. (Fig. 4). At probe energies greater that 400 mJ/pulse, the mo-
For probe energy less than 200 mJ/pulse, the emission lecular bands disappear and optical emission spectra is domi-
from C2 and CN predominate the emission spectra. However, nated by ionic lines.25 This implies a large concentration of
increasing the probe energy beyond 200 mJ we observe the electrons and ionic species compared with C2 and CN in the
lines corresponding to ionized nitrogen (nitrogen breakdown) interaction zone of plasma, resulting in decrease of TH inten-
and carbon excited species (CII at 426.7 and CII at 657.8 nm) sity for probe energy greater than 400 mJ.

FIG. 6. (a) TH signal at different pump

pulse energies at constant probe pulse
energy (90 mJ) at 103 mbar. Inset shows
the variation of the peak intensity of TH
signal with respect to probe pulse energy
at constant probe pulse energy (90 mJ).
(b) The scanning electron micrograph
showing the back deposited nanopar-
ticles on the ablated target with 100 mJ
pump pulse in air ambient at 103 mbar.
123302-5 Singh, Gupta, and Thareja Phys. Plasmas 22, 123302 (2015)

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