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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

I. Learning Objectives
After going through the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Define the four types of sentences, namely: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and
exclamatory sentences;
B. Appreciate the types of sentence in everyday communication through ?, and
C. Construct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Four Types of sentences and it's function
B. References: https://www.englishclub/images/grammar/4 sentence-type.png
C. Materials: Pictures, and Instructional aid
D. Values Infusion: Develop appreciation to everyday communication
III. Procedures
Preliminary Activities
A. Greetings
B. Prayer
C. Attendance
D. Classroom check-up
E. Review/Recall of the previous lesson/topic
Lesson Proper
A. Activities
A.1. Motivation
The teacher will asks learners to formulate sentences about their experiences in new
normal ways of teaching and learning.

B. Analysis
Class, are you familiar with the Four types of sentences and its Function?
Four Types of Sentences and its Function
1. Declarative Sentence- simply makes a statementor expresses an opinion. In other words, it
makes declaration. This kind of sentence ends with a period (.).
" I want to be a good teacher." (makes a statement)
" My friend is really good at teaching." (expresses an opinion)
2. Interrogative Sentence- asks a question. This type of sentence often begins with who, what,
when, where, why, how, and/or do. It ends with a question mark (?).
" How's your study?"
" Do you know what the weather will be tomorrow?"
3. Imperative Sentence- gives a command or makes a request. It's usually ends with period (.),
but can under certain circumstances, ends with an exclamation point.
" Please sit down."
" I need you to sit down now!"
4. Exclamatory Sentence- is a sentence that expresses great emotions such as excitement,
surprise, happiness, and anger. It ends with an exclamation point (!).
"It is too dangerous to climb that mountain!"
"What a big snake!
C. Abstraction
What are the Four Types of Sentences?
What is Declarative sentence?
What is Interrogative sentence?
What is Imperative sentence?
What is Exclamatory sentence?

D. Application
The teacher will group the class into 5 groups. Each group have given specific pictures
about our current situation, and they will formulate atleast 5 sentences about the pictures and
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the type of each sentences. There are no end punctuy on the sentences
because that may give you the answer. Decide by the function of the sentence and mark down the
end punctuation. (2 points each)
1. Pay the bill
2. Jazztine participated in the ml tournament
3. Have you finished your modules
4. Shh, don't make a noise
5. Today is my birthday
V. Assignment
On your notebook, write a short composition about your unforgettable experienced during
pandemic.nclude the types of sentences according to it's function.

Prepared by:
Maricar Bais

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