Functional Composites of Plasmas and Metamaterials - Flexible Waveguides, and Variable Attenuators With Controllable Phase Shift

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Functional composites of plasmas and

metamaterials: Flexible waveguides, and

variable attenuators with controllable phase
Cite as: Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013);
Submitted: 20 November 2012 • Accepted: 24 June 2013 • Published Online: 30 July 2013

Osamu Sakai, Jun Maeda, Takuya Shimomura, et al.


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Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013); 20, 073506

© 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 20, 073506 (2013)

Functional composites of plasmas and metamaterials: Flexible waveguides,

and variable attenuators with controllable phase shifta)
Osamu Sakai,1,b) Jun Maeda,1 Takuya Shimomura,1 and Keiichiro Urabe1,2
Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto-daigaku Katsura, Nishikyo-ku,
Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi,
Chiba 277-8561, Japan
(Received 20 November 2012; accepted 24 June 2013; published online 30 July 2013)
Numerical predictions and experimental results in this study verify that plasmas with negative
permittivity work as functional media for electromagnetic waves and that their composites with
metallic metamaterials show further extraordinary properties. Chain structures of individual plasmas
with negative permittivity, forming a straight line and a L-shaped bent line, serve flexible
waveguides via coupling structures of localized surface waves standing around each plasma. Further
progresses as wave controllers are achievable in an array of the composites of plasmas and micro
metallic resonators; functions of phase shifters and attenuators are individually controlled, with
rotation of working points on the complex refractive index plane by varying gas conditions and
permeability modulation. Such proposed sets of flexible combination will lead to advanced scientific
C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. []
products with novel functions. V

I. INTRODUCTION Recently, after the proposal of their concepts,7 metama-

terials8,9 have attracted much attentions to exhibit extraordi-
A plasma with hypothetically infinite size is a kind of
nary features, such as negative refractive index,10 perfect
media for electromagnetic waves, and their dispersion rela-
lens effects,11,12 and cloaking.13 Here, states with negative e
tions in various plasmas have been extensively studied.1–3
are quite important to make N negative, pffiffipffiffiffivia the formalism
Several schemes of plasma production and heating using the
used in the metamaterial area N ¼ e l and with a nega-
waves have been proposed and investigated experimentally
tive-l state, where l is (macroscopic) permeability, and are
and numerically; plasmas for fusion experiments as well as
inevitable for elaborate control of N for cloaking. In an adja-
processing plasmas are controlled using launching antenna
cent scientific area, plasmonics devices14 which are com-
and high-power wave sources. One of the fundamental facts
posed of metals for light control in optics also utilize the
we have learned in microwave plasmas is that microwaves
negative e states, in which surface plasmon polaritons are
cannot usually propagate in an overdense plasma, which has
excited on the metal surfaces. In the area of industrial appli-
a higher electron density ne more than the cutoff density. To
cation of plasma processing, states with negative e are effec-
eliminate this phenomenon for achievement of high-density
plasmas, we have to use external magnetic fields to modify tive for large-area plasma generation by surface waves,
the dispersion relation around the electron plasma frequency leading to relatively high ne ,15,16 and other possibilities can
xpe , at which ne reaches the cutoff density. When we use per- be expected for future wave controllers.
mittivity e and refractive index N for description of wave This report demonstrates such recent progresses of
propagation, the reason why the wave cannot propagate in an wave controllers composed of plasmas and other materials,
overdense plasma is that N is imaginarypsince e is negative, stimulated by the expanding researches of metamaterials.
ffiffi However, although the technique to realize negative-l states
via the equation in the textbook N ¼ e, when the wave
angular frequency x is less than xpe . is introduced from the proposal in the metamaterial area,7
Such a negative e state of plasmas is useful when we use other unique characteristics that have not been observed in
plasmas for control of electromagnetic waves. Here, the that area are found and shown here. So far, after the previous
waves do not necessarily propagate inside a plasma. Several researches of a wave controller on the microstrip line17,18 and
authors reported effects from several viewpoints on such photonic-crystal-like structures,17,19–24 we reported effects of
constituent plasmas as reflectors,4 absorbers,4,5 and anten- negative-e plasmas in theoretical studies on localized surface-
nae6 of electromagnetic waves. In contrast with the other wave modes in chain structures of microplasmas,24–26 and
materials in these devices, parameters of the plasmas are dynamic negative-N materials composed of plasmas and me-
fairly flexible to be adjusted, and its existence itself is con- tallic resonators.27,28 The entire area of our researches is sum-
trollable. Due to the limitation of available ne in the devices, marized as “plasma metamaterials.”29
the frequency of the target waves is up to THz waves so far, In this report, we demonstrate the functional composites
although this limitation can be removed by forth-coming sci- of plasmas and metamaterials, and the focusing point is veri-
entific and technological progresses. fication of features on negative-e plasmas previously pre-
dicted by our studies. The distinguished point from the
Paper PI2 6, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 57, 244 (2012). ordinary metamaterial researches, reported here, is the fact
Invited speaker. of flexible and complex negative e as well as nonlinearity.30

1070-664X/2013/20(7)/073506/9/$30.00 20, 073506-1 C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

073506-2 Sakai et al. Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013)

First, we show numerical and experimental studies of local-

ized surface-wave-mode chains in Sec. II, and experimental
results on dynamic negative-N materials for controllable
phase shifters and attenuators are shown in Sec. III, followed
by the conclusion in Sec. IV.


A. Numerical analysis of propagating localized
surface waves in various patterns of plasmas
When we arrange microplasmas around 1 mm along one
line on one plane, microwaves with its frequency slightly
less than xpe can propagate along this chain strucrture,24,25
similar to localized surface plasmon polaritons.14 Since
microwaves form standing waves around an individual
microplasma in a microscopic point of view, we expect that
the waves can propagate along bent or diverged chains,
changing the direction of its macroscopic wave vector.
First, we performed numerical analysis to confirm these
predictions. The method we used was different from the one
for derivation of dispersion relation in an infinite periodic
structure;24 the finite difference time domain (FDTD)
method for dispersive media in the Drude model was applied FIG. 1. (a) Numerical model of plasma chain structure in straight line with
to study this phenomena, since it can deal with finite and spe- its conceptual view. Profile of ne is in Bessel-function shape with maximum
cific structures. Its formalism was described in our previous value of 1.5  1013 cm3. (b) Calculated profiles of electric field component
report,23 and the essential point is that we introduced one Ex of microwaves at 13.1 GHz in configuration shown in (a). (c) Calculated
profiles of electric field component Ey of microwaves at 13.1 GHz in config-
extra equation for balance of current densities of microwave uration shown in (a).
fluctuations in addition to the Maxwell equations. We inves-
tigated in-plane electric-field modes which have electric
fields parallel to the calculated two-dimensional plane end of the round surface of the first plasma column, another
with perpendicular magnetic fields.21,24,31 We assumed that microplasma column is just in front of them; most of the
microwaves are launched by a micro dipole antenna, which wave energy is coupled to surface waves on the next micro-
is given by a FDTD cell with fixed electric field in the direc- plasma column. From macroscopic points of view, the
tion of the y axis near the plasma column on the edge and exposed Ey near field on the bottom edge of the column
clarifies the coupling point to that plasma; port analysis for chain excites wave propagation along the chain in the y
scattering matrix is not performed. direction. There are very little component of propagating
Figure 1 shows a case of a simple straight chain of (plane) waves excited from the antenna and directly coupled
microplasma columns with microwave launching points and to the plasma columns, because an excited propagating wave
calculated electric fields expressed by their amplitudes. We has a Poynting vector in the x direction. The maximum value
assumed radial distribution of ne in the usual zero-order of ne ð¼1:5  1013 cm3 Þ in the center of the individual
Bessel function J 0 in the model, where it is monotonic with plasma corresponds to the local electron plasma frequency
peaking in the center and boundary condition of ne ¼ 0 on 34 GHz. That is, the excited wave frequency (13.1 GHz) is
the edge. The exposed electric field has an y component Ey well below the cutoff frequency and the wave cannot propa-
with no x component Ex , and this Ey works for a boundary gate inside the bulk region. The value of e reaches 20 to 
condition of the Maxwell equations and a source for near 30 in the center, and that on the region of localized electric
field in the y direction. The calculated results shown in Figs. fields of the surface waves is 0 to  1, which are suitable for
1(b) and 1(c) indicated that electric fields are localized on surface wave propagation on interface between the positive e
the edge of the plasmas, and propagate along the chain struc- layer (outside region) and the negative e layer (inside plasma
ture, as described in the following. Since the excitation point region).
is very close to the first microplasma column, the excited Ey Figure 2 shows wave propagation along an L-shaped
near fields induce surface waves on the round surface of this bent line of the chains. The wave successfully changes its
plasma column, where the surface waves have electric field propagation direction along the plasma chain. Such a bent
components parallel to and perpendicular to a round inter- propagation path is possible since the wave propagates
face between a positive e layer (outside region) and a nega- microscopically along the edge of an individual plasma and
tive e layer (inside plasma region).3,32,33 The surface waves partially jumps to the adjacent plasma through a sneaking
propagate around this surface, changing its propagation component normal to the plasma surface. Note that the
direction and its field components as mixtures of Ey and Ex wavelength of the surface wave is much shorter than propa-
that are symmetrical in magnitude. When they go to the other gating waves in free space due to its resonance property. We
073506-3 Sakai et al. Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013)

Figure 3(a) displays visible emissions from the gener-

ated plasmas, viewed from one end of the capillary; one end
was a mesh electrode to pass the emission light and assure
the flat grounded potential profile. The plasmas were well
confined in each capillary without any leakage, and formed a
straight line composed of seven ignited columns; plasmas
were not generated in other surrounding capillary holes.
Now, two micro monopole antennae, both of which were
directed in the y axis in Fig. 1(a), were set at both ends, and
one was for the launcher of microwaves supplied from a sig-
nal generator (Agilent Technology, 83624B), and the other
was the receiver with a rectifier to monitor the amplitude of
the wave. The launcher antenna is a micro monopole antenna
with the length of 1 mm on a microwave coaxial cable,
which enables us to assure similar plasma-field coupling to
the numerical analysis shown Figs. 1 and 2; it emits a suffi-
cient component of electric near fields in the direction of y
axis. Figure 3(a) also shows a detected signal profile when
the transmitted signal was fairly strong (at 1.51 GHz). Its
profile was quite similar to the electric field distribution at
the end of the chain calculated numerically, as shown in
Fig. 1, for example. If the receiver signals came from the
propagating plane waves in the y direction, we could detect
almost no signals since the launcher and the receiver antenna
mainly had a Ey component, but it was not the case at this
frequency. Surface waves numerically investigated in Figs. 1
and 2 have electric fields of both x and y components,3,32,33
and the detected Ey electric fields are consistent with this
predicted features.
Figure 3(b) shows frequency spectra of the transmitted
waves. Such multiple peaks of the spectrum in “enhancement
factor,” which is defined as the ratio of signals between those
with and without plasmas, were quite similar to the disper-
sion relations predicted previously.24,25,29 That is, spectra
without plasmas indicate microwave propagation through the
dielectric with periodic capillary tubes, and spectrum varia-
FIG. 2. (a) Numerical model of plasma chain structure in bent L-shaped tion found in those with plasmas in comparison with the case
line. Profile of ne is in Bessel-function shape with maximum value of without plasmas reflects microwave propagation along
1.5  1013 cm3. (b) Calculated profiles of electric field component Ex of
microwaves at 13.9 GHz in configuration shown in (a). (c) Calculated pro-
chain-like plasma columns. Among the observed spectra, we
files of electric field component Ey of microwaves at 13.9 GHz in configura- stress here that the spectrum around 1.5 GHz shows a very
tion shown in (a). clear evidence of microwave chain-like propagation, as
described in the following. The spectrum around 1.5 GHz in
the case with plasma generation shows clear enhancement in
previously reported a T-junction of similar plasma chain signals of transmitted waves, whereas the signal is quite low
structures,29 and these facts indicate that such waveguides in the case without plasma generation, although all the dis-
can be designed only with plasma chain structures. played signals in Fig. 3 are more than 10 times larger than
the noise levels; the signals below the maximum noise level
B. Experimental observation of localized surface
(<0.1 in units of the y axis in Fig. 3) are omitted from the
plotted data. On the other hand, other two peaks in the case
To verify the prediction of the numerical results shown with plasma generation above 2 GHz are very close to the
earlier, we performed experiments in the similar situation of peaking signals without plasmas, and confirmation of chain-
the numerical model. We generated columnar plasmas with like propagation is uncertain. This is partly because (plane)
sufficiently long length (36 mm) in capillary-shaped holes waves may propagate in free space in these higher frequen-
in a dielectric cube (Teflon, e  2.1). Using Ar gas at 500 Pa, cies; since we cannot complete ideal settings in all cases,
we generated plasmas by pulsed low frequency waves at especially in high frequency regions, the monopole antenna
370 kHz whose amplitude reached around 0.8 kV. The gas may excite waves with some components of propagation in
pressure we set assures that plasmas generated here are the y direction, and such wave components will obscure sig-
almost collisionless, which means that ReðeÞ varies with nals of chain-like propagation. The intensity variation in the
almost no change of ImðeÞ. frequency spectra above 2 GHz may come from standing
073506-4 Sakai et al. Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013)

waves between the launcher and the receiver antennae. On

the other hand, below 2 GHz, the signals in the cases without
plasmas were so low, which indicates sufficient elimination
of wave propagation in free space. In fact, in this frequency
range, half-wavelength standing waves cannot exist due to
short distance between the antennae (20 mm); most of the
detected signals in the cases without plasmas are expanding
near-field ones. These facts support experimental confirma-
tion of the similar waves predicted in the numerical models
for the spectrum around 1.5 GHz. Another point we can
understand from this data is that ne might be lower than the
cases investigated numerically; possible values of ne would
be the order of 1012 cm3 with the maximum local values of
xpe =2p ¼ 10–20 GHz.
The enhancement factor shown in Fig. 3(b) is not always
effective on quantitative estimation, and it is not equal to
physical amplification rate due to the above mentioned influ-
ences of other signal mixing. However, from this factor, we
can certainly recognize frequency spectra whose widths are
quite small.
For further confirmation of chain-like surface wave
propagation along the plasma chains, we performed monop-
ole antenna measurements of local electric fields in various
patterns of plasma chains. Figure 3(c) represents output sig-
nals of the monopole-antenna receiver located in the center
of each column facing the edge of the region. As shown in
four patterns, significant outputs were detected only when
the antenna was adjacent to the column with an ignited
plasma. These results indicate that detected microwaves
propagated only along the plasma chain, and effects of near
fields directly excited from the launcher and waves propagat-
ing in free space were negligible in our system.
Note that such behaviors of surface wave propagation
on negative-e microplasma chains were not well investigated
before this report. The surface waves localized on individual
plasmas and connected to adjacent plasma(s) along the chain
are different from near fields which are simply explained by
the Poisson’s equation and no sensitive dependence on wave
frequency. Similar wave guiding effects have been reported
as surface plasmon propagation on nano-metallic particle
chains,14,34–38 but they are in the photon range and with dif-
ferent spatial e profiles. Here, we show theoretical predic-
tions on details of the surface waves on plasma chains and
their experimental evidences on localization both in space
and frequency domain, which are only explained by propaga-
tion of such localized surface waves.


FIG. 3. (a) Profile of detected electric field by monopole antenna at end of PLASMAS AND NEGATIVE-l MATERIALS
straight plasma chain structure composed of seven ignited columns.
Microwave at 1.51 GHz was excited at another end using another monopole A. Diagnostics of plasmas inside capillary tubes for
antenna, and Ar gas was stored at 500 Pa. Inset image shows visible emission plasma metamaterials
from columnar plasmas whose length was 36 mm; plasmas were generated by
370 kHz sinusoidal voltages at 700 V. (b) Frequency spectrum of detected As shown in Sec. II, states with negative e are quite useful
microwave electric field in center position in case of (a). “Enhancement for flexible waveguides for microwaves. We also confirmed
factor” was derived as ratio of signals with and without plasma generation. that plasmas generated in capillaries with diameter around
(c) Detected electric fields in various cases of plasma chain structures at
1 mm may have ne  1012 cm3 with xpe =2p  10 GHz. Here
1.5–1.7 GHz. Inset figures with arrows are outputs of rectifier connected to
monopole-antenna receiver, in arbitrary units, and monopoles are in direc- we confirm negative e and ne values by direct and indirect diag-
tions of inset arrows. nostics in different electrodes schemes for further functional
073506-5 Sakai et al. Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013)

structures: composites of gaseous plasmas and solid-state it works well for our DUTs, i.e., with 4  ReðNÞ  4,
metamaterials, whose potential roles are wave controllers 0  ImðNÞ  5, and a dynamic property with the characteris-
which can regulate attenuation and phase shift independently. tic time more than 0.1 ls.
To detect a rapid change of complex-value scattering (S) As usually performed in a network analyzer, a calibra-
parameters, both waves incident into and transmitted from a tion method to minimize error signals is required; the mea-
device under test (DUT) are monitored with good time surement plane at each port of a two-port device is not
response faster than the characteristic time of its dynamic always the reference plane due to connection with series and
properties. Furthermore, since the S parameters are complex parallel floating impedance. We performed this procedure
variables, a detector is required to extract changes of both according to the literature.39,40 Furthermore, another error
their amplitude and phase. Here, we built up a detecting sys- originates from multi reflection on the interface planes at the
tem using microwave devices which can be described in DUT front and end, which is observed as periodic humps
ramp circuit elements. This is similar to a network analyzer, along the frequency axis. This type of errors can be removed
but its time response is enough to trace dynamic changes of through series Fourier and Inversed-Fourier transform proce-
plasma parameters. dure; changing time evolutions to the frequency domain and
Figure 4 shows a microwave circuit designed for this removing fixed error spectra, we obtained pure signals com-
purpose. All of the devices and coaxial cables are applicable ing from the source. The entire procedures were checked out
to microwaves up to 18 GHz. A signal generator (Agilent using devices and waveguides whose properties were well
Technology, 83624B) provides microwaves at frequencies known, and we could confirm that detected signals were suf-
swept gradually, although the frequency was kept constant ficient for physical analysis at frequencies ranging from 2 to
for time-varying DUTs. Incident microwaves are split into a 7 GHz.
probe wave and a reference wave, where the probe wave pro- To prepare for a specific DUT, two spiral wires covered
ceeds to a DUT and the reference wave directly goes to the by insulator layers formed a double-helix structure, which
S21 detector; the reference wave gives the invariant measure leads to series inductance-capacitance resonance, and its
both in amplitude and phase components. A reflected wave array work macroscopically as a negative-permeability mate-
from the DUT is also detected at S11 detector through the rial if it has an external short-cut path and its loss component
directional coupler. is negligibly small.27,28 We note that size of its outer diame-
To detect a wave signal as a complex value, both S11 and ter was 1.4 mm, much smaller than the wavelength of the
S21 signals are filtered in a hybrid divider, in which a wave is microwaves at 7 GHz (43 mm in the free space). The two
split into two waves and one of them suffers phase shift of insulated wires simultaneously worked as an electrode of a
90 ; using the signals in phase and in quadrature phase, we dielectric-barrier discharge. Since they were installed in a
can derive both amplitude and phase components of the glass capillary which held a He or Ne flow, plasmas at ele-
wave. We refer to this technique as In-phase Quadrature- vated gas pressure were generated inside and outside of the
phase (IQ) method in this article. We note that a conventional double-helix structure. These plasmas made e a complex
network analyzer has a processor unit that derives amplitude value whose real part could be negative if ne was so high
and phase of a wave signals;39,40 the unit supports precise that xpe was well beyond x. This array composed of 15 units
measurement for a various DUT, but requires some process- with its length of 30 mm was put on the surface of a coplanar
ing time which makes it difficult to catch up with dynamic waveguide with the length around 60 mm, and here we con-
change of DUT. The experimental results shown later in this sider this coplanar waveguide with the array as a DUT. Both
article cannot verify its applicability for every DUT, although ends of the coplanar waveguide were connected to the micro-
wave circuit shown in Fig. 4 via coaxial connectors; unlike
the cases in Sec. II, we did not use antennae for wave cou-
pling to plasma columns. Detailed installation and configura-
tion of the DUT is shown in Fig. 5. Since the array of the
metamaterial was coupled with electric and magnetic fields
of the propagating microwaves on the coplanar waveguide,
the electric fields are approximately parallel to the glass
capillaries;27,40 we note that, although the direction of the
electric fields and induced wave modes are different from
the cases in Sec. II, we can confirm negative e effects in dif-
ferent cases using the setup described here. More rigorously,
in this setup, we do not expect propagation of surface waves
but performances as macroscopic media emerging in compo-
sites of plasmas and metal structures. The discharge voltage
applied on the wired electrodes was operated at 5 kHz, and
so this component which might affect the microwave wave-
guide could be removed by bias-T devices set on both sides
of this DUT.
FIG. 4. Microwave circuit for detection of dynamic complex microwave S To see the time response of the IQ method by the circuit
parameters. shown in Fig. 4, we performed direct measurement of
073506-6 Sakai et al. Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013)

case of 1.5 mm diameter will provide more uniform radial

profile with the Hem density near the maximum density.
Figure 7(a) shows time evolutions of S21 in the DUT,
and Fig. 7(b) shows a time evolution of the Hem density
derived from attenuation of laser absorbance signal at the
center of the test capillary tube with diameter of 1.5 mm.
First, the signal agreed with the maximum level of the Hem
density shown in Fig. 6. Just after the rise time of the dis-
charge voltage pulse, discharge current flowed with signifi-
cant plasma generation, and after that decayed for several ls.
Peaking of the laser signal in the time evolution was some-
what earlier than that of the change of S parameters in Fig.
7(a), which can be comprehended in the following plot. Our
previous study41 indicates that electrons, which are the direct
species changing e in our case, in the He plasmas at atmos-
pheric pressure, are generated mainly by the Penning reac-
tion as

Hem þ N2 ! He þ N2 þ þ e ; (1)

where N2 is present as an impurity gas species in the ppm

order. Electrons diminish through the reaction as

N4 þ þ e þ M ! 2N2 þ M; (2)
FIG. 5. (a) DUT examined in microwave experiments. Double helix metal
wires for negative-l metamaterial, which were covered by green or black in-
sulator layer, were installed in capillary glass tubes with 1.8 mm diameter on
coplanar waveguide. Two wires also work as discharge electrodes by apply-
ing voltage shown in Fig. 7. (b) Electrode structure used in diagnostics of
laser absorption spectroscopy. Single structure was similar to that shown in
(a) but size was slightly larger for identification of Hem profiles.

He-metastable-atom (Hem) density using the laser absorption

spectroscopy,41 where we used a larger helix structure with
the inner diameters of 3 mm and 1.5 mm in test capillary tubes
working with He discharge gas at atmospheric pressure
(100 kPa), as shown in Fig. 5. Using a larger diameter configu-
ration, we obtained radial profiles of the Hem density, as
shown in Fig. 6. Since dielectric layers in green and black
with thickness around 150 lm work as dielectric barriers to
make homogeneous discharges along inner wall surface, the
maximum density region was just on the surface, and the Hem
density decayed to the center of the tube with the decay length
around 0.75 mm. From these profiles, we can expect that the

FIG. 7. (a) Time evolutions of complex S21 signal with discharge signals,
measure in DUT shown in Fig. 5(a). (b) Time evolutions of laser absorption
FIG. 6. Observed Hem density profiles at 100 kPa in configuration shown in signals with discharge signals at 100 kPa. Configuration was similar to that
Fig. 5(b), measured by laser absorption spectroscopy. shown in Fig. 5(b), and inner diameter was 1.5 mm.
073506-7 Sakai et al. Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013)

where M is a third kind of species which is an atom or a mol- resonance. As a whole, effective macroscopic parameters of
ecule, and N4þ is the main positive ions in this type of He the media are determined through such plasma metamaterial
discharges in which N2þ is frequently converted into N4þ.42 effects, and can be analyzed by S21 and S11 .9,43
The rate of this reaction is hundreds of nano-seconds so that Specifically, we used He and Ne gases to control the
the time evolutions of Hem and electrons can be in the same working point significantly on the ReðeÞ  ImðeÞ complex
order. The summarized story of these time evolutions is (i) plane. He and Ne have different cross sections of elastic col-
generation of Hem by impacts of electrons present with a lisions,44 by changing gas pressure, we can change the work-
small density and its survival with its very long lifetime, (ii) ing point of e on the plane. Note that the generated plasmas
main electron generation from Hem via the Penning ioniza- described in this section are collisional to see the effects of
tion shown in reaction (1), and (iii) electron loss through the the varying working points on the complex plane; surface
three-body recombination shown in reaction (2). The time wave propagation, which is possible in collisionless plasmas
evolutions in Fig. 7 and the rate of the reaction (2) are in as shown in Sec. II, can be ruled out.
good agreement with this hypothesis. That is, since e in this In the case of He at atmospheric pressure (100 kPa) near
space was modified by ne through the formula of the Drude the resonance (at 4.297 GHz), we showed the results of time
model, we can conclude that the IQ method by the circuit evolutions of the discharge signals in Fig. 7(a). Using the sig-
shown in Fig. 4 is well suitable for the measurement of time- nal of phase and amplitude of S21 in this time evolution and
varying dynamic materials with the characteristic time extracting the first phase of the discharge voltage in Fig. 7(a),
around several hundreds of nanoseconds. we can make a new drawing of the varying working point of
S21 on the complex plane in Fig. 8(a). As described in Sec.
III A with Fig. 5, the plasmas were generated in a scheme of
B. Experimental investigation of dynamic double
dielectric barrier discharge. From Fig. 7, we recognized that
negative system in plasma metamaterials
the maximum ne was observed just after the rising time of the
We performed experiments of microwave transmission discharge voltage (t  5 ls), and that ne decreased monotoni-
through this DUT using the microwave circuit described in cally until the falling time of the discharge voltage
Sec. III A. In addition to the simple negative-e effects, by (t  20 ls); the axis of t can be converted to ne . That is, such
varying gas conditions and electric power for plasma genera- new drawings reveal dynamic and tunable properties of this
tion to control ImðeÞ simultaneously and independently with metamaterial, which are expressed by the relation among
ReðeÞ, we will see the entire properties of plasmas with nega- three variables: jS21 jcosðargðS21 ÞÞ, jS21 jsinðargðS21 ÞÞ and ne .
tive-l metamaterials. Note that l determined by the double In Fig. 8(a), the trajectory was along one straight line on
helix metal wires took a negative value just above magnetic the plane, which indicates attenuation of the waves took
resonance frequencies and a positive value outside the place without phase shift. Also shown in Fig. 7(a), plasmas
resonances;28 one of the magnetic resonance frequencies was are equivalently attenuators against microwaves in almost all
around 4.29 GHz. We here note smallness of the value of cases except those shown in Figs. 8(b) and 8(c); electron col-
jS21 j(0.1) of this DUT in the following. Since we set the lisions against neutral particles leads to ImðeÞ, which may
working point with negative l, the DUT includes significant result in ImðNÞ.
loss by enhancement of ImðNÞ; outside magnetic resonances, Figure 8(b) shows varying S21 on the complex plane in
ImðNÞ=ReðNÞ < 0.05, whereas ImðNÞ  ReðNÞ without plas- the case of He at lower pressure (27 kPa) near the resonance
mas at 4.29 GHz around which ReðlÞ is negative, mainly (at 4.297 GHz). In this case, we observed a similar trajectory
due to large ImðlÞ. One might suggest that large ImðlÞ will to that in Fig. 8(a), but some swings due to phase shift were
arise from extraordinary radiation losses, but we did not see slightly found. In contrast, Fig. 8(c) shows varying S21 on
such signs in measurements using a scanned micro monopole the complex plane in the case of Ne at lower pressure
antenna around the DUT and the waveguide; radiation sig- (27 kPa) near the resonance (at 4.297 GHz). We observed
nals were several times lower when we installed this meta- clear phase shift in the time evolution, which means a signifi-
material structures on the coplanar waveguide around the cant change of ReðNÞ occurred. Furthermore, if l, which is
frequency of negative l, and we conclude that such a loss determined not by plasmas but by the double helix metal
took place inside the metamaterial structure. This loss is wires, changes to the positive value, the result is totally
inevitable when we use inductive-capacitive resonances,9 different; Fig. 8(d) shows S21 on the complex plane in the
although lossless magnetic resonances using dielectric reso- case of Ne at lower pressure (27 kPa) outside the resonance
nators40 can be applied to future plasma metamaterials. (at 6.0 GHz), and we can see only attenuation without signifi-
Microscopic profiles of electric and magnetic fields are cant phase shift.
complicated in similar manners to those in usual metamaterial These properties observed in the experiments include
experiments,9 and we cannot specify detailed propagating the DUT, the coplanar waveguide, and the space on the
modes on the coplanar waveguide with the DUT using a sim- upper side of the DUT. To derive macroscopic parameters of
ple and conventional technological term. However, since the the metamaterial installed on the upper side of the DUT, we
fundamental mode on the coplanar waveguide has electric adapted one theoretical model developed for layered permit-
fields which are almost parallel to the capillaries and perpen- tivity structure.29,45 In Fig. 8(c), more than a 2p rad. swing
dicular to the spiral wires, the electric fields mainly suffer of the trajectory was observed. Taking account of the fact
plasma effects. On the other hand, the magnetic fields resonate that the length of the DUT was 38 mm, it is concluded that
with the wires at 4.29 GHz via the inductance-capacitance ReðNÞ of the metamaterial, the composite of the plasmas and
073506-8 Sakai et al. Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013)

FIG. 8. (a) Time evolutions of S21 pa-

rameter of DUT at 4.297 GHz in case
of He at 100 kPa. (b) Time evolutions
of S21 parameter of DUT at 4.297 GHz
in case of He at 27 kPa. (c) Time evo-
lutions of S21 parameter of DUT at
4.297 GHz in case of Ne at 20 kPa. (d)
Time evolutions of S21 parameter of
DUT at 6.0 GHz in case of Ne at
20 kPa.

the magnetic resonators, reached 1:5  3 when the maxi-

mum phase shift took place; a dynamic negative-N material
was successfully observed.
Finally, we mention about variation of such macroscopic
parameters depending on gas conditions and l. Figure 9 dis-
plays ne dependence of e.23,28,29,46 As the collisional fre-
quency becomes lower, both changes in ReðeÞ and ImðeÞ get
larger. On the other hand, higher collisional frequency makes
the ratio
pffiffi larger. Similar tendencies are found
for Reð eÞ and Imð eÞ. These facts indicate that the change
of electron elastic collisions by selection of gas species and
pressure leads to wave attenuation and phase shift, which are
controllable independently. Furthermore,pdue ffiffi to the rotation
of the working points on the complex e by product with
l, variation of ne makes either change of ReðNÞ or
ImðNÞ;46 this is one of the unique features predicted for
plasma metamaterials, and was verified in Figs. 8(c) and
8(d). Simultaneous realization of flexible waveguides and
variable attenuators with controllable phase shifts is not
shown in this report, but it will be possible in future schemes
of localized surface wave propagation on negative refractive
index materials47 composed of plasmas.

Assemblies of plasmas in microwave ranges work well
as controllers of electromagnetic waves, and the key issue is
that e of such plasmas can have negative values. The array in
chain structures is a kind of flexible waveguides, and micro-
waves can propagate even along the L-shaped angle.
Detected electric fields at the end of the chain are fairly
FIG. 9. (a) e of plasma, derived theoretically from Drude model, in case of
He at 100 kPa. (b) e of plasma, derived theoretically from Drude model, in
localized, which verifies that detected microwaves propa-
case of He at 27 kPa. (c) e of plasma, derived theoretically from Drude gated along the chain in the localized surface-wave modes.
model, in case of Ne at 20 kPa. With assistance with metallic magnetic resonators, which
073506-9 Sakai et al. Phys. Plasmas 20, 073506 (2013)

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