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Hello good morning everyone, today I'm going to talk about 6 weird restaurants.

More specifically, I'm going to talk about the "Alice in Wonderland" restaurants
and 5 of these restaurants are located in Japan more specifically in Tokyo and 1
of them is located in Alaska.
These restaurants were not designed by a specific person. The closest
information on who the creator was, is the design office that designed it, which
was the "Fantastic Design Works" from japan. And the first of the 6 restaurants
opened in 1983.
These restaurants are strange because as the name says they are totally
inspired by the story of Alice in Wonderland. Everything has been thought out
so that customers have the feeling of being in wonderland.
Even the food in these restaurants is designed to fit the theme and customers
can choose from a simple heart-shaped muffin to roasted beef cheek Queen of
Hearts with red wine sauce. These restaurants serve: hamburgers, roast
chicken, steaks, seafood, soups and pastas. Basically they serve a very wide
variety of food.
Referring to the popularity of these restaurants, it depends on which one we are
talking about, the least recognized is the one located in Alaska, the rest located
in Tokyo does not have much difference in terms of popularity, in general they
are considered popular, after all they are from a Disney theme, which is known
all over the world.
Speaking of the part that nobody likes, the price, customers claim a price too
high in relation to what they serve, customers say it is a little expensive. But in
relation to the price, it also depends a lot on the opinion from person to person,
the perspective of expensive changes according to each person.
In my opinion, I think this type of restaurant interesting, to escape a little from
normality and yes, I would like to visit one of these restaurants or even all of
them. In my case, I like new experiences. Even knowing what people say about
the prices of restaurants, I would like to try it, because I love new experiences
and also because I love the world of Disney.
And this was my presentation thanks for listening.

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