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- Using the act or process of using words, sounds, signs or behaviors to express or exchange
information or share your thoughts and ideas
Types of Communication
● Verbal - Words of Mouth
● Non-Verbal - Gestures or signs
Types of Noise in Communication
1. Physical
- Environmental Noises like Constructions, Loud Barking of Dogs
2. Physiological
- Physical Weakness, Sensory Impairments
3. Psychological
- Mental Illness, Emotions
4. Semantic
- Language, Terminology, Dialect
5. Cultural
- values, norms, beliefs
Types of Media
1. Print Media
- refers to the traditional physical forms of media where information is conveyed on paper
whether manually printed, mechanically pressed or digital such as newspapers, magazines,
books etc.
2. Broadcast Media
- is where information is shown through audio, visuals like radio,television etc.
3. Digital or New Media
- use of online platforms, websites, social media and digital technologies to create and share
information and interact with others
4. Movie
- Conveying information through cinematic productions presented in theaters or home
entertainment projections
5. Video Games
- interactive electronic games that gives multimedia informations and engage players

Media Literacy
- Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate information in a
variety of formats. Both print and non-print.
- Media literacy builds an understanding of the role of media in society as well as essential skills
of inquiring and self-expression necessary for citizens of a democracy
Functions of Media Literacy
1. Questioning
- it is critically asking and seeking answers about a media content, it’s sources and
potential impact
2. Access
- it is the ability to find and retrieve media information from various platforms and
3. Analysis
- it is the skill of inspecting and breaking down media information to understand its
4. Response
- it is the reaction, expressing of opinions and different perspectives about one’s
understanding to a media content
5. Interpret
- it is the process of considering context, tone, biases and making sense to form
well informed interpretations of media
6. Evaluation
- it is the assessment of media content to determine its source’s credibility,
reliability and relevance

Information Literacy
- it is the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, analyze and
effectively communicate information in its various formats
- It is about using, managing, gathering, verifying information

Digital Literacy
- Technology Literacy or Technology Literate
- Technology literacy is the ability of an individual either working independently or with others to
responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technological tools
- It is the act of applying new found knowledge from digital environments
- It is the ability to effectively use technology to access, evaluate, integrate, create and
communicate information to enhance the learning process through problem solving and critical
Categories of Media
1. Modality
- It is how information is presented to our sensory channels such as text or images for
sight, audio for hearing, videos for both sight and hearing etc.
2. Format
- refers to the arrangement and how the media is presented. Formats can be organized
as articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, photographs etc.
3. Way of Transmitting
- Describes the method of how media content is delivered to an audience. This can be
live broadcasts, streaming, downloading or physical distribution
4. Mass Media Form
- It is the various types of media outlets that reach large audiences like newspapers,
radio, television, websites and social media networks

Educational media
- refers to various forms of media, such as audio, video, or digital content, specifically designed
and used for educational purposes, including teaching and learning

1. Non-Print Media
a. Projected Media
● Projected media requires lights source for projection
b. Non-Projected Media
● Non-Projected Media does not require a light source. They are mostly 3D and 2D
objects, Prints, Charts, Models Etc.
2. Print Media
● Print Media includes billboards, cards, newspapers, magazines, mailings, pamphlets,
fliers, periodicals, and outdoor advertising.
3. Electronic Media
a. Audio Media
● Carries Sound Alone
b. Visual Media
● Can be seen
c. Visual-Audio Media
● Can be seen and heard
Media and Information Sources
- refers to the various channels, platforms, and methods used to give information. Information
sources are the origins or outlets from which information is obtained or came from.
- There are 4 Types:
1. Internet Sources
● Are information that comes from websites, online platforms, and digital content
available on the internet
Search Engines:
Domains: .mil .ph .gov .edu .com .net .org

2. Human Sources
● Are information that comes from professionals and experts in the field of the topic
● Classifications of Human Sources
- Primary Sources
- Raw data, First-hand and the original source of information before it
has been analyzed
- E.g. Books, Journals, Diaries, Speeches,Interviews, Birth
Certificate, Scientific Articles, Newspapers written at the time
- Secondary Sources
- Information that came from other people’s opinions. These are
sources that analyze or interpret primary data and does not offer
new evidence
- Characteristics of Secondary Sources
- Interpretations of Information, written after the event, offering
review or critique
- E.g. Biographies, Journal Articles, Textbooks, Commentaries,
Editorials, Literary Criticisms, Book Reviews and Magazines
- Tertiary Sources
- This is an existing compilation of information that has been used
over and over again
- Characteristics of Tertiary Sources
- Collections or lists of primary and secondary sources,
reference words, finding tools for sources
- E.g. Almanac, Dictionary, Bibliographies, Abstracts, Indigenous,
Literature Reviews, Library Catalogs, databases and Thesaurus
3. Library Sources
● The Types of Library Sources
- Academic
- Found in Colleges and Universities
- Public
- Found in Towns and Cities
- School
- Provides smaller and limited information compared to Academic
- Special
- Personal Library and Libraries found in museums, hospitals, offices,
and government agencies
4. Indigenous Sources
● Native and local sources of informations
● Characteristics of Indigenous Sources
- Communicate verbally to disseminate information
- Memory
- Face to Face interaction
- Remains in a vicinity
● Forms of Indigenous Media
- Folk Tradition
- Gathering Social Organizations
- Direct Observations
- Records
- Oral Instructions
Evaluating Information
1. Reliability
2. Accuracy and Verifiability
- Is the content grammatically correct?
- Is the information accurate and verifiable?
- Are sources and references cited?
3. Value
- If when you are able to use or implied the information to yourself and It impacted you in
a good way, it is valuable information
4. Author
- Defines who created the content
- Do you know who published the source?
- Is the author’s name visible?
- Can you find information and credentials about the author?
- Is it from a reputable organization?
5. Currency
- Information is published currently and updated frequently
Genre, Codes and Conventions
- It is the system of classification of works of art, coming from the french word meaning type or

- It is the systems of signs and symbols to create meaning

Types of Codes
- Technical Codes
- It is the way in which equipment is used to tell the story (camera techniques, framing,
depths of fields, lighting and exposure etc.)
- Camera Techniques

Advanced Camera Shots

Arc Shot
- It is where the camera moves around the subject in an arc pattern as to show more of the

Basic Camera Movements

- Symbolic Codes
- It shows what is beneath the surface of what we see (objects, setting, body language,
color etc.)
- Written Codes
- It is the use of language style and textual layout (headlines, captions, speech bubbles,
language style etc.)

- It is generally or socially accepted ways of doing things

Legal(Law) , Ethical(manners, behavior), Societal(Society) Issues

A. Legal
1. Intellectual Property
● Pertain to the output of a person intellectual pursuit such as literature and artistic
works, Inventions, logo, symbols and signs as well as the name and images used for
commercial purpose or ads
2. Copyright
● set of rights granted to the creator to restrict other's ability to distribute or reshape the
● COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT - Copyright infringement happens when a work is
reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or modified without the
authorization of the owner.
● Copyright protection lasts during the life of the author and for fifty (50) years after his
death giving the rights to the author's family members or who they choose.
3. Patent
● an exclusive right granted to an invention
● as an inventor, always apply for the patent of your discovery
4. Trademark
● A specific sign associated with a particular brand goods and services
● To get recognized and to avoid confusion
5. Fair Use
● A principle in a copyright law that provides us with a limited ability to use copyright
materials without getting permission for limited purposes
6. Plagiarism
● The act of using ideas or words of other person’s without getting credit to that person
● Owning something when it is not yours
● It is a crime
● As much as possible cite your sources
● Avoid in all means to not get yourself in trouble
B. Ethical
- Netiquette ( Network + Etiquette )
- It is the use of good manner in online communication such as email, social networking sites,
blogs, forms

Rule 1: Remember the human

● Behind every comment, post and content, remember that behind every screen there is a
person like you. Try not to hurt others feelings, don't offend and show respect
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standard of behaviour online that you follow in real life
● “Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.”
It means treat others in the same way you would like to be treated
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4: Respect others time and bandwidth
Rule 5: Make yourself good online
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8: Respect one another’s privacy
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes

Digital Divide
- Refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern
communication and information technology
- It is the gap between the having of access of digital technology and those who don’t or have

Computer Addiction
- It is the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interfere with daily life

Cyber Bullying
- It is a type of bullying that takes place online using modern technology
Evolution of Media

Age/Era Form of Media

Pre-historic Age Cave Paintings

Clay Tablets

Pre-Industrial Age Papyrus

Acta Diurna in Rome

Industrial Age Printing Press for mass production


Motion Picture

Newspaper in London

Gazetto (1640)

Typewriter (1800)

Telephone (1876)

Motion Picture with Sound (1926)

Commercial Motion Picture (1913)

Punch Cards

Electronic Age Transistor Radio

Large Electronic Computers

Mainframe Computers


Personal Computer Hewlett Packard 9100A


Personal Computer by Apple

New Age or Information Age Laptop

Social Network

Google Meet

Artificial Intelligence

Everything existing now

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