Who Am I

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Who Am I?

Name: Ella Jordan

Go to www.16personalities.com. Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? Consul

What is your code? ESFJ-T

Letter Percentage

E 54%

S 52%

F 56%

J 74%

What do each of the letters mean?

E = Extraverted

S = Observent


J =Judging

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths - Strong Practical Skills

- Strong Sense of Duty
-Very Loyal
-Sensitive and Warm
- Good at Connecting with Others
Weaknesses - Worried about Their Social Status
- Inflexible
-Reluctant to Innovate or Improvise
-Vulnerable to Criticism
-Often Too Needy
-Too Selfless

Friendships - Doing everything I can to make my friends happy

& -Tend to believe that their friends can do no wrong
Relationships -Make snap judgments and conclusions
-great at using their sensitivity to motivate their friends
-sometimes use observations to manipulate others
-encouraging and inspiring

Career Paths -well-organized

-work best in clear and predictable envirnments
-administrators are a natural career fit
-need human interaction
-good listeners and enthusiastic team members
-excellent providers of medical care and social work
Workplace -clear tendencies that show through regardless
Habits -thrive on social order and harmony
-expect authority to be respected and backed up
-when given clear and defined responsibilities
-may struggle with too much freedom
-good at teamwork
-sensitive about criticism

1. Write a reflection using Word on TEAMS (half page minimum) describing:

● How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.
● Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality.

Don’t forget to:

○ Provide details and examples where possible.
○ Use paragraphs in your writing.

2. Upload the worksheet and your write up to your Portfolio tab on your website.
● Write a short sentence or two explaining what you learned about yourself from this

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