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One by one they stopped and gasped at the sight that Distributions of aggregated people
lay beneath them. Millions of stars seemed to have Suppose everyone lived in villages connected by roads
fallen from the sky to land on the Earth far below. It was and surrounded by nature. hat means connected vil-
the lights of the city! Giant buildings crowded into the lages and fragmented nature. Instead, in this simple
evening air. Rumblers roared along paved roads. As far spatial model, put people in one city, two towns, and
as the eye could see the city spread itself over the land. a few villages in one portion of the land. hat would
Where were the trees? he birds? he lowers? … he mean connected nature (e.g., for stream/river systems,
healing tree, the creek, it’s all gone. groundwater, biodiversity, wildlife movement) and
Garry Fleming, Bollygum, 1995 connected population centers (including city with
specialized museum, orchestra, industrial center, rail
here are many themes in nature’s symphony, each
hub, diverse jobs, diverse housing). But people need
with its own pace and rhythm. We are forced to choose
to eat, so let us add farmland surrounding the popula-
among these, which we have barely begun to hear and
tion centers to the model. Now the land has connected
nature at some distance from people, connected farm-
Daniel B. Botkin, Discordant Harmonies, 1990
land close to people, and connected population centers
Following our journey through the rich patterns, including the resources of towns and city. hat is good
delights and surprises in urban ecology, let us relect, for both nature and people. More variables of course
even speculate, a bit. I have chosen a handful of themes can be added to this simple spatial model to create still
to explore that seem to be of particular interest and better patterns.
importance now and for the future. Let us consider Now peer into the city or urban mosaic and con-
urban ecology and the (1) distributions of aggregated sider the typical “home range” of people, that is, the
people; (2) greenspaces and park system; (3) habitat area commonly covered in daily movements. A large
heterogeneity and biodiversity; (4) tight urban water home range means that a person’s residence, job, shops,
system; (5) ecological lows and urban networks; (6) school, park, entertainment place, and so forth are far
urban change; and (7) societal goals and applications apart. A small average home range invests less energy
of urban ecology. In relecting on these big subjects, my into transportation/movement and more into a per-
goal is to crack them open enough to catalyze further son’s neighborhood. Mixed use describes the place.
and useful pondering for scholars and for society. Safe appealing walkways, usually with tree lines, per-
But irst, consider a moment what the preceding meate neighborhoods, and parks readily walkable from
text represents. Most likely we have just experienced everyone’s residence are densely spread throughout the
the irst comprehensive scientiic portrayal of the ecol- urban area.
ogy of urban areas. We penetrated beyond the familiar Outward urbanization (ultimately limited by
human and socioeconomic dimensions describing a decreasing population growth) in some areas occurs as
city in order to portray equally fundamental ecologi- concentrated development adjoining the existing built
cal patterns and processes, essential to understanding metro-area. However, in many regions much urban
and changing urban areas. Nature in powerful natural spread is low-density-development sprawl. his dis-
systems permeates every spot, every population cen- persed development may be as large house plots con-
ter. he ecological lows and changes across an urban taining large personal spaces, or may be concentrated
mosaic provide a compelling view of how cities are small plots adjoining dispersed villages and towns.
structured and how they work. his perspective is he long-term human problems and widespread eco-
essential in wise improvements for our future. logical problems with dispersed development are well

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documented. But, assuming that both private spaces Greenspaces and park system
and ready access to parks are important, what is the For most of urban history, urban greenspaces were
optimum way to urbanize? Concentrate people, but mainly for intensive local food production. Later many
with private spaces and walkable greenspaces that became parks, oten with ornamental plantings, fertil-
sustain vibrant natural systems across the area. hat ized/pesticided/mowed lawn, piped-away stormwater,
should be doable. and extensive walkways plus park buildings. Yet in
he entire urban region as a distinct functional many cities, greenspaces near potential jobs are prime
unit highlights the interdependence between a city, locations for squatter informal settlements. Small lit-
actually a metro area, and the ring-around-the-city tle-used or overlooked spaces, as well as large spaces
(see Chapter 2). he fundamental form of an urban with severe environmental conditions and hazards, are
region points to how it works, almost irrespective both suitable for squatter residents. All three uses of
of city size and geography or culture. Urbanization greenspaces (intensive food production, lawn/orna-
expanded from a nucleus, usually surrounded by mental/walkway, and squatter settlement) serve urban
farmland and outer natural land. Radial transporta- residents. Although some species diversity is present,
tion corridors with nodes of development subdivide each case represents an extreme along gradients of
the urban-region ring into sections. In-and-out city- degradation of urban-greenspace nature. In the urban
and-ring lows predominate, from people and goods greenspaces and park systems designed by society, we
to air, water, and species. Yet multiple built nodes and typically assume the presence of at least some semi-
asymmetries in the urban region create networks that natural conditions. Virtually all greenspaces can be
dominate urban ecology lows and highlight how the designed and maintained to limit the severe-degrada-
region works. tion uses and sustain some semi-natural conditions.
At a still-broader scale, “megalopolis ecology” Could a collection of urban parks be transformed
remains a frontier perhaps as well known as bedrock- into an integrated park system providing several key
surface ecology in central Greenland. As essentially functions for the entire urban area? Parks would have to
the largest urban-ecology object, the megalopolis ties be functionally connected, and success would depend
together nearby major cities with associated coalescing on beneits from an integrated system reaching the
development and remnant agricultural and natural whole metro area. For example, a spatial arrangement
land. A megalopolis, such as Boston-to-Washington, of greenspaces could cool the summer air across the
Big Dutch Cities Area, Western UK Midlands, entire city (see Chapter 12). Furthermore, park designs,
Yokohama-to-Tokyo, and Pearl River Delta (China), is both internal and arranged according to sun, wind
almost too big to see. Excesses such as impervious sur- and stormwater-low directions, could limit looding
face, heat, air pollution, water pollution, wastewater, across the urban area. An integrated park system could
and solid waste are conspicuous. Scarcities, including play additional roles for society, including reducing or
clean-water supply, recreational greenspace, areas to increasing air lows, reducing particulate and other air
treat wastes, wetlands, and urban agriculture, increase pollutants, treating stormwater pollutants, and enhan-
in importance. But the basic megalopolis patterns of cing wildlife movement.
habitat arrangement, species sources, and barriers to For a greenspace system to provide rich biodiversity
and routes of wildlife movement remain little studied. across the built metro area requires a continual “species
Major human resources are distributed “multi-nod- rain” from the surroundings (see Chapter 12). Most
ally,” and concentrated human movement is multi- urban greenspaces are small, ecologically degraded,
directional rather than radial. What is the best pattern isolated, dominated by generalist including non-native
for treating and dealing with the massive wastes pro- species, and unlikely to sustain many native specialist-
duced daily? Habitat areas are extensively fragmented, species. he incoming organisms from agricultural
degraded, and shrinking, so how does the emerald and natural lands may not survive long nor reproduce
network of large connected green areas, and even in the new tough milieu, but the endless species rain
transit-oriented-development-with-nature (TODN), helps maintain the presence of species (and reduces
it? Perhaps most important is the pattern of big ten- local extinction) in urban greenspaces.
tacles from the megalopolis permeating the outer agri- For instance, assume that species spread outward
cultural and natural lands of the “greater megalopolis from a semi-natural area a distance proportional
region.” to size of the semi-natural area. We can then readily

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recognize conigurations or arrangements of function- cumulative efect of high habitat heterogeneity, a large
ally connected greenspaces in the metro area. Together species pool, numerous environmental gradients,
these conigurations highlight the portion of a metro diverse network channels for movement, and both
area where rich biodiversity is sustained by species habitat and species packing means a cumulative high
rain from surrounding lands. By strategically adding biodiversity for the metro area.
greenspaces to the system, the entire metro area can be At the ine scale, a remarkable percentage of the
sustained with relatively rich biodiversity. British Isles lora and fauna was recorded in a single
his biodiversity solution suggests that we must 0.1-ha (1/4-acre) house plot (see Chapter 8): 11% for
turn outward, focusing on the large natural areas near vascular plants; 44% harvest spiders (daddy longlegs);
a metro area. he outward big picture is combined with 38% ladybirds (ladybugs); 36% hoverlies; 34% butter-
the major green corridors of the region, the arrange- lies; 33% lacewings (and allies); and so on. At the
ment of greenspaces in and around the urban area, and broad scale of a metro area [Warsaw with 1.7 million
even bits of green providing functional connectivity people in 517 km2 (201 mi2)], the numbers of species
between parks. In short, more species will arrive, sur- recorded (see Chapter 9) are 3800 terrestrial inver-
vive, and thrive in our urban greenspaces, and more tebrates; 320 vertebrates; 40 mammals; 274 birds; 5
will enrich our urban built spaces. reptiles; 11 amphibians; and 30 ish. Comparing these
numbers with same-size spaces in nearby agricultural
Habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity and natural lands, and indeed with the little-known
Cities or metro areas contain an extraordinary number species richness of tropical cities, would be quite
of diferent microhabitat types, from tiny lower gar- interesting.
dens to rail yards, low-income residential sites, semi- A iner view of small patterns and processes that
natural greenspaces, dumps, and urban water bodies escape maps and GIS images is needed to understand
(see Chapter 8). he contrast in species present among urban habitats and biodiversity. Instead of only exam-
habitat types is also striking. In places, the small habi- ining roads, parks, shopping centers, industrial areas,
tats are packed together, as in many house plots, indus- and so forth, look at key “hot spots” for species (e.g.,
trial sites, institutional areas, and medium-size parks. an old mother tree, or rare wet spot), major species’
Viewing habitats at diferent spatial scales provides “needs” (food patches, shrub-cover patches, house-
further insight, as for example the set of microhabitats plot backlines), and lows of water and wildlife. But
within a house plot contrasted with, and added to, the also, look sharply at the “invisibles,” such as nutrient
set in other house plots along a street or in a neighbor- lows, tree-top organisms, and underground inter-
hood. In short, although locations such as parking lots actions, in addition to familiar visible features (see
and ball ields have few habitats, the metro area as a Chapter 1). Use the human eye, or even move as if
whole boasts extremely high habitat heterogeneity. using the “eye” of an animal or plant (moving seed).
Biodiversity normally strongly correlates with We might then understand habitats and biodiversity
habitat heterogeneity. hree urban features add to the of the city.
story. First, a richness of native, spontaneous non-na-
tive, and planted horticultural/ornamental species is Tight urban water system
highly intermixed across the metro area. Second, spe- he urban water system is basically a heterogeneous
cies respond diferently along environmental gradients set of “low-throughs” and receiving bodies, which
such as air temperature and soil moisture, and the city sharply contrasts with that in agricultural land, and
provides a huge number of environmental gradients especially natural land. Pipe networks for water sup-
(with countless interactions), such as of heavy metals, ply, stormwater, sewage wastewater, septic wastewater,
traic noise, chemical sprays, trampling, looding, gar- and stream water, plus groundwater low, all basically
bage accumulation, and light at night. hird, diverse funnel water and pollutants to local water bodies (see
network types channel species throughout the urban Chapter 6). Precipitation provides stormwater and also
area, such as cockroaches in storm drains connected a water-supply source, either protected and clean, or
to building basements, night mammals along streets, unprotected and polluted. he stormwater running
pathogenic bacteria in piped water, and rats through over impervious and other surfaces picks up pollut-
empty little-used or ot-forgotten pipe systems. Again, ants. Meanwhile the water supply picks up and carries
although conspicuous spots are species-poor, the household, commercial, industrial and pipe pollutants,

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as well as human wastewater. Plants pump some water Ecological lows and urban networks
upward in evapo-transpiration, but stormwater is Traditional ecosystem ecology highlights plant prod-
mainly piped to local water bodies. he household uctivity and food-chain energy low, plus mineral-nutri-
water with pollutants and wastewater is commonly ent or biogeochemical cycling. In natural ecosystems,
piped to sewage wastewater facilities and septic systems chemicals either cycle within or low through the sys-
that partially clean the water before it drains into water tem. hus, nitrogen may cycle from live foliage to dead
bodies. hese mainly separate lows are large, and local leaf litter to roots and back to live foliage, or it may low
water bodies such as streams, river, and estuary receive through an ecosystem, entering in wind and leaving in
a heavy dose of both water and pollutants. stream-low. In natural ecosystems, wind, water, and
Some routes can be beneicially shortened, such as animals are major transport vectors. Frequently key
stormwater pipes. Some water can be recycled, as in available nutrients and most human-produced chemi-
iltered grey-water from tubs and basins used to lush cals are limited in amount, while other natural chemi-
toilets. Some wastewater and its contents can be used cals are exceedingly diverse and mostly present in tiny
to grow food in aquaculture. However, most short- amounts.
term tightening of the overall water system decreases Urban areas seem fundamentally diferent. Plant
interconnections between diferent low types. hus, productivity is small. he lows of heat energy rather
reduce: stormwater leaks into the wastewater pipe than food-chain energy are primary. Chemical low-
system; stormwater low through contaminated soil throughs predominate. Little internal cycling occurs.
to water bodies; wastewater-pipe leaks into soil and Mineral nutrients are usually abundant or in excess,
groundwater; sewage lows (CSOs) into stormwater and typically in a rather high-pH environment. Natural
and water bodies during heavy-rain events; and the chemicals mainly produced by the plants seem to be
abundance of malfunctioning septic systems channel- little studied, and some (e.g., PAHs) may play import-
ing little-treated wastewater toward water body. A tight ant ecological roles. Human-produced chemicals are
water system enhances all habitats involved, and saves extremely diverse and abundant (see Chapters 4 and
money. Reduce water use, reduce runof. Increase inil- 5), and most originate in the urban system. he lows of
tration into clean soil, increase evapo-transpiration. human-produced chemicals, involving plants, animals
But what can be done with the urban-provided and microbes (and people) in urban areas, should be
pollutants? Increase stormwater treatment, increase both interesting and important.
septic-system efectiveness, and increase sewage waste- Perhaps equally important and more distinctive
water treatment eiciency. Stormwater is largely treated is the central role of mostly human-built-and-main-
(cleaned) by iniltration through uncontaminated soil, tained networks in the urban ecosystem. Railways,
for instance, via constructed ponds, wetlands, basins, powerlines, streets, water-supply pipes, stormwater
and bioilters. Sewage wastewater can be treated by a pipes, sewage wastewater pipes, septic-system pipes
sewage treatment facility (especially tertiary), a pond- are familiar, as are semi-natural streams, ground-
and-wetland facility, and theoretically in an aquacul- water, river, wildlife movement routes, and ecological
ture pond. When functioning well, septic wastewater networks (see Chapter 12). hese diverse networks
is cleaned by bacteria and the soil. Still, ater cleaning, are pervasive, difer markedly in form, connect to
where have all the pollutants gone? large and small nodes, and oten interconnect. Other
Some pollutants accumulate in and contamin- networks are present including truncated food webs,
ate the soil, while most pour into local water bodies. industrial interdependence, and cracks in surfaces (see
Streams, rivers and ponds experience both loods and Chapters 9 to 11). he prime footprints model, spider-
low-water levels. Aquatic ecosystems and ish in the like, links key ot-distant resource and waste areas with
water bodies depend primarily on aquatic habitat het- a metro area (see Chapter 2). In efect, ecological lows
erogeneity, water quality, and sustained suitable water in urban areas are centrally driven by people, wind,
lows and levels. To maintain these key conditions, and water along networks, mainly somewhat rectilin-
tighten the urban water system and treat/clean the ear in form.
water contents. Local water bodies are the assays of the he hierarchical street, road and highway network
urban system. Make the stream, river, lake, pond and/ with vehicle traic is most conspicuous and argu-
or estuary both suitable for native ish and appealing to ably most ecologically detrimental. hus, the netway
urban residents. system with pods, designed primarily to recover and

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reconnect the land and nature in non-urban areas, the sands or rainforests of time. More visible near home
seems to be a particularly promising change for urban are the vacant lots, buildings, and parks that appear and
transportation (see Chapter 11). Flexible designs per- disappear. Since each piece of the urban mosaic plays
mit alternate-street use, silent bus/van pods, or added an ecological role, evaluating and mapping the relative
bicycle routes, as well as underground use in suburbs. stability of pieces would be informative.
With increased transport eiciency and safety, no fossil Wars and, in today’s world, bombing are targeted to
fuel use, no greenhouse gas emissions, increased area cities. Widespread destruction occurred, for instance,
for market gardening, and increased recreational trail in Tehran (1220), Washington (1814), Atlanta (USA)
networks close to the city, netways promise many bene- (1864), Dresden (Germany) (1945), Hiroshima
its for both humans and nature. Cities with traic-free (1945), Manchester (UK) (1996), and Bagdad (2003).
streets or zones know that the urban space provided is In World War II, Berlin’s large central Tiergarten Park
a boon for people in neighborhoods, convenient local had virtually all trees removed for fuel, urban agri-
shopping, and more plantings, with associated air, culture, and military activities. In Tokyo and Seoul,
wildlife, and aesthetic beneits. swaths of buildings were transformed into open cor-
he urban-waste lows of stormwater, sewage ridors serving as ire breaks and military zones with
wastewater, and solid waste are especially prominent, anti-aircrat guns. In view of such destructive forces,
and involve water, microbes, mammals, birds, inverte- rather than simply rebuilding in the previous foot-
brates, algae, ish, organic matter, and diverse chemi- print, an adaptable urban design should be able to
cals. he spread of microbes in public health oten noticeably and sustainably enhance the ecological
involves rats, mosquitoes, people, wind, and/or water. conditions of a city.
Anthropogenic networks are maintained by people; Nine other “disasters” or big sudden disturbances
breakdowns occur. Envision a major accident on a ring are particularly serious in urban areas where people
road, water-main-pipe break, clogged sewage pipe, and their structures are concentrated: wildire (e.g.,
damaged bridge on a commuter rail line, and urban Canberra, 2003; San Diego, California, 2003 and 2007);
river pollution blocking migratory ish. Flows are inter- volcanic eruption (Pompeii, AD 79; Pereira, Colombia,
rupted and oten diverted to a diferent route; indeed 1985); earthquake (Caracas, 1812; San Francisco,
network forms change over time. On the other hand, 1906; Kobe, Japan, 1995); tsunami (Alexandria,
a “string of pearls” path connecting tiny greenspaces Egypt, AD 365; Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 2004); lood
and lined with trees has some stability (see Chapter 2), (Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1998; New Orleans, USA,
because active users prevent its blockage by informal 2005); hurricane (cyclone/typhoon) (Hong Kong,
squatters, lower gardens, or urban agriculture. Every 1937; Phillipines, 2013); industrial-pollutant release
piece counts in a simple connected system. In a com- (Bhopal, India, 1984); nuclear-power-plant radiation
plex system, loops and redundancy provide stability. release (Chernobyl/Prypyat, 1986); disease outbreak
In addition, network lines or linkages may function (European and Asian cities, 14th century). Just as for
as barriers as well as conduits, well-illustrated by strip war and bombing, urban nature could beneit greatly
(ribbon) development blocking wildlife movement. by implementing a creative urban design for disaster
Furthermore, the functional ecological network adaptability.
of lows across the land, and especially the emerald Slow degrading processes, most ecological, also
network of connected large green areas, is central to undermine the urban concentration of human struc-
ecological lows in urban areas (see Chapters 2 and tures. Termites chewing, wood decaying, metal rusting,
3). Despite the “multi-colored spaghetti” of diverse buildings settling, vibrations cracking, groundwater
network lines with massive never-ending lows (and dropping, heat building, salt dissolving, reservoir ill-
breakdowns), the emerald network seems powerful ing with sediment, and many more processes gradually
enough to sustain the lows of biodiversity throughout degrade the urban area. he massive people-movement
an urban area. from Central and Western China to the East Coast
over a few decades has transformed – both improved
Urban change and degraded – population centers across much of the
Cities come and go: sometimes appearing, spreading, nation. Slow change may be relatively constant but is
densifying; sometimes decaying, dying, disappearing. likely to include noticeable changes in rate, includ-
Petra, Angkor Wat, Machu Pichu, and Tikal sank under ing lulls and spurts. hese gradual almost-eternal

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processes mean that when budgets and maintenance/ suitable habitat for species expected in the future; cre-
repair activities are down, ecological change acceler- ate and maintain high habitat diversity; replace busy-
ates and more species survive and thrive. traic roads with netways; reduce impervious surface
Spatial pattern ofers a handle to ecologists for cover; reestablish coastal wetlands; increase sot edges
understanding urban change. Spatial processes, includ- between natural and built areas; make residential
ing fragmentation, connection, shrinkage, expansion, development compact; increase plant cover (includ-
disappearance, and appearance, operate not only in ing with green walls and roofs); ind new solutions
exurban/peri-urban areas, but at iner scales within for sewage wastewater; and plan for environmental
the metro area (see Chapter 3). Five models of outward surprises. Most are common sense for the reader, as
urbanization, such as concentric rings, transportation well as the informed public. Most also make sense for
corridors, and dispersed patches (sprawl), highlight dealing with big disturbances or disasters in general.
both how we spread and what the ecologically best Why wait?
and worst ways are to urbanize. A more-detailed ana-
lysis of alternative ways to expand from a metro-area Pondering societal goals and urban ecology applications
border highlights the apparent ecologically optimum Urban ecology is “a study of …,” with the objective
trajectory. But the approach also provides a changing of understanding. Applying the theories, principles,
template to pinpoint at any stage the best and worst models, concepts, examples, evidence, and ideas to
locations for the next park, shopping center, or other solving problems may be creatively accomplished by a
land-use change. Adding socioeconomic dimensions range of professions and disciplines. Major portions of
to these spatial optimization models could highlight a the knowledge are useful to engineering, urban plan-
compelling future for the urban billions just ahead. ning/design, public health, landscape architecture,
Stability of a metro area, or portion thereof, may be water resources, bio/nature conservation, sociology,
increased in lots of ways, including strong hierarchy; and economics. With solidiication of urban ecology,
negative feedbacks; increasing the size (harder to dis- its knowledge is useful for government in planning,
rupt); maintaining gradual edges (so that responses construction, maintenance, and repair. he future is
to disturbance are not all-or-nothing); and loops as not just what lies ahead; it is something that nature and
optional routes in a network. Providing adaptability, we create.
in the sense of a lexible capacity to become somewhat An ecologist might highlight goals, such as maxi-
modiied in response to disturbances, seems to be a mizing native-species biodiversity, or maintaining
more important goal than stability. An urban mosaic a relatively natural ecosystem, or establishing small
with adaptable changing pieces should provide an eco- tight water-and-material/chemical lows, throughout
logically richer trajectory than could a stable system. the urban area. On the other hand, an urban ecologist
Although termites are chewing, bombs going of, probably would not emphasize or recommend maxi-
and other disturbances brewing, currently global cli- mizing biodiversity, or maintaining only native spe-
mate change stays in the headlines. Expectations for cies, or focusing on rare species protection. In an urban
urban areas difer by region and city, but include higher area, success is highly unlikely in all of the cases.
air temperatures (especially in the surroundings); sea In contrast, using environmental knowledge, a
level rise; estuarine encroachment; more precipitation public health oicial might be more interested in
(or less); more extreme-weather events; more and/ increasing bat populations to control mosquitoes, a
or higher stream/river looding; more and/or longer water resource manager in how best to treat stormwa-
stream/river low lows; and threats to clean-water sup- ter to sustain ish populations, an engineer in how best
ply. An array of changes would provide climate change to establish and arrange habitats to reduce looding,
adaptability and ecological beneit, such as recover and a landscape architect in how best to arrange which
wetlands in low areas; increase vegetation cover; min- plants to cool air and attract birds. An urban planner/
imize rebuilding ater extreme-weather events; accel- designer has a rich set of ecological principles to use,
erate transit-oriented-development-with-nature away focused on water, transportation, residential areas, and
from the coast or river; shorten stormwater-pipe sys- so forth (see Chapter 2). An additional set of speciic
tems; recover and protect vegetation around clean- spatial patterns, the good, bad, and interesting, can be
water supplies; reduce the home-range areas of urban creatively combined for diferent situations and difer-
people; establish a protected emerald network; protect ent cities (see Appendix A).

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Providing ecosystem or nature’s services for urban urban region. Or in balance with its present ecological
residents might be a promising overall objective. Urban footprint, or even shrinking the footprint. Longer-term
habitats such as street trees, cultivation, and wetlands goals might be to build structures mimicking nature’s
provide a variety of services, including air iltration, time-tested structures, and have them work as nature’s
microclimate regulation, and stormwater drainage. processes do. An umbrella goal might integrate several
Although the services provided are a small portion of sub-goals, such as widespread tree cover or semi-natural
the total services required, the general habitat types vegetation cooling the air, reducing looding, cleaning
involved seem to improve residents’ quality of life. stormwater, and being sources for species dispersing
Yet the measure of success in addressing ecologically more widely. he usefulness of urban ecology to schol-
dependent goals remains a challenge. A “natural” eco- arship and to society will be determined by the perspec-
system basically does not exist in an urban area and is tives of potential users, and the rate at which ecology
not a promising goal for a large urban area. We could becomes important to the life of people in the onrushing
attempt to achieve some “degree of naturalness,” but urban enterprise on Earth.
that is an odd and awkward goal for a largely built area As the preceding chapters reveal, I am passionate
with highly distinctive characteristics. At the other end about understanding the urban mosaic, where I have
of the spectrum, the objective could be some measure lived for decades in many states and nations. he pages
of human satisfaction, such as quality of life, delight, emphasize that broad perspective and context matter.
discovery, surprise, biophilic beneit, or educational, Cities remain surrounded by extensive farmland and
aesthetic, inspirational, health, or political value. A natural land, two places where I have done consider-
conundrum awaits solution. able research and also feel at home. I am an ecologist
Everyone can list societal actions that beneit nature, who scientiically, if not almost in toto, grew up in
such as driving less, using less water, growing vegetables, nature. I still go to the most remote places. Now that
using public transport, and making compact housing urban ecology has begun to gel, I ponder an ecology of
developments. Most people can also pinpoint useful goals land and city. Do landscape ecology, road ecology, and
that directly use urban ecology. Broad-scale goals might urban ecology dovetail enough to spark synergies for
include having a city live in balance with resources of its scholarship and society?

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