Sociology and Christianity Project-2

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Sociology and Christianity Project


Good morning everyone, welcome to the first presentation of the year. Karly, Jordan, and
I are happy to introduce you all to the new concepts that we are about to learn today. We have
quite a few things to go through but I hope in the end everyone feels that they at least learned a
few things about Christianity and scientific sociology as well as Christianity and early American
sociology. But the end goal is that the information we are about to present really expands your
knowledge about Christianity and sociological theory. If you have any questions throughout the
presentation please feel free to raise a hand and we promise that we will try our best to answer

Key Concepts:

We will be diving into a lot of key concepts during this presentation that have a lot to do with the
relationship between Christianity and sociology. We will be talking about things like the social
gospel and how applying the teachings of Jesus to social problems have an effect on society. We
will talk about influencers to the social gospel movement like William Graham Sumner and
Richard Theodore Ely. As well as the importance of the social gospel and how it attempts to
tackle the connection between science and social problems. We will also get into the science of
sociology like it does in chapter 8 and discuss things like Freudianism, Behaviourism, Symbolic
Interactionism. Chapter 8 also discusses the more psychological things as well like Human
Behaviour, Response, and Ecology.

Future Contributions:

What are the contributions of sociology to society?

Sociology studies the role of social institutions (home, school, church and more) in the
development of the individuals. Sociology provides critical insight and perspective to the
solution of social problems. Sociology has changed our outlook with regard to the problems of
crime, its causes and consequences.
What is the sociology of the future?

The sociology of the future is an emerging field of inquiry that works to understand future
consciousness drawing from a mix of Science & Technology Studies and the practice of

How is sociological perspective used in everyday life?

Using the sociological imagination to examine our own lives, we might question how social
structures, forces, and relationships have given us certain privileges, like access to wealth and
prestigious schools. We might also consider how social forces like racism might disadvantage us
in comparison to others.

How can sociology continue to change the world

Through the sociological imagination, sociologists develop a mindset to explain how these
personal experiences, along with their challenges, impact the larger society in which we operate.
Having a better understanding of the relationship between personal and public issues can help
influence outcomes on every level.


To Finish first and foremost we would like to thank all of you for listening and also participating
in our presentation. I know there was a lot of information to retain but we hope that you found
some of it interesting and felt that you learned something today. For example, something I really
enjoyed hearing about was the science of sociology and Christianity and how much of an effect it
has on us on a psychological level. Another thing I was interested in was the quote about integral
sociology by Pitirim Sorokin that said “Human beings are three dimensional beings, composed
of a body, mind, and soul”. We wish the best of luck to everyone else presenting and hope we all
benefit from these presentations.

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