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Yellow Trout Lily Sample

(2 Chapters)
Chapter One
It was dawn. Squirrels were poking their heads out of their nests high up
in the trees. Best of all was that Bloodshed, a Tribe that existed since the
ancient Tribes, and had killed the Tribe of Fire, was gone.
Except it didn’t kill them all.
One ordinary squirrel was left. The last descendant of the Tribe of Fire.
It was me.

“Blackberry! Blackberry Lily!” I called my crater. A crater was an apprentice

trained by a corvus.
“I’m right here, ok Yellow!” The young black she-squirrel called back.
I sighed with relief. Then I stopped myself from saying ‘You’re OK.’
Why am I always so worried about my tribemates? I thought. I live in the
Wildflower Tribe. It is a tribe where everyone was named after wildflowers, like
Silverweed, the principal’s assistant, or andromeda. Silverweed is my mother.
My father had died long ago.
“OK, today we are going to master climbing trees. And DO NOT fall down
again.” I told Blackberry Lily.
“What?! TREES?! CLIMB?!” Blackberry Lily replied in panic.
“Yes, trees. If you don’t learn how to climb trees, then you’re not a squirrel.”
I replied.
Are you kidding me, Yellow? Why did I say that! I feel like I’m accusing the
Rocks and Minerals Tribe for living in caves!
“But… the Rocks and Minerals Tribe live in caves.” Blackberry Lily
corrected me.
“Do you belong in the Rocks and Minerals Tribe?” I replied to her nonsense
But are they nonsense?
I thought of sleeping in a warm nest on the ground. Though I could NEVER
EVER do that.
A drop of blood fell on my head.
“Blackberry Lily! Did you get another scratch?!” I hissed.
If it’s not her….oh no! Darkness must be coming! Hopefully not.
“Haha! You don’t like to climb trees!” Leopard Lily, Blackberry Lily’s sister,
“That’s the meanest thing I’ve ever heard!” Blackberry Lily gasped.
“Stop it, both of you!” I said.
“Hmp! I’ll show you I can climb a tree!” Blackberry Lily said to her sister.
She looked up at the slippery and wet tree, and spotted a nut on one of its
olive green leaves.
“I can get to that nut first.” She said, and she started climbing the wet tree.
“No! Not that tree! The dry one!” I squeaked to her.
“YELLLLLOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I heard Milkvetch’s voice call me.
“Milkvetch? What is it?” I said.
“It’s your sister! She’s……..she’s been attacked!”
“Attacked?! What are you—” I couldn’t finish.
“COME ON!” He broke into a run through the lush green bushes. I chased
after him.
“Run faster!” He squealed.
“I am running as fast as I can!” I protested.
We finally reached the entrance of the camp. Milkvetch exploded through the
bushes into the camp, while I carefully squeezed myself inside. I needed to
see my sister, but at the same time not scare her.
The craters! We left them at the tree!
“We can worry about the craters later. Willow Tail needs help!” Milkvetch
squeaked. He had always been interested in her.
We went into the healer’s den.
“Where's Black Mustard?” I asked. Black Mustard was the healer.
“He left to go find cobwebs. You were his crater for a while. Just help
Willow Tail!” Milkvetch said.
I found some leaves in the storage of herbs. I picked them up and put them
on Willow Tail’s wound.
“No, Yellow. It’s time for me to go.” Willow Tail said.
“No! No, no, Yellow Trout Lily! Help her!” Milkvetch squealed.
“I’m sorry Milkvetch. It’s her time.” I said.
Willow Tail coughed. She took her last breath, then she was gone.
“No, no! NO! Yellow, you promised you would help her! YOU PROMISED!”
Milkvetch squeaked. I quietly backed away as he and Silverweed grieved for
Willow Tail.
I looked down. My sister’s blood stained my paws.
“Oh Willow Tail…..I’m so sorry. It’s my fault you died. You never had a mate
or kittens.” I grieved. “And you to Milkvetch.” A thought suddenly came to me.
Who killed Willow Tail?


“Silverweed?” I called. Silverweed is my mother. I wanted to ask her who killed

Willow Tail.

“Go check on the craters Yellow. You left them there all day.” Silverweed
told me. I went to check on them, and when I arrived, they were happily
sharing a nut.
“Did you help Willow Tail?” Blackberry Lily asked.
“Milkvetch must be praising you soooo much!” Leopard Lily squeaked.
Milkvetch was their brother from an older litter.
“Willow Tail is dead.” I spat out.
Blackberry Lily and Leopard Lily gasped.
“But that would break Milkvetch’s heart!” Leopard Lily protested “How come
you couldn’t save her?”
“There were no cobwebs.” I replied.
They gasped again.
“Let’s go home. Your paws are all wet.” I told the sisters. They walked back
to camp with me.

When we arrived at camp, Blackberry and Leopard ran straight to Milkvetch.
“We’re so sorry, Milkvetch!” They were telling him.
Milkvetch wouldn’t talk.
“You would’ve made a wonderful mate for Willow Tail.” Silverweed came
over and told him.
“But she’s dead.” Milkvetch hissed.
“But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a mate.” Blackberry Lily squeaked.
“No. It’s not that. I don’t want a mate.” Milkvetch replied.
Chapter Two
Dawn broke. My eyes slid open. Yesterday was……a disaster. My sister died,
and Milkvetch doesn’t want a mate.
What is so important about Milkvetch not wanting a mate and kittens? Do I
want to be Milkvetch’s mate?
The answer was simple: No. Willow Tail is in the Constellation Tribe, a tribe
for dead squirrels, and she can still watch her tribe, and she might get angry if
I got Milkvetch.
“YELLOW TROUT LILY! Are you up or what?!” Puncture Vine, the principal
or leader, hissed “You and Blackberry Lily are going to trai with Milkvetch and
Leopard Lily!”
“Yes, Puncture Vine.” I got up and walked towards the tree entrance, then
scurried down the tree “What am I teaching today?”
“You’re teaching the craters how to run from predators.” Puncture Vine
replied “Now go. They're already at the Woods of Waiting Predators waiting for
I scurried towards the camp entrance and squeezed through the bushes.
The Woods of Waiting Predators was thirty squirrels away.
I finally reached it. It was surrounded by dark green bushes and tall trees,
perfect hiding places for a predator.
“Yellow!” A voice whispered.
Blackberry Lily?
Suddenly, to my surprise, a black figure exploded out of the bushes. I
squeaked in fear.
“Blackberry?” I said in surprise.
“Yes, it’s me.” Blackberry Lily said back.
“Listen, you are NOT supposed to explode out of bushes in these woods!
Predators could be around every corner!” I whispered.
“This is where some of the Tribe of Fire’s land was.” Blackberry said in awe
to the tall trees “I bet they were such good tree climbers.”
“Come on, let’s go find Milkvetch and Leopard.” I told her.
We went into the bushes she exploded from, and she led me to Milkvectch
and Leopard Lily. Blackberry Lily’s fur was all ruffled, so Leopard Lily came
over and licked her sister’s fur.
“Yellow? Are we going to start or what???”asked Milkvetch.
“Yes, I’ll be there in a moment. I have to go talk to the Principal.” I said. I
had to go talk to Puncture Vine and her andromeda, or deputy, Silverweed,
about Blackberry Lily. She has been a crater for long enough.

“Hello? Silverweed? I have to talk to Puncture Vine.” I asked as I walked

into their den, away from the damp grass.
“Yes, Yellow? What is it now?” Silverweed came in from behind the
entrance to the room of the Principal.
“Is everything ok?” I asked, noting the worried look on the andromeda of
the tribe.
“No, as a matter of fact, it’s not,” Silverweed snapped. “Sorry. I’m just upset.
Puncture Vine is very sick.”

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