Activity Report 2007-08

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Annual Activity Report

June 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008

19930001 – Laubach Literacy of Canada-Quebec/

Literacy Volunteers of Quebec

Several major changes occurred during the 2007-2008 fiscal year. First, the
members voted in June to change the organization’s name from Laubach
Literacy of Canada-Quebec/Literacy Volunteers of Quebec to Literacy
Volunteers of Quebec (Bénévoles en alphabétisation du Québec). The name
change was largely inspired due to the anticipated name change of Laubach
Literacy of Canada, which instead regretfully closed its doors permanently in
March 2008. A new logo was also developed to go along with the new name.

Second, in February 2008, LVQ received a major increase in core funding from
MELS. The annual subsidy rose from $40,000 to $75,000. This will enable
LVQ to further expand its activities and continue developing its’ network of
literacy and community partners.

Below is a summary of events and activities in which LVQ participated during

the 2007-08 year:

LVQ meetings and projects

General meetings

Representatives from the eleven member councils attended three (3)

general meetings:

• June 21, 2007

• September 18, 2007
• January 29, 2008

Board meetings

The Board of Directors met six times in person or by teleconference

during the course of the year:

• June 20, 2007

• August 23, 2007

Annual Activity Report/2007-2008 1

• November 2, 2007
• January 28, 2008
• March 27, 2008
• May 8, 2008

Annual general meeting

Eight out of eleven members attended the Annual General Meeting held
in Montreal.

• November 3, 2007

Annual conference

Approximately 90 students, volunteers and staff from member councils

across Quebec attended the 2008 annual conference. Dorothy Silver,
literacy ambassador and lifelong learner from New Brunswick, delivered
the keynote address.

A new format was introduced this year, with workshops held in both the
morning and the afternoon. Participants were pleased with the new
format and welcomed the opportunity to attend two workshops.

The following workshops were offered:

 Brain Gym for students

 Brain Gym for tutors
 Countertop chemistry
 Essential skills
 When does a fear become a phobia
 Tutor exchange
 What makes me me?
 Living on a shoestring budget

The Freda Hudson Volunteer Recognition Award was launched at the

annual conference. This award recognizes the dedication of an
outstanding volunteer in community based literacy.

• November 3, 2007

Professional development and support

Annual Activity Report/2007-2008 2

Members attended two professional development sessions this year,
including an information session on the 2003 IALSS results and Patterns
of Participation, and training on AlphaRoute, on-line courses for literacy

 June 21, 2007

 January 29, 2008

LVQ now has a toll-free number.

Pass the message! Promotional materials project

LVQ received IFPCA funding to revamp its’ website and to develop a

promotional kit. In addition to a new logo, core values and various
stationery items (folder, pamphlet, business card, letterhead, envelope,
literacy postcards) were developed. The existing website has been
totally redesigned to reflect the ever-growing LVQ and can be viewed at The new look is fresh and invigorating
and has been positively received by all.

Lights! Camera! Action! – Literacy video project

LVQ received funding to develop a literacy video to recruit students and

volunteers and sensitize the general public, potential partners and
sponsors about literacy. Testimonials from students, tutors and literacy
workers were filmed at each member location. The video will be
launched at the annual conference in October.

Speaking up and speaking out – learners recruiting learners –

Student speaker project

LVQ received funding to develop a team of student speakers. The

speakers will be trained in public speaking and will be available to
speak at various events around the province. The majority of the
project will be carried out in the 2008-2009 fiscal year.

MELS meetings

Meeting with the Minister of Education

In October six (6) member representatives and the LVQ Executive

Director met with Mme Michelle Courchesne, Minister of Education,
Recreation and Sports, to discuss adult literacy in the Anglophone

Annual Activity Report/2007-2008 3


• October 12, 2007

Meetings with the DEAAC and PACTE

LVQ participated in regularly scheduled mixed and working committee

meetings with representatives from MELS (DEAAC and PACTE).

Issues discussed at these meetings included allocation of new PACTE

money, project funding, statistical gathering, annual reporting, etc.:

• June 19, 2007

• September 14, 2007
• November 30, 2007
• January 11, 2008
• March 7, 2008
• April 22, 2008

AMIES PACTE meetings

Representatives from the four sectors funded under PACTE met on a

regular basis to discuss common issues raised during the mixed and
working committee meetings. The four sectors are:

• Literacy – francophone and anglophone;

• School dropout prevention;
• Training for community groups; and
• Street schools.

LVQ attended AMIES PACTE discussion and strategic planning meetings

during the course of 2007-08:

• October 1, 2007
• November 19, 2008
• February 25, 2008
• May 2, 2007

Literacy awards

LVQ participated in organizing three literacy awards this year:

Annual Activity Report/2007-2008 4

Freda Hudson Volunteer Recognition Award

Awarded in memory of a remarkable volunteer, LVQ will present this pin

annually to an active, longstanding volunteer who has made a
“remarkable” contribution to literacy. The winner of the inaugural
“Freda Pin” this year was Grace Saabas, a volunteer with RECLAIM.

• November 3, 2007 (pin presentation)

Adult Literacy Recognition Awards

The Centre for Literacy, QAAL (Quebec Association for Adult Learners),
QLWG (Quebec Literacy Working Group) and LVQ worked together to
create the Adult Literacy Recognition Awards.

An award was given in each of the following categories: Learner –

Community, Learner – School Board, Tutor – Community, Teacher –
School Board. Students from RECLAIM and the Yamaska Literacy
Council and a tutor from Literacy Unlimited each received plaques and
a cash prize of $125. Otis Grant, former world middle-heavyweight
boxing champion, presented the awards.

• November 20, 2007 (teleconference)

• April 7, 2008 (awards presentation)

Council of the Federation Literacy Award

LVQ was a member of the selection committee that chose the 2007
award winner.

• June 2007

Round tables, conferences, events and consultations

Libraries and Literacy Summer Institute

LVQ attended this three-day institute hosted by the Centre for Literacy
of Quebec. Literacy providers and librarians offering literacy services
shared literacy successes and challenges as they talked about
collaborative literacy initiatives in Canada’s libraries.

• June 26-28, 2007

Annual Activity Report/2007-2008 5

Connecting the Dots Symposium

LVQ attended this two day symposium on the impact of accountability

measures on literacy service delivery. Representatives from the
federal, provincial and territorial governments attended as did literacy
service providers from across the country.

• April 14-15, 2008

Pan Canadian Interactive Forum on Literacy

Literacy forums were hosted in each province and territory across the
country simultaneously, an initiative of the Council of Ministers of
Education of Canada (CMEC). Participants were linked via webcast and
listened to politicians, businessmen, academics and celebrities share
their literacy visions and journeys. MELS hosted the Quebec event,
which included break-outs into smaller working groups to discuss
literacy-related issues.

• May 12-14, 2008


International Literacy Day

Members were sent templates of letters and press releases to send out
in their communities.

• September 8, 2007

Coalition québécoise pour l’alphabétisation

The Coalition brings together various organizations working in the

literacy field in Quebec. The mandate has broadened from the original
goal of restoring federal literacy funding to one of presenting a
common voice advocating for literacy in the province. The Coalition
represents unions, community groups, school boards, documentation,
research and advocacy centres, anti-poverty and family groups, and
organizations dedicated to lifelong learning.

Meetings were held regularly during 2007-08.

• June 18, 2007

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• August 27, 2007
• September 5, 2007
• November 1, 2007
• May 9, 2008


LVQ was a member of the following organizations during 2007-08:

Coalition québecoise pour l’alphabétisation (Quebec Coalition for

Fondation pour l’alphabétisation (Literacy Foundation)
Institut de coopération pour l’éducation des adultes (ICÉA)
Laubach Literacy of Canada (LLC)
Quebec Association of Adult Learning (QAAL)
Quebec English Literacy Alliance (QELA)
Volunteer Canada/Bénévoles Canada

Annual Activity Report/2007-2008 7

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