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Name: Juan T. Amad

Article Title: Life Beyond the Horizon
Year Published: 2023
Publication Company: Sana All Printing Station Inc.
Volume: 9
Volume Specific Number: 67
Pages: 111-127"

APA Style:

Amad, J. T. (2023). Life beyond the horizon. Sana All Printing Station Inc., 9(67),

(Author's Last Name, Author's Initials. (Year Published). Article Title. Publication Company.
Volume(Issue), Pages.)

MLA Style:

Amad, Juan T. "Life Beyond the Horizon." Sana All Printing Station Inc., vol. 9, no. 67, 2023,
pp. 111-127.

(Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Article Title." Publication Company, vol. Volume, no. Volume
Specific Number, Year Published, pp. Pages.)

Turabian Style:

Amad, Juan T. "Life Beyond the Horizon." Sana All Printing Station Inc. 9, no. 67
(2023): 111-127.

(Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Article Title." Publication Company Volume, no. Volume
Specific Number (Year Published): Pages.)

Please note that these examples assume that the given publication details are for a journal article. If the
source is a book, website, or any other type of publication, the citation format may vary slightly.

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