Fundamental Vibration of Spacetime

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List of vibration frequencies of human emotions, as compiled from various sources:

| Emotion | Vibration frequency (Hz) |

| Fear | 2.5-4.5 |
| Anger | 15-30 |
| Resentment | 15-30 |
| Frustration | 15-30 |
| Guilt | 15-30 |
| Shame | 15-30 |
| Apathy | 50-60 |
| Hopelessness | 50-60 |
| Grief | 50-60 |
| Courage | 70-90 |
| Contentment | 90-100 |
| Optimism | 90-100 |
| Love | 150-200 |
| Joy | 200-500 |
| Gratitude | 250-600 |
| Peace | 300-700 |
| Enlightenment | 700+ |

Love 500-650
Joy 540-640
Peace 528-620
Gratitude 450-500
Compassion 400-450
Forgiveness 350-400
Acceptance 300-350
Hope 250-300
Neutral 200-250
Fear 150-200
Anger 100-150
Hatred 50-100
Shame 20-50
Guilt 0-20

It is important to note that these are just general guidelines. The actual vibration frequency of a particular
emotion may vary depending on the individual and the intensity of the emotion.

For example, the vibration frequency of fear will be higher if you are terrified than if you are simply feeling a little
bit anxious. Similarly, the vibration frequency of love will be higher if you are feeling deep and abiding love than
if you are simply feeling a sense of affection for someone.

The vibration frequency of human emotions also affects the physical body. For example, when you are feeling
negative emotions such as fear, anger, or resentment, your body releases stress hormones such as cortisol and
adrenaline. These hormones can cause a number of physical problems, such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, and headaches.

On the other hand, when you are feeling positive emotions such as love, joy, and gratitude, your body releases
hormones such as endorphins and oxytocin. These hormones have a number of health benefits, such as
reducing stress, improving mood, and boosting the immune system.

By understanding the vibration frequency of human emotions, you can consciously choose to focus on positive
emotions and raise your overall vibration frequency. This will improve your physical and mental health, and lead
to a happier and more fulfilling life.


he vibration frequency of everyday human life is a complex and ever-changing thing. It is influenced by a wide
range of factors, including our physical environment, our emotional state, and our overall well-being.
Here are some examples of the vibration frequencies of common everyday experiences:
Walking: 5-10 Hz
Running: 10-20 Hz
Talking: 20-50 Hz
Listening to music: 50-100 Hz
Laughing: 100-200 Hz
Meditating: 200-400 Hz
Experiencing deep love or joy: 400-800 Hz

It is important to note that these are just general ranges, and the actual vibration frequency of any given
experience will vary depending on the individual.
It is also important to note that our vibration frequency can have a significant impact on our overall health and
well-being. When we are exposed to high-frequency vibrations, such as those produced by loud music or
stressful situations, our bodies can become stressed and imbalanced. On the other hand, when we are
exposed to low-frequency vibrations, such as those produced by nature or during meditation, our bodies can
become more relaxed and balanced.

HUMAN Activity | Vibration frequency (Hz)

| Sitting still | 5 |
| Standing still | 7 |
| Walking | 10 |
| Running | 20 |
| Jumping | 30 |
| Lifting weights | 40 |
| Playing sports | 50 |
| Dancing | 60 |
| Singing | 70 |
| Playing a musical instrument | 80 |
| Vibrating machine | 90 |
| Ultrasound | 100 |

One way to increase your vibration frequency is to spend time in nature. The vibration frequency of nature is
typically very low, and being surrounded by natural elements can help to relax and balance your body. Another
way to increase your vibration frequency is to practice meditation or yoga. These activities can help to calm the
mind and body, and promote a sense of peace and well-being.
Overall, the vibration frequency of everyday human life is a complex and ever-changing thing. However, by being
aware of the factors that can influence our vibration frequency, we can take steps to ensure that we are
exposed to high-frequency vibrations as much as possible.


There is no definitive list of frequencies associated with the fundamental vibration of spacetime. However,
based on various theoretical and experimental studies, the following frequencies have been proposed:

It is important to note that these frequencies are all extremely high and beyond the range of direct detection.
Additionally, the fundamental vibration of spacetime is thought to be a complex phenomenon with multiple
frequencies, rather than a single frequency.

Here is a table of the proposed frequencies in Hertz and their corresponding wavelengths in meters:

| Frequency (Hz) | Wavelength (m) |

| 10^43 | 10^-16 |
| 10^45 | 10^-18 |
| 10^47 | 10^-20 |
| 10^53 | 10^-26 |
| 10^57 | 10^-30 |

For comparison, the frequency of visible light ranges from about 4.3 × 10^14 Hz to 7.5 × 10^14 Hz, and the
frequency of radio waves ranges from about 3 × 10^9 Hz to 30 × 10^9 Hz.

The fundamental vibration of spacetime is a complex and poorly understood phenomenon, and more research
is needed to determine its precise frequency and other properties.
The fundamental vibration frequency of human reality is a theoretical concept that is not yet fully understood.
However, some scientists and researchers believe that it may be in the range of 10^43 to 10^45 Hz. This is
based on the estimated frequency of the fundamental vibration of spacetime.

Spacetime is the fabric of the universe, and it is thought to be made up of tiny strings that vibrate at extremely
high frequencies. The fundamental vibration of spacetime is believed to be the lowest frequency at which these
strings vibrate.

If the fundamental vibration frequency of human reality is in the range of 10^43 to 10^45 Hz, then it would be
far beyond the range of human perception. However, it is possible that this vibration frequency could interact
with our consciousness in some way.

Some people believe that the fundamental vibration frequency of human reality is connected to our thoughts,
emotions, and experiences. They believe that by raising our vibration frequency, we can improve our overall
health and well-being.

While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, there is a growing body of research on the effects
of vibration on the human body and mind. For example, some studies have shown that vibration therapy can
help to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and boost the immune system.

More research is needed to understand the fundamental vibration frequency of human reality and its potential
effects on our health and well-being. However, the existing research suggests that this is a fascinating and
important area of study.

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