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Alchemist Spells

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: 1 round Range: Near
Ingredients: aqua fortis, uncommon, 2 gp/use
Target up to three creatures Close to each other. Those creatures take 1d4 acid damage.

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: 1 hour Range: Self
Ingredients: blood, common, no cost
Your Alchemist’s Stone becomes a 1 ft tall animated humanoid Companion. This creature has
HP 1, AC 10, ST -4, DX -1, CON -1, WI -4, INT -4, CHA -4, it cannot speak, but can do simple tasks
like open some doors and scout ahead. It communicates telepathically with caster. If
destroyed, caster loses 1 HP permanently and the caster’s Alchemist’s Stone is destroyed.

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: 3 rounds Range: Far
Ingredients: sapphire powder, rare, 6 gp/use
A narrow green-blue beam of concentrated light strikes one target for 1d4 damage the first
round, 2d4 the second round, and 3d4 the third round. Targets may take cover to avoid
damage. Any creature that blocks the beam will take damage instead. Mirrored surfaces will
reflect the beam to hit another creature at random. Cloud or fog will disperse the beam

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: 2 rounds Range: Self
Ingredients: calcite, common, 15 cp/use
Your Alchemist Stone turns liquid and flows around your body, hardening at your command.
+4 AC to one attack each turn.

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Near
Ingredients: salt, common, 5 cp
Eliminate any ongoing effects of poison or disease on one target creature of level 2 or less.
Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Near
Ingredients: hornblende, common, 18 cp/use
Alter gravity in front of another creature. You may create a gentle push or sudden hard shove.
Target must make a Strength check at disadvantage or be violently knocked over and suffer
2 damage.

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: 4 rounds Range: Touch
Ingredients: carbon, common, 5 cp/use
Sharpen edged weapon to magically keen edge. It deals 1d4 additional damage for duration.

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Self
Ingredients: silica, common, 8 cp/use
Mirror sheen surrounds you. For duration, all Tier 2 spells or below are reflected back at

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: 1 round Range: Touch
Ingredients: schist, common, 12 cp/use
Everyone other than target is briefly frozen in time. Target may use this time to Move or
Attack, but not both. Target cannot use spells during this time.

Tier 1, alchemist
Duration: 4 rounds Range: Touch
Ingredients: cinnabar, uncommon, 12 sp/use
Roll 1d4. Target of LV 3 or less will 1. Sprout useless fluttering wings, 2. Grow rocky lesions on
the skin that itch (+2 to AC), 3. Swell into the shape and color of an enormous blueberry, 4.
Grow a single flailing tentacle from the chest. After duration, effects will dissipate and
appendages whither and fall off. Target will be distracted and roll at disadvantage for

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: 1 hour Range: Focus
Ingredients: solder (tin-lead-indium alloy), rare, 8 gp/use
You create a 1 ft tall animated humanoid Companion made of solder. This creature has HP
equal to the caster’s level, AC 12, ST -2, DX -1, CON +0, WI -3 INT -3, CHA -4, cannot speak, but
can do simple tasks like open doors and scout ahead. The homunculus can be ordered up to
turn into a motile liquid and solidify on command. This can be useful for soldering doors shut
(can be broken with DC 10+caster level STR check), investigating traps and locks, laying a trap
for an unwary monster by forming a metallic pool and then solidifying around the creature’s
foot, and any other creative uses. It is immune to poison or disease. It communicates
telepathically with caster. If destroyed, caster loses HP equivalent to the Homunculus’s HP
and the caster’s Alchemist’s Stone is destroyed.

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Near
Ingredients: beryl, uncommon, 15 sp/use
A clear crystal encases one target. Target breaks free with a DC 10+caster LVL STR check. Can
only target creatures of level 4 or less.

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: 3 rounds Range: Close
Ingredients: osmium, rare, 9 sp/use
Target of Level 5 or less becomes increasingly heavy. First round: ½ MV (must take two MV
actions in a row to move normal MV), Second round: ¼ MV (must spend two full rounds
moving to move normal MV), Third round: Cannot move.

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: 2 hours Range: Near
Ingredients: radium, rare, 6 sp/use
Every non-organic surface within Near glows a blueish color. This effect will follow the
movement of the caster.


Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Touch
Ingredients: promethium, rare, 7 gp/use
One target weapon strikes its target as if it were 5 times as heavy, doing +5 damage for

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: 3 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: petrified wood, uncommon, 6 gp/use
Target creature of level 3 or less turns to stone for duration.

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Near
Ingredients: stibnite, uncommon, 21 sp/use
Squeeze target between two anti-gravity wells. Target takes 1d6+1 damage.

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Near
Ingredients: cobaltocalcite, uncommon, 13 sp/use
A target of level 5 or less is split into an alternate timeline and will experience the last hour of
time fast forwarded over and over again, one loop per round. To others, the target seems to
be flickering in and out. Each round target may make a WIS check equal with DC equal to
10+caster’s level to break out of loop and rejoin your timeline.

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Touch
Ingredients: ulexite, uncommon, 6 sp/use
Repair or break any one non-magical object.

Tier 2, alchemist
Duration: see below Range: Near
Ingredients: tourmaline, uncommon, 25 sp/use
You throw or roll your Alchemist’s Stone at a target or location within Near. As it flies through
the air, the stone cycles through all colors of the rainbow until finally exploding in a blast of
colored light and associated effect when it hits the target. Roll 1d6 on the table below, that
the target and everything within Near range not behind cover (including you and your allies!)
is affected by the blast. If you roll an 20 or higher on your Spellcasting check, you time the
throw perfectly and may pick the color of the blast.
1. Red – Fire and blood. A red shimmering blast of superheated air flows out from the
Alchemist’s Stone doing 3d6 damage to everything within Near.
2. Orange – Abundance and Joy. Every intelligent creature within Near will irresistibly dance
for 1d10 rounds.
3. Yellow – Sun and Eternity. Creatures will be blinded for 1d6 rounds. Undead of level 2 or
less will run away.
4. Green – Rebirth and Regeneration. Creatures within Near gain 2d6 hit points.
5. Blue – Water and Serenity. Creatures within Near will become becalmed, unwilling to
attack and more willing to negotiate for the next 1d6 rounds
6. Purple (Indigo/Violet) – Royalty and Magic. For 2d6 rounds, 50% chance that either 1) an
anti-magic bubble is created - no magic may be cast and the effects of magic items are
temporarily suspended for duration, or 2) a magic enhancement bubble is created, all
effects of magic or magic items are doubled for duration.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: 1 hour Range: Self
Ingredients: bronze (copper-tin alloy), uncommon, 6 gp/use
You create a 1 ft tall animated humanoid Companion made of bronze. This creature has HP
equal to the caster’s level, AC 14, ST -2, DX +0, CON -1, WI +0, INT -1, CHA -4, cannot speak, but
can do simple tasks like open doors and scout ahead. It can communicate telepathically with
caster. It can be ordered, up to three times, to form its arm into a hollow barbed needle and
use to attack a target. On a successful attack, this needle can pierce another creature (usually
the leg), doing 1d4 damage on the way in, and if forced out, 1d4 damage on the way out, and
then, as long as the needle stays inserted, it will suck 1d4 HP of blood/life force from the
creature per round. Damage done this way increases the homunculus’s HP by an equal
amount. This does not work on the undead. It communicates telepathically with caster. It is
immune to poison or disease and takes ½ damage from non-magical cold and fire. If
destroyed, caster loses ½ the homunculus’s HP and the caster’s Alchemist’s Stone is

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: instant Range: Near
Ingredients: cadmium, uncommon, 12 gp/use
Create a gravity vortex that squeezes target. Target takes 2d6+1 damage and 50% chance
each non-magical item target is holding is destroyed.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Touch
Ingredients: magnetite, common, 27 sp/use
Armor exudes sharp iron crystal dendritic growths. +3 AC and on a successful hit, an iron
crystal quill flies at target dealing 1d6 damage.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: 3 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: quartz, common, 35 sp/use
Everyone within a Near bubble around caster, other than caster and LVL allies, is shifted to a
slower time stream. They take all actions at Disadvantage and all attacks on them are taken
at Advantage.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: breccia, uncommon, 19 sp/use
A wall conglomerates together from surrounding dirt, rocks and other materials. This wall is
can be up to 30 ft high (Near) and 30 ft (Near) long and can surround up to 4 targets Close to
each other. Each creature near the wall can make a DEX check vs 10+caster level to move to a
location on either side of the wall it prefers. This wall has hit points equal to caster level x 1d4.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: 10 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: scolecite, uncommon, 18 sp/use
You may reorient gravity. Gravity will flow in the direction of your choice. You may choose to
be unaffected by this change, if you do so, gravity will continue to affect you normally. You
may also choose to have the gravity reversal only effect you, allowing you to “fall” in the
direction of your choice. And by reversing your personal gravity in this way continuously you
can push yourself through the air.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: axurite, uncommon, 24 sp/use
Create a pit or void underground targeting any location within Near (30 ft). The pit, hallway or
room created can of any length, width and depth as long as the total volume is no greater
than 8000 cubic feet. For example, the void created could be 20’ by 20’ by 20’ cubic room, a
10’ by 10’ by 80’ pit or a 10’ x 20’ x 40’ hallway. The material excavated will be instantly gated to
a random plane outside the Prime Material Plane. If you roll 18 or greater, you may choose
the plane and location that the excavated material falls.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: 1 hour Range: Near
Ingredients: cesium, rare, 12 gp/use
Target one creature. Roll 1d4 to determine that creature’s mutation: 1. Extra set of
upper/forward limbs. Extra attack for duration. 2. Extra set of lower/back limbs. Double Move
for duration. Can jump Move and with a successful attack, land on target doing 2d6 damage.
3. Extra head and enlarged teeth. Can cast two spells at a time for duration or attack twice
with teeth for duration, 1d8 each attack. 4. Grows massively strong prehensile tail (or
additional tail if one exists) for duration. Tail whip attack, 3d6, and cannot be knocked over.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: betafite, rare, 23 gp/use
A strong burst of wind, heat and radiation emits from the caster burning and mutating
everything and everyone within Close. All creatures within Close are also pushed back 30’
unless they make a DC 10+caster level STR save and take 2d6 damage. They also have a 50%
chance of mutating. Roll 1d4 for mutations 1) Eyeballs form all over creature’s body and the
creature must make a DC 10+caster level WIS save or be driven mad 2) Screaming mouths
form all over creature’s body. Everyone within Near of the creature (including the creature)
must make a DC 10+caster level CON save or be deafened. 3) A miniature version of the
creature erupts from the creature abdomen or center of mass. 4) The creature grows a thick
hide of keratin that freezes the creature’s joints, making it unable to move, unless it succeeds
at a DC 15 STR check. This hide also gives the creature +6 AC.

Tier 3, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Far
Ingredients: crocoite, uncommon, 27 sp/use
1d4 razor sharp spikes of stone burst forth from any surface within Far of caster. These stone
spikes can extend up to 30’ from the surface and each one will do 3d4 damage to chosen

Tier 4, alchemist
Duration: 1 hour Range: Self
Ingredients: steel (iron-carbon alloy), rare, 36 gp/use
You create a 1 ft tall animated humanoid Companion made of steel. This creature has HP
equal to the caster’s level, AC 16, ST +1, DX +0, CON +2, WI +0, INT +0, CHA -2. It can
communicate telepathically with caster or speak simple phrases and be commanded to do
simple tasks. On command, the homunculus can transform into any one slot weapon or tool.
As a weapon, it is a +4 magical weapon of whatever type is needed and the caster may use
this weapon as if it is a weapon of an allowed type for the caster’s class. It can also be
commanded to attack a target. It will typically form an arm into a blade and attempt to slice
the Achilles tendon, doing 1d8+2 damage and possibly immobilizing the target. It is immune
to poison and disease and takes ½ damage from non-magical heat or cold. If destroyed,
caster loses HP equivalent to the Homunculus’s HP and the caster’s Alchemist’s Stone is

Tier 4, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: chert, common, 6 sp/use
You may manifest up to 8000 cubic feet (a 20’ x 20’ x 20’ cube) of a random assortment of
rocks and minerals at any location within Far. Anything underneath the falling stone will take
6d6 damage and will be trapped, unable to move unless they succeed at a DC 18 Strength
check. Any creature of level 6 or greater will sense the planar gate opening and may be able
to move away in time to avoid the falling mass with a DC 10+caster level DEX check. With an
20 or greater spellcasting check, you may choose the mix of up to 10 materials to make up
the stone.

Tier 4, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Far
Ingredients: pitchblende, uncommon, 14 gp/use
A cone of purplish or invisible radiation (you choose) that melts creatures from inside out.
Target a single creature or group of creatures. Within Close range, you make target up to 2
human-sized creatures Close to each other, doing 4d6 radiation damage to each. Within
Near range, you make target up to 4 human-sized creatures Close to each other, doing 2d6
radiation damage to each. Within Far range, you make target up to 8 human-sized creatures
Close to each other, doing 1d6 radiation damage to each.

Tier 4, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Far
Ingredients: lazurite, rare, 31 gp/use
You create a 30’ (Near) in diameter sized time hole centered on a location of your choice. Any
creature of level 8 or less that enters it will be frozen in time for duration.

Tier 4, alchemist
Duration: 1 hour Range: Near
Ingredients: realgar, rare, 23 gp/use
You create an anti-gravity fist the size of a human head that can be used to manipulate
objects or bludgeon an enemy, doing 2d12 damage.

Tier 4, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Near
Ingredients: peridot, rare, 17 gp/use
Transform any single non-magical non-living object into another object of similar size that
you can imagine. For complex machines, you must have an intimate understanding of the
objects function and construction.

Tier 4, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: enhydro agate, rare, 19 gp/use
You are able to connect the Prime Material Plane to one Elemental or Para-Elemental plane
of your choice and entice 1d4 native creatures to enter the prime material plane and attack a
target of your choosing. At the end of each round, you must make another successful
spellcasting check to remain in control of the beings. If you fail, the elementals will either,
(50% chance) return to their home plane or (50% chance) stay in the prime material plane
and attack the caster or possibly run away (GMs discretion). Any elemental running away will
find an appropriate location to make its lair and menace any sentient creatures that

Tier 4, alchemist
Duration: 1 hour Range: Near
Ingredients: diamond, rare, 45 gp/use
You create sparkling overlapping scales of diamond armor that encase you. You have +8 AC
for duration. The armor will crack (-2 AC) anytime 20 more damage is done to target in a
single round. After 4 cracks the armor will disappear. The wearer will also be immune to
radiation and heat damage.

Tier 5, alchemist
Duration: 1 hour Range: Self
Ingredients: titanium, mythic, cannot be purchased
You create a 1 ft tall animated humanoid Companion made of a titanium alloy. This creature
has HP equal to the caster’s level, AC 18, ST +2, DX +0, CON +2, WI +0, INT +1, CHA +1. It can
speak and communicate with the caster and others and also communicate with the caster
telepathically. It can do complex tasks, but must be directed by caster. Caster may cast spells
as if it was in the homunculus’s location. It is immune to poison, disease, and non-magical
heat or cold. It takes ½ damage from magical heat or cold. If sent into battle, it will typically
attempt to climb any creature larger than it and stab it in the eyes with a needle point arm,
doing 3d4 damage and potentially blinding the creature. Finally, it can transform into a living
armor surrounding the caster, providing AC 18 and immunity from non-magical heat and
cold and ½ damage from magical heat and cold. If destroyed, caster loses HP equivalent to
the Homunculus’s HP and the caster’s Alchemist’s Stone is destroyed.

Tier 5, alchemist
Duration: Focus Range: Near
Ingredients: phyllite, uncommon, 15 gp/use
As long as you focus on target, their age will double each round. First round, target gets
Disadvantage on attacks. Second round, all previous effects plus target has ½ move and
sharp chest pains doing 2d6 damage. Third round, all previous effects plus target is confused,
will lose interest and begin walking in random direction. Fourth round, all previous effects
plus target is deaf, blind, and must succeed at Con check or die. Fifth round, all previous
effects plus certain death. Spell has no effect on immortals.

Tier 5, alchemist
Duration: 10 rounds Range: Far
Ingredients: zircon, rare, 51 gp/use
Time does not pass for anyone other than the caster and allies for duration in a Far bubble
around caster.

Tier 5, alchemist
Duration: 3 rounds Range: Far
Ingredients: neutronium, mythic, unavailable for purchase
Create a Near sized black hole centered on a location of your choice. Any creature of Level 8
or less inside the event horizon is immediately sucked in and crushed. Any creature greater
than Level 8 must succeed at a DEX check of DC 15 to move out of the way in time or be
sucked in and crushed.

Tier 5, alchemist
Duration: 5 rounds Range: Near
Ingredients: antimatter, mythic, unavailable for purchase
Open up a portal to another timeline or plane.


Tier 5, alchemist
Duration: 1 week Range: Far
Ingredients: wulfenite, rare, 93 gp/use
You are able to flatten hills and fill valleys, excavate complexes of dungeons, redirect rivers
and otherwise completely alter landscapes within a 1 mile by 1 mile area.

Tier 5, alchemist
Duration: Instant Range: Far
Ingredients: plutonium, mythic, unavailable for purchase
You may manifest the fusion of atoms in a small area you target that you can see from your
location. The resulting explosion will disintegrate anything not made of metal or stone and
deeply embedded in ground within 1 mile of its center, though creatures of level 10 or greater
get a CON save to resist disintegration. Everything within 3 miles of explosion takes 10d8
damage and structures or items made of flammable material burn. Everything within 10
miles of explosion takes 5d8 damage and are knocked to the ground.

Tier 5, alchemist
Duration: 1 day Range: Far
Ingredients: tridymite, mythic, 231 gp/use
Open up pathways to underground reservoir of lava, allowing it to explode and pour into the
open from underground vents. Roll 1d20, the resulting lava will cover a length and width in
miles equal to the result of the roll (i.e. a 1d20 mile by 1d20 mile area) surrounding the caster.
Anything and anyone covered by lava not immune or resistant to fire damage takes 10d12
damage and is set on fire. The lava flows and explosions of gas from fumaroles and vents can
happen suddenly or gradually. Creatures that can fly or otherwise move quickly may be able
to evacuate the area in time to avoid being completely consumed, but must make a DC 15
DEX save or be hit by exploding gas and rock and take 5d12 damage.

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