IM Library Assignment - Fall 2023 1

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300-M01-MS: Intellectual Methods in Social Science - Library Research Skills

Your Name: Click here to enter text.


a) What is your pre-assigned research question?
Example: How do young voters view political campaigns in social media?

Click here and type out your preliminary topic and put (parentheses) around the core concepts.

b) What are the key terms of your topic? There can be up to four, but you do not need to have four.
Example: young, voters, political campaigns, social media

Enter Key Term. Enter Key Term.

Enter Key Term. Enter Key Term.

c) Find synonyms for each of your key terms, where possible. Not all key terms will have synonyms.
Key Term Synonyms
Example: young Example: youth, young adult, young adults, teen, teenager, teenagers, teens

Key Term. Enter synonyms for that term.

Key Term. Enter synonyms for that term.
Key Term. Enter synonyms for that term.
Key Term. Enter synonyms for that term.

d) Truncate your synonyms, where possible. Group words with similar root spellings and add the truncation symbol (*)
to the end of each truncated word. Not all synonyms will truncate together.
Group of Synonyms with Similar Spellings Truncated Root Word
Example: teen, teens, teenager, teenagers Example: teen*

Enter synonyms with shared spellings = Enter truncated root word.

Enter synonyms with shared spellings = Enter truncated root word.
Enter synonyms with shared spellings = Enter truncated root word.
Enter synonyms with shared spellings = Enter truncated root word.
Enter synonyms with shared spellings = Enter truncated root word.

e) Take both the list of truncated terms and any concepts or synonyms that will not truncate and combine them into a
search phrase using Boolean Operators (And, Or, Not) and Nesting (multiple textboxes). Remember that you want to
group synonymous terms together using “OR” and link between the groups of synonyms for each key term with an
“AND.” Use parentheses to represent your groupings of synonymous words. These will be text boxes when you
search in the Library databases.
Example: (youth OR young adult* OR teen* OR young) AND (vot*) AND (social media OR social network* OR
Facebook OR Twitter OR Instagram OR Snapchat OR Tumblr) AND (elect* OR politic* OR campaign*)

(first concept OR first concept synonym OR first concept synonym) AND (second concept OR second concept synonym)


a) Go to
Scroll down to the Journal and newspaper articles section of the page.
b) Scroll down to the link to the EBSCO databases. Log in using your student number as the username and your
permanent code with a hashtag at the end.
c) Click on Journal Databases.
d) Check off Academic Search Complete and/or Social Sciences Full Text (H.W. Wilson) and/or Business Source
Elite and/or PsycARTICLES and/or Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection and/or SocINDEX and/or ERIC
and/or Education Source, as appropriate for your topic.
e) Click the Continue button.
f) Check off the Full-Text and Peer-Reviewed checkboxes.
g) Select SU Subject Terms from the drop-down menu beside each search box.
h) Using the your search phrase from Question 1 as a starting point, find one full-text article from a peer-reviewed,
academic journal that relates to your topic. In order to get the most out of the databases, you may need to alter
your search phrase as you search.

Search phrase: Enter search phrase.

Title of article: Enter the full title of the article.
Author(s) of article: Enter the names of all the authors of the article.
Title of journal: Enter the full title of the journal.
Year of publication: Enter the year of publication.
Volume and issue (if any): Enter the volume and the issue numbers.
Page(s) of article (first – last): Enter the first page and the last page.
DOI (if any): Enter the full DOI, if available.
Permalink: Enter the Permalink for the article, as provided by the database.

Library Research Skills Assignment / 300-M01-MS: Intellectual Methods in Social Science / Fall 2023


a) Go to
Scroll down to the Journal and newspaper articles section of the page.
b) Scroll down to the link to the JSTOR database. Log in using your student number as the username and your
permanent code with a hashtag at the end.
c) Click on Search in the top menu to go to the Advanced Search.
d) Check off the Articles checkbox under Item Type.
e) Sometimes selecting “Abstract” from the drop-down menu beside each search box can help you focus your
search. However, only 10% of JSTOR articles have abstracts, which will limit your pool of possible results.
f) Using the your search phrase from Question 1 as a starting point, find one full-text article from a peer-reviewed,
academic journal that relates to your topic. In order to get the most out of the databases, you may need to alter
your search phrase as you search.

Search phrase: Enter search phrase.

Title of article: Enter the full title of the article.
Author(s) of article: Enter the names of all the authors of the article.
Title of journal: Enter the full title of the journal.
Year of publication: Enter the year of publication.
Volume and issue (if any): Enter the volume and the issue numbers.
Page(s) of article (first – last): Enter the first page and the last page.
DOI (if any): Enter the full DOI, if available.
Remote Access URL: Enter the Remote Access URL for the article, as provided by the database.

Library Research Skills Assignment / 300-M01-MS: Intellectual Methods in Social Science / Fall 2023


a) Go to
Scroll down to the Journal and newspaper articles section of the page.
b) Scroll down to the link to the Érudit database. Log in using your student number as the username and your
permanent code with a hashtag at the end.
c) Check off the Articles savants checkbox under Types de publication.
d) Check of the Article checkbox under Types d’articles savants.
e) Select Title, résumé, mots-clés from the drop-down menu beside each search box.
f) As Érudit is a French-language database, you will have to translate your search terms into French. This will also
apply to Boolean operators, which are et, ou, and sauf in French. Use the translated search phrase to find one
full-text article from a peer-reviewed, academic journal that relates to your topic. .

Search phrase: Enter search phrase.

Title of article: Enter the full title of the article.
Author(s) of article: Enter the names of all the authors of the article.
Title of journal: Enter the full title of the journal.
Year of publication: Enter the year of publication.
Volume and issue (if any): Enter the volume and the issue numbers.
Page(s) of article (first – last): Enter the first page and the last page.
DOI (if any): Enter the full DOI, if available.
Permalink: Enter the URI link for the article, as provided by the database.

Library Research Skills Assignment / 300-M01-MS: Intellectual Methods in Social Science / Fall 2023


a) Go to the Library website (
b) Click on Search the Library Catalogue.
c) Click on Advanced Search.
d) Under Type, select Book or E-Book.
e) Use your search phrase you constructed in Question 1 to as a starting point for finding a book or eBook on your
topic. Remember that you may need to broaden the scope of your topic to find a relevant book.
f) Select one book or eBook on your topic.
Note: When searching the Library catalogue, you must use a “$” instead of an “*” as a truncation symbol.

Search phrase: Enter search phrase.

Title of book: Enter the full title of the book.
Author(s) of book: Enter the names of all the authors of the book.
Publisher: Enter the publisher’s name.
Year of publication: Enter the year of publication.
Call Number (print book only): Enter the call number for the book.
URL (eBook only): Enter the link for the eBook only, as provided by the eBook database.


a) I will read the following article first:

Enter the authors and the title of your chosen article here.

b) Check the following:

I confirm that this article is peer-reviewed and available in full text.

c) Check the following:

I have verified that the links I have provided for all three articles and the book in this assignment function

I have downloaded the full text of all three of my articles and saved them to a network or cloud location
(Marianopolis P-drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. . . ).

Library Research Skills Assignment / 300-M01-MS: Intellectual Methods in Social Science / Fall 2023

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