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We, the Matias H. Aznar Memorial College of Medicine Student Body, assert our inherent and democratic right
to pursue an autonomous and genuine student government that shall represent the diverse population of the Matias
H. Aznar Memorial College of Medicine in pursuing academic, social, administrative, and policy initiatives of
interest to the student body, in addition to responsible management of student funds, liaison between the student
body and the Matias H. Aznar Memorial College of Medicine’s administration, the Association of Philippine
Medical Colleges - Student Network, and any other individuals and organizations.


Section 1: This student organization shall be officially called the MATIAS H. AZNAR MEMORIAL COLLEGE
OF MEDICINE STUDENT COUNCIL, hereinafter referred to as MHAMCM-SC.


Section 1: The MHAMCM - SC shall be the official student council of the Matias H. Aznar Memorial College
of Medicine (MHAMCM). It shall promote and impart various programs and policies deemed to be beneficial to
the students of the school as a whole.

Section 2: The MHAMCM - SC shall promote intellectual, physical, social, moral and spiritual well-being of the
students and shall initiate relevant projects and activities in the pursuit of these goals.

Section 3: The MHAMCM - SC shall create mutual understanding among Medical students and promote mutual
aid and benefits of its members.

Section 4: The MHAMCM - SC shall get involved in projects in the promotion of health in the community in
cooperation with local government groups.

Section 5: The MHAMCM - SC shall participate in the programs promoted by the Association of Philippine
Medical Colleges – Student Network or APMC-SN.

Section 6: The MHAMCM - SC will have the authority and responsibility to:

Section 6-1: Formulate the budget of the MHAMCM - SC, according to the provisions outlined in
Article VII: Budget.
Section 6-2: Distribute the Student Funds accordingly.
Section 6-3: Express its will through resolutions, reflecting and representing the views of the student
Section 6-4: Issue reports to the MHAMCM - SC student body on council activities and efforts. These
reports shall include, but not be limited to, the meeting minutes and budget updates.
Section 6-5: Establish committees.


Section 1: Every student has the right to be properly informed of the programs, rules and regulations and
policies of the academic community.
Section 2: Every student has the right to have access to his/her official records and other pertinent documents
and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions or decisions.
Section 3: Every student has the right to receive professional competence from the faculty and administration.
Section 4: Every student has the right to be academically evaluated based on objective criteria.
Section 5: Every student has the right to conduct scholarly research freely and to publish, discuss and exchange
findings and recommendations for the purpose of academic development.
Section 6: Every student has the right to suffrage.
6.1. Every student has the right to vote for representatives and officers of the MHAMCM - SC.
6.2. Every student has the right to exercise other electoral practices.
Section 7: Every student has the right to actively participate in the MHAMCM - SC.
Section 8: Every student has the right to recall their representatives from office with due process.
Section 9: Every student has the right to proper representation and participation in all policy-making bodies
inside the College of Medicine.
Section 10: Every student has the right to regular student-faculty and student-administration dialogue.
Section 11: Every student has the right to assemble and to freely and responsibly express their views, opinions
and grievances.
Section 12: Every student has the right to objective presentation and independent operation of the student-
controlled publications, subject to the cannons of responsible journalism.
Section 13: Every student has the right to establish, organize, join and actively participate in clubs,
organizations, groups and other associations for purposes not contrary to existing policies.
Section 14: Every student has the right to due process.
Section 15: Every student has the right to legitimate and responsible use of adequate, safe, clean and efficient
school facilities.
Section 16: Every student has the right to apply for a MHAMCM - SC position.
Section 17: All other rights as specified in the Student Handbook, but are not specified herein are included as
rights of students.


Section 1: Eligibility. To be eligible to hold a MHAMCM - SC position, one must:

Section 1-1: Be a student of the MHAM CM, duly enrolled, and in good standing with the Dean’s office.
Section 1-2: Officers are not eligible to vote on council business until they have been elected by the
student body, or appointed and confirmed by the council.

Section 2: Terms of Service

Section 2-1: All officers shall serve a term of one school year.
Section 2-2: Officers’ terms begin after commencement ceremonies, and all terms end at the following
year’s commencement ceremonies.
Section 2-3: No MHAMCM - SC officer may simultaneously hold two offices within the MHAMCM -
SC and other organization in and out of the school premise.
Section 3: Code of Conduct. Every member of the MHAMCM - SC must maintain the highest standard of conduct
for the duration of his/her service. Council members will:
Section 3-1: Behave ethically and respectfully in pursuit of official duties.
Section 3-2: Not abuse their authority in any way.
Section 3-3: Recognize that any disciplinary or legal charges incurred during his or her term of service
that comes to the attention of the council could subject the member to disciplinary actions up to and including
Section 3-4: Will not speak or enter into agreements on behalf of the MHAMCM - SC without explicit
consent from relevant members of the council.
Section 3-5: A member of the council acknowledges that he/she is representing the MHAM CM student
body and college, and that any violation of the MHAM CM Code of Conduct will be reported to the Dean and
will be considered grounds for impeachment.

Section 4: Attendance and Responsibilities

Section 4-1: The MHAMCM - SC Officers shall be responsible for the implementation of the policies and
programs of the student body. It shall meet regularly at least once a week. In between sessions and meetings of
the MHAMSC, they shall function as the policy-making body.
Section 4-2: The MHAMCM - SC shall be composed of the following officers:
a. The President
b. The Executive Vice-President
c. The Internal Vice-President
d. The External Vice-President / Senior APMC-SN Representative
e. The Secretary
f. The Assistant-Secretary
g. The Treasurer
h. The Assistant-treasurer
i. The Auditor
j. The Councilors – 5
k. 4th Year – Batch President
l. Batch Representatives
m. Junior APMC SN Representative

Section 5: The President, the Internal Vice-President, the External-Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer,
the Auditor and the five Councilors of the MHAMSC are to be elected by the body in a General election. The
Batch Representative shall be chosen among the class presidents of their respective batch at the beginning of
school year. The Executive Vice-President, the Assistant Secretary, the Assistant Treasurer, and the Junior APMC
SN Representative shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Student Council
Officers. The President and Executive Vice-President must be third year level students at the start of their
respective terms of office. The Internal Vice President must be a second year level student at the start of his/her
respective term of office. No fourth year regular medical student should be elected as a MHAMCM - SC Officer
except as a fourth year-level representative. The M MHAMCM - SC Elections for the incoming school year shall
be held on an available day during the last quarter of the school year, this is so to prepare the incoming set of
officers and endorsement of jobs by the incumbent officers.
Section 5-1: There shall be a designated COMELEC in charge of the elections for that year. It shall be
composed of all class officers of the third year level. The members would elect from the third year class presidents
who will chair the COMELEC. Members of the COMELEC shall not be nominated for any MHAMCM - SC
position for that year.
Section 5-2: The MHAMCM - SC shall serve a term of one school year or until their successors have been
Section 6: The MHAMCM - SC Officers shall be elected by the highest number of votes cast by the entire MHAM
student body present during the election except when there is only one candidate, in which case, a simple majority
(50% + 1) of the total votes cast shall be required.


Section 1: The President shall have the control over all executive committees and the MHAMCM - SC.
Section 1-1: In case the president cannot be present in a meeting or any assembly, the Executive Vice-President;
the Internal Vice-President or External Vice-president shall temporarily preside over the meeting.
Section 1-2: In case of incapacity, the President shall be removed from office. Incapacity is defined by the
a. Failure of the president to perform his duties as defined by the rest of the officers;
b. Failure of the president to comply with the rules, regulations and policies of the MHAMCM - SC.
Section 1-3: The MHAMCM - SC members by 75% vote can remove the President.
Section 1-4: The Executive Vice-President, Internal Vice-President and External Vice-president may perform
such other functions as may be designated by the president.
Section 1-5: The President can appoint in cases of unprecedented vacancy under Article V. Section 8.

Section 2: The President shall be the chief executive of the MHAMCM - SC. He/She shall perform and have the
following powers and functions:
a. Preside over meetings of the MHAMCM - SC;
b. Act as spokesperson of the MHAMCM - SC;
c. Exercise general supervision over the members of the society;
d. Subject to the approval of the majority vote of the MHAMCM - SC, create ad-hoc committees and task
forces should the need arise;
e. Act as ex-officio chair of all standard and special committees and projects; and
f. Perform such other duties as the MHAMCM - SC may provide.

Section 2-1: The Executive Vice-President shall perform the tasks of the President in his absence,

Section 2-2: The Internal Vice-president shall have the following powers and functions;
a. Report directly to the President.
b. Be the supervisor and coordinator of the internal affairs of the MHAMCM - SC under the direction of
the President.
c. Assume the responsibilities of the President in matters concerning internal affairs if the President is
absent or incapacitated or if so directed.
d. Coordinate with the Batch representatives with regards to internal affairs of the MHAMCM - SC.
e. Monitor all internal activities and programs of the student body.
f. Create sub-committees as may be necessary to discharge specific functions of the internal affairs.
g. Supervise the planning and implementation of special projects during celebrations of occasions
warranting participation of the MHAMCM - SC.
h. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the MHAMCM - SC.

Section 2-3: The External Vice-president/Senior APMC-SN representative shall have the following powers and
a. Report directly to the President.
b. Be the supervisor and coordinator of the external affairs of the MHAMCM - SC under the direction of
the President.
c. Coordinate with the batch representatives with regards to external affairs of the MHAMCM - SC. (e.g.
APMC activities)
d. Co-chair the Activities Assembly and assume chairmanship if the Vice President for Internal Affairs
is absent or incapacitated or if so directed by the MHAMCM - SC.
f. Create sub-committees as may be necessary to discharge specific functions of the external affairs
g. Establish liaisons with other student governments and other relevant entities.
h. Establish alliances with external entities on specific issues or campaigns.
i. Perform other functions as deemed necessary by the MHAMCM - SC.
j. He/She shall be the school representative in the APMC- SN and will serve as the official
representative of the school along with the Junior APMC SN Representative to any activities rendered
by the said organization or network.

Section 3: The Secretary shall have the following powers and functions;
a. Be responsible for the custody of the records, minutes of the meetings, documentation of member
attendance in MHAMCM - SC related activities, and other documents relevant to the council;
b. process documents activities, to wit:
1. activity permits;
2. activity forms;
3. activity letters;
c. in one event of the simultaneous inability of the president and the Vice-Presidents, he/she shall perform
the duties of and shall have the same authority as the president.
d. perform such other duties as the MHAMCM - SC may provide.
Section 3-1: The Assistant-Secretary
a. Shall assist the secretary in his/her tasks
b. Serve as the secretary in his/her absence
c. Shall have the same powers and functions
d. Perform such other duties as the MHAMCM - SC may provide.

Section 4: The Treasurer shall have the following powers and functions:
a. Be responsible for the custody and safekeeping of the MHAMCM - SC funds;
b. Collection of MHAMCM - SC fee throughout the enrolment week;
c. Propose, implement, supervise fund-generating activities for the society in coordination with the Income
Generating Committee; and
d. Submit a report on the status of society funds once every semester, or upon the request of the MHAMSC
or student body.
e. Perform such other duties as the MHAMCM - SC may provide.
Section 4-1: The Assistant treasurer shall serve as the treasurer in the treasurer's absence and assist in whatever
task the treasurer has at hand.

Section 5: The Auditor shall have the following powers and functions:
a. Check and monitor the balance accounts and financial status of the organization;
b. Collect the MHAMCM - SC fee in the absence of the treasurer;
c. Approve the financial reports submitted by the treasurer in accordance with accounting rules and principle;
d. Assist the treasurer in making the financial reports;
e. Perform such other duties as the MHAMCM - SC may provide.

Section 6: The Councilors shall have the following powers and functions:
a. Assist in the implementation of all the projects of MHAMCM - SC.
b. Serve as chairpersons for committees created by the MHAMCM – SC.
Section 7: The Batch Representatives shall have the following powers and functions:
a. Represent their respective batches in all regular meetings of the MHAMCM - SC;
b. Disseminate information to their batches regarding activities, plans, and other pertinent particulars that
have transpired during these meetings;
c. Assist the MHAMCM - SC in all their activities.

Section 8: The 4th Year Batch President shall have the following powers and functions:
a. Represent the batch in all regular meetings of the MHAMCM - SC;
b. Disseminate information to their class members regarding activities, plans, and other pertinent particulars
that have transpired during these meetings;
c. Contribute, vote and assist in issues during MHAMCM – SC meetings;
d. Assist the MHAMCM - SC in all their activities.

Section 9: Junior APMC SN Representative shall have the following powers and functions:
a. He/She shall be the school representative to the APMC- SN and will serve as the official representative
of the school along with the External Vice-President/Senior APMC SN Representative to any activities rendered
by the said organization or network.
b. Coordinate with the External Vice-President/Senior APMC SN Representative with matters concerning
the APMC SN.
c. Provide and disseminate information to the MHAM student body regarding the different activities of the

Section 10: In cases of vacancies in the positions, the rule of succession will be as follows:
The President, the Executive Vice-President, the Internal Vice-President, the External Vice-President / Senior
APMC-SN Representative, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Auditor, and the Councilors.


Section 1: It shall be the privilege of the President to call for a MHAMCM - SC Regular meeting to discuss issues
that are relevant to the well-being of the organization.
Section 2: The President is required to call for at least one MHAMCM - SC General Assembly per year to discuss
and plan the events for the rest of the school year. The report of such meeting shall encompass updates on
activities, financial status, and advocacies of the MHAMCM – SC.
Section 3: All MHAMCM - SC Regular meetings shall be conducted in the Parliamentary Procedure format, with
the MHAMCM - SC Secretary taking note of the meeting’s proceedings.


Section 1: The budget shall be defined as money collected through the student fund collection every semestral

Section 2: The MHAMCM - SC shall present and decide the yearly budget on the first official meeting of the
school year, which shall detail the estimated monetary allocation to each event of the year. The budget must be
ratified by a ¾ majority of the council.

Section 3: The budget spent on student events shall include social, academic, and pre-professional, with
minimum percentages defined in the bylaws.
Section 4: All expenditures are subject to voting limitations.

Section 5: Funds for for-council events or other external (non- MHAMCM - SC primary-sponsored)
expenditures must be approved by a simple majority vote of quorum, regardless of the amount of the
expenditure. This vote must include a maximum allocated expenditure that cannot be exceeded without an
additional 2/3 vote of quorum. The council must approve such expenditures before any funds are promised to
external sources, and within a timeline set at the discretion of the treasurer.

Section 6: Every expense is subject to the review and veto of the MHAMCM - SC members. In the case of
financing an event, a veto must be based on the expense, and not on the event itself. If either vetoes an expense,
it cannot be overturned without a ¾ majority of quorum.

Section 7: The MHAMCM - SC shall cooperate to set a reasonable timeline and programming process before
any expenditure is made.

Section 8: The MHAMCM - SC shall maintain a discretionary fund, the size of which will be determined by the
full council at the beginning of the year. No money may be spent from this fund contrary to a MHAMCM – SC
decision in that same year.


Section 1: Each MHAM CM Student Body member is required to complete a MHAMCM - SC clearance every
year. (It shall contain the signatures of the Class President, and the MHAMSC President which would then signify
compliance of the member to all the MHAMCM - SC requirements for that semester, including but not limited to
fines and fees)

Section 2: An incomplete clearance shall bar the student from enrolling in the next semester.


Section 1: The constitution and by-laws shall be binding upon all student members of the MHAM CM.

Section 2: The MHAMCM - SC adviser, year level coordinators, and MHAM CM Dean shall function as advisory
to the MHAMCM – SC.

Section 2-1: The standing fund of the MHAMCM - SC shall be raised from the student fee collected from each
member every semester upon enrolment.

Section 2-2: The amount of MHAMCM – SC fee shall be determined by the incoming MHAMCM - SC
administration provided.


Section 1: Any amendments to, or provision of this constitution shall be proposed to and by the MHAMCM - SC.

Section 2: A majority vote of all MHAMCM - SC members shall submit into writing the proposed amendment
of the constitution for deliberation and approval of the General Assembly.
Section 3: Any amendment of the constitution and bylaws shall be valid and shall take effect upon ratification of
two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Assembly. No amendments, revisions or ratification shall be allowed for a
period of three (3) years following the approval of the current constitution (March 19, 2018).

Section 4: Any revision of the Constitution shall take effect upon ratification of majority of the votes cast in the
plebiscite for the purpose.

Section 5: This Constitution and Bylaws shall take force and effect upon ratification by majority of votes cast by
the members of the General Assembly.

Section 6: This Constitution has been ratified on March 19, 2018.

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