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Ejemplo de una conversación en inglés sobre deportes entre dos

personas que dura aproximadamente 10 minutos. Esta

conversación está diseñada para estudiantes con un nivel de
inglés que va desde A2 a B2.

Persona 1 (P1): Hey, have you been keeping up with any sports

Persona 2 (P2): Yeah, I love sports! I've been following some

games. How about you?

P1: I'm a big fan of basketball. I watched the game last night.

P2: Oh, that sounds fun! Which teams were playing?

P1: It was the Lakers and the Celtics. The Lakers won by just a
few points. It was an intense match.

P2: That's great! I like basketball too. Do you play it, or just

P1: I used to play in high school, but these days, I just watch and
sometimes shoot some hoops with friends. How about you?

P2: I'm more into soccer. I play on a local team on weekends. It's a
great way to stay active and social.

P1: That's awesome! I find soccer really exciting, especially

during the World Cup.
P2: Yes, the World Cup is amazing. Did you watch the last one?

P1: Absolutely! The final was so intense. France played really


P2: I was cheering for Croatia, but they gave it their all. It was a
memorable tournament.

P1: Definitely. By the way, have you ever been to a live sporting

P2: Yes, I've been to a few soccer matches at the stadium. The
atmosphere is incredible.

P1: I've been to a couple of basketball games. The energy in the

arena is electric.

P2: I agree. There's something special about being there in


P1: Do you have a favorite sports player?

P2: Lionel Messi is my all-time favorite. His skills are mind-


P1: Messi is a legend. I admire LeBron James in basketball. He's

not only a great player but also a role model off the court.
P2: Absolutely. Both Messi and LeBron have left a significant
impact on their respective sports.

P1: True. It's been great talking sports with you. We should catch
a game together sometime.

P2: That sounds like a fantastic idea! I'd love that. Let's plan it.

Esta conversación es un ejemplo de un intercambio amigable

sobre deportes que podría durar aproximadamente 10 minutos.
Los participantes pueden compartir sus opiniones, experiencias y
preferencias deportivas, lo que es apropiado para un nivel de
inglés de A2 a B2.

Conversación sobre deportes con un nivel de inglés A2:

Persona 1 (P1): Hello, do you like sports?

Persona 2 (P2): Hi! Yes, I like sports. How about you?

P1: I like sports too. What's your favorite sport?

P2: I love soccer. It's so much fun to play.

P1: Soccer is great. I like basketball. Have you ever played


P2: Yes, I've played a little. It's fun, but I'm not very good.

P1: That's okay. We can play for fun. Do you have a favorite
soccer team?

P2: I like Barcelona. Messi is amazing!

P1: Messi is a fantastic player. I like the Lakers in basketball.

P2: The Lakers are a famous team. Do you watch their games?

P1: Yes, when I can. I also watch soccer matches.

P2: That's cool. Do you play any sports yourself?

P1: I used to play soccer with friends, but not so much now.

P2: Playing with friends is fun. I play soccer with my friends on

P1: That sounds like a lot of fun. I prefer watching games.

P2: Watching is great too. I love the World Cup. It's so exciting!

P1: I enjoy the World Cup too. It brings people from all over the
world together.

P2: Yes, it's a time to cheer for our favorite teams.

P1: Have you ever been to a live soccer match?

P2: No, I haven't been to a stadium. Have you?

P1: Yes, I've been to a few basketball games. The atmosphere is


P2: That sounds great. I'd like to go to a soccer match someday.

P1: It's a wonderful experience. Who's your favorite soccer


P2: Messi, definitely. He's a legend.

P1: Messi is a legend for sure. I like LeBron James in basketball.

P2: LeBron is a great player too. He's famous!

P1: Yes, he is. Well, it was nice talking about sports with you.

P2: Yes, it was. Let's watch a game together someday.

P1: That sounds like a plan. We'll have a great time!

Esta conversación es más simple y está diseñada para un nivel

de inglés A2. Los participantes hablan sobre sus deportes
favoritos, sus equipos y sus preferencias personales de una
manera accesible para estudiantes con un nivel de inglés básico.

Aquí tienes un ejemplo de una imagen proyectada y una

conversación entre dos personas de nivel B2:

Imagen de un parque de atracciones con montañas rusas, juegos

mecánicos y multitudes de personas disfrutando del día.


Persona 1 (P1): Wow, look at that picture! It's a busy amusement


Persona 2 (P2): Absolutely! I love amusement parks. Have you

been to one recently?
P1: Not recently, but I remember my last visit to one. It was a lot of
fun. What about you?

P2: I went to a park like this last summer. I went on the roller
coaster, and it was thrilling!

P1: Roller coasters are exciting. I'm a bit scared of them, but I
might give it a try next time. What's your favorite ride?

P2: The Ferris wheel. You get a great view of the whole park from
the top.

P1: That sounds nice and not as scary. I like the idea of seeing
everything from up there. Did you try any of the carnival games?

P2: Yeah, I played some games and won a stuffed animal. It was a
fun souvenir from the day.

P1: That's awesome! The food at amusement parks is usually so

good. Did you have any tasty snacks?

P2: I had cotton candy and a giant pretzel. It's part of the
experience, right?

P1: Absolutely! The park in the picture seems so crowded. I bet it

was a lively and bustling place.
P2: It was, indeed. There were people everywhere, laughing and
having a great time.

P1: I can imagine. I hope to visit a park like that soon and enjoy all
the rides and delicious food.

P2: You should definitely plan a trip. It's a fantastic way to spend
a day with friends or family.

Esta conversación se basa en la imagen del parque de

atracciones y permite a las personas en el nivel B2 hablar sobre
experiencias pasadas, preferencias personales y planes futuros
relacionados con la imagen proyectada. También pueden
expresar emociones y opiniones sobre el tema.

Conversación extendida basada en la imagen del parque de

atracciones que podría durar aproximadamente 10 minutos:
Imagen de un parque de atracciones con montañas rusas, juegos
mecánicos y multitudes de personas disfrutando del día.


Persona 1 (P1): Wow, look at that picture! It's a busy amusement

Persona 2 (P2): Absolutely! I love amusement parks. Have you
been to one recently?

P1: Not recently, but I remember my last visit to one. It was a lot of
fun. What about you?

P2: I went to a park like this last summer. I went on the roller
coaster, and it was thrilling!

P1: Roller coasters are exciting. I'm a bit scared of them, but I
might give it a try next time. What's your favorite ride?

P2: The Ferris wheel. You get a great view of the whole park from
the top.

P1: That sounds nice and not as scary. I like the idea of seeing
everything from up there. Did you try any of the carnival games?

P2: Yeah, I played some games and won a stuffed animal. It was a
fun souvenir from the day.

P1: That's awesome! The food at amusement parks is usually so

good. Did you have any tasty snacks?

P2: I had cotton candy and a giant pretzel. It's part of the
experience, right?

P1: Absolutely! The park in the picture seems so crowded. I bet it

was a lively and bustling place.
P2: It was, indeed. There were people everywhere, laughing and
having a great time.

P1: I can imagine. I hope to visit a park like that soon and enjoy all
the rides and delicious food.

P2: You should definitely plan a trip. It's a fantastic way to spend
a day with friends or family.

P1: Speaking of friends, do you prefer going to amusement parks

with a group of friends or with family?

P2: That's a great question. I think both are fun, but going with
friends can be more adventurous, while with family, it's about
creating special memories.

P1: I agree. It's nice to have different experiences. Are there any
other amusement parks you'd like to visit in the future?

P2: I'd love to visit Disneyland. It's such a magical place with all
the Disney characters and attractions.

P1: Disneyland is on my bucket list too. I've heard the parades

and shows there are fantastic.

P2: Yes, they are. The whole park is like a different world. How
about you? Any other amusement parks you'd like to visit?
P1: I've always wanted to visit Universal Studios. I'm a big fan of
movies, and I've heard the park is like stepping into the movies.

P2: Universal Studios is a great choice! The Harry Potter section

there is especially popular.

P1: I've heard that. The butterbeer is a must-try, right?

P2: Absolutely! It's delicious. We should plan trips to these parks

together someday.

P1: That sounds like an amazing idea! Let's do it. We can enjoy
the rides and take lots of photos.

P2: It's a date then. We'll have a blast!

En esta conversación extendida, los participantes discuten más

detalles sobre sus experiencias en parques de atracciones, sus
preferencias sobre ir con amigos o familiares, y sus planes
futuros para visitar otros parques temáticos. La conversación es
adecuada para un nivel de inglés B2 y tiene una duración
aproximada de 10 minutos.

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