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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Sta. Cruz Integrated School


Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
Grade 12
Name: ________________________________ Score:________
Schedule: _____________________________ Date: ________
Note: STRICTLY NO ERASURES! Any erasure /s incurred will invalidate your answer.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____1. Which of the following is not a field of Pure Social Science?
a. Counseling b. Demography c. Political Science d. Sociology
_____2. ____________ as a discipline came about as a result of the need to understand the society
that is evolving to be ever more complex and multifaceted.
a. humanism b. natural sciences c. social sciences d. theology
_____3. It is a study of human social relationships and institutions.
a. Urban b. Rural c. Sociology d. Physiology
_____4. When Ben studies ancient societies and their cultural traditions, he is a/an
a. sociologist b. anthropologist c. demographer d. geographer
_____5. It is one of the goals of counseling wherein it helps the client in recognizing what they
are doing, thinking and feeling is fine.
a. Development Goals c. Reinforcement Goals
b. Enhancement Goals d. Physiological Goals
_____6. A counselor should be able to facilitate going deeper into the problem, asking more
a. Attending Skills c. Motivational Skills
b. Communication Skills d. Probing skills
_____7. This requires the counselor to listen and understand the feelings and perspective of the
client in an aspect of respect.
a. Reorientation b. Clarity c. Respect d. Empathy
_____8. Counselor Miss Tere Yoso organizes career orientation for students. She organizes a
different career orientations for the others who cannot afford. What role is being
a. research c. referral
b. consultation d. career assistance
_____9. Counselors can make-up stories to protect the interest of his or her profession. The
statement is _______.
a. True c. Opinionated
b. False d. Unverifiable
_____10.RA 9258, more popularly known as the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004, is a law
crafted and designed to:
a. to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling in the Philippines
b. to professionalize the practice of social work in the Philippines
c. to professionalize the practice of teachers in the Philippines

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d. to professionalize the practice of psychologist in the Philippines

_____11.Amelie has been a counselor for 7 years but did not bother to attend seminars. She
points out that the only service she needs to render is to listen and give advice to her
a. Being responsive to the society
b. Respecting the client’s rights as self-governing individual
c. Enhancing the quality of their professional knowledge and application
d. Respecting the rights and dignity of every person
_____12.Counselor Cesar has special feelings for his client Stella. Despite this, he still insists on
conducting counseling session with her.
a. Relationship with Client c. Informed Consent
b. Client Welfare d. Confidentiality
_____13.Being a counsellor – able to counsel individuals and groups, work families and
organizations and assisting them to make better decisions is on of the ____________ of the
social worker.
a. role b. function c. skill d.competency
_____14.Student A shared to the counsellor that he wants to kill Student B because of
jealousy. The counsellor called the attention of Student B and settle the matter. The
act of the counsellor is
a. violation to the right of privacy in relation to Student A.
b. acceptable since the life of student B is in danger.
c. violation of fidelity because the Student B is not his original client.
d. acceptable because the counsellor has the discretion on what to do during
_____15.Jane implemented livelihood programs in her community to alleviate the poverty
experienced by the people. The social work’s value shown in the given situation is
a. social justice c. integrity
b. service d. importance of human relationship
_____16.Counselling is applicable in the following situations EXCEPT
a. cases of students suffering from physical violence as a result of bullying in school
b. choosing a career track in SHS
c. cases of students with clinical depression and self-mutilation behavior
d. students suicidal attempts in school
_____17.Identify the government setting where social workers practice.
a. private homes and families c. hotels and resorts
b. local correctional facilities d. market
_____18.Identify which situation shows ethical behavior of a social worker.
a. The social worker is committed to responsibilities which he has limited capabilities
and resources.
b. The social worker caters solely to personal interests.
c. The social worker sets fees that reasonable.
d. The social worker divulges important information about the clients.
_____19.This is to have a holistic development for physiological, psychological, emotional,
and intellectual growth for the deprived members of the community.
a. Goal of Curing b. Goal of Commitment c. Goal of Care d. Goal of Change
_____20.Mr. Amancio Brahim Boris is a new social worker who aims to become better in his job.
What can he do to achieve this?
a. Run as a mayor for his city or municipality to further help his community
b. Gamble all his money so that, if he wins, he can provide support for poor families
c. Utilize donations and supports from other individuals and organizations to fund projects.
d. Rob a bank and help the community
_____21.The role of social workers in aid of social action.
a. activist b. advocate c. enabler d consultancy

Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

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_____22.What social work specialization provides aid to people suffering from mental and
emotional stress?
a. Corrections b.Family and Child Welfare c. Health d. Mental Health
_____23.Case work services usually include the following except
a. Securing information for professionals from other fields
b. Giving advice
c. Improving the condition of clients
d. Developing socially acceptable and desirable behavior
_____24.It entails privacy of the client from the social work.
a. Self Determination c. Individualization
b. Acceptance d. Confidentiality
_____25.John always maintains proper behavior to protect his profession as a social worker. This
a. Service b. Propriety c. Competence d. Integrity
_____26.All statements are unethical behavior of a social worker except:
a. A social worker should promote oppression to the ethnic diversity.
b. A social worker should keep their professional knowledge and skills up to date so that
they are able to provide appropriate services
c. A social worker becomes romantically and sexually involved with a client.
d. A social worker should focus on the self-interest than to address the social problem.
_____27.These groups are given scenarios similar to their own, which they need to process and
come up with various solutions.
a. Compensatory model c. Social Conversation Groups
b. Decision-making Groups d. Problem-solving and Social Conversation Groups
_____28.Elisio actively participated in the environmental protection campaign conducted at
Punta Cabli to stop the throwing of garbage in the beach. The goal of social work
shown in the given situation is a _________________.
a. Goal of caring b. Goal of curing c. Goal of changing d. Goal of
_____29.All of the following are TRUE about social work interview except:
a. It is like a conversation with a friend.
b. It is usually a face-to-face interaction which involves both verbal and non-verbal
communication between people during which ideas, attitudes and feelings are
c. The conversation is geared to a specific or general purpose which may be imparting
information, giving help or assessing client’s situation.
d. It is a conversation with a deliberate purpose, a purpose mutually.
_____30.Identifies the strength and resources available to meet the needs of the community.
Assessment provides a framework for developing and identifying services and
solutions to the issues that must be taken.
a. Evaluation b. Assessment c. Planning d. Intervention
_____31.From the choices below, what is the reason why people engage in communication
a. To relax b. To get news c. To protest d. To express an opinion
_____32.Which of the following is the most important purpose of journalism?
a. To allow politicians to express their views
b. To provide citizens with news and information
c. To provide governments a medium of information
d. To learn about tradition
_____33.Jay blurted out a joke towards his co-worker while the meeting is going on. What
principle of communication was violated by Jay?
a. Clarity b. Feedback c. Informality d. Timeliness
_____34.Which of the following is NOT one of the roles of an independent journalist?
a. Bring diverse interest together to solve certain problems.

Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

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b. Provide independent voice by standing up and be counted.
c. Reporting the news that is democratic, substantive and balance.
d. Tap the expertise of many partners to name problems and frame a set of solutions.
_____35.It is the response of the receiver to the sender and vice versa.
a. Sender-receiver b. message c. channels d. feedback
_____36.It makes use of a series of questions and answers usually involving two people or
a. interpersonal b. intrapersonal c. intercultural d. interviewing
_____37.One might find a career wherein communication skills are highly regarded among these
careers are customer or labor relations, marketing and public relation, personnel
relation, sales and teaching.
a. Public b. Individual c. Organization d. Procedure
_____38.At the height of the controversy, writer Masic Reto kept the identity of the source of
his data.
a. protecting sources b. plagiarism c. honesty d. conflict of interest
_____39.To send out or transmit (something, such as a program) by means of radio or television
or by streaming over the internet.
a. interviewing b.advertising c.coaching d. broadcasting
_____40.If you were a journalist, how will you show responsibility during the election?
a. Disclose personal information of the opposing candidate.
b. Just wait for the result of the election
c. Accepting payment from the politicians to promote or advertise them.
d. Informing the public of what is happening before, during and after the election.
_____41.The following are needs of audience in a group except _____________.
a. to inform c. to promote conflicts
b. to build understanding d. to present an idea
_____42.The anchor lady of news 19 always says that she is responsible for whatever
news items broadcasted during her time slot.
a. Accountability b. Independence. c. Plagiarism d. Humanity
_____43.You are the Supreme Student Government president. Your organization learned that
majority of the students are in favor of conducting a night activity to showcase their
talents in dancing and in music. How would you propose this to the school head and
A. Post your proposal publicly on fb to encourage outside support.
B. Present a resolution endorsed by a majority of the officers to the school head.
C. Send a private message through messenger to the principal asking him to approve your
D. Write a letter of request to dropped in your school suggestion box.
_____44.Why applied social science is important?
A. Because it creates better institutions and systems that affect people’s lives every day.
B. Because it helps people understand how to interact with the social
C. Because it makes sense of the institutions that shape our lives
D. All of the above
_____45. Which of the following is TRUE about applied social science?
a.The benefits derived from the applied social sciences produce numerous effects to individual
members, communities, and group and in the society in general.
b.The effects of the applied social sciences vary and they include increased awareness and
knowledge of oneself and others, attitude and value change, behavioural changes and
structural changes.
c. Conveyed that applied social sciences come with a wide range of practitioner skill in areas
such as advocacy, counselling and case management, and knowledge and experience to be
able to work with individuals, groups, and communities to improve their well-being and
social functioning.
d. All of the above

Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

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_____46.Tabloid writer Miss Tica wrote a negative remark about the Bago tribe in her column
a. Conflict of interest c. Sensitivity to audience
b. Acknowledgement of mistake d. Protecting Sources

_____47.Albert wants to play basketball, while John wants to stay inside and play a video game.
Which of the following is a compromise?
a. They play each game for an hour.
b. They don't hang out at all.
c. They play basketball.
d. They argue until one person gives in.
_____48.Choose the best explanation on the effects of applied social science on social awareness.
a. Social awareness is important for managing own response to change, and it forms an
essential part of interpersonal intelligence.
b. Social awareness capacitates individuals to appreciate diverse perspectives, contributes to
civil society, and understands relationships.
c. Recognizing others’ feeling and knowing how to assist others.
d. A and B
_____49.How do social science concepts and theories help in facilitating changes?
i. Social science concepts and theories have provided the foundation and tools to deal with
changes in a more comprehensive way.
ii. Applied social sciences are facilitating much of people’s struggle to live with these
iii. With applied social science processes, standards in social service delivery are observed.
iv. The applied social science allows us to understand various social phenomena and
because of this, people can make significant changes in their attitudes to prevent the
occurrence of various natural and social problems.
a. i,ii b. ii,iii c. iii,iv d. i,iv
_____50.To be able to work with individuals, groups, and communities to improve their well-
being and social functioning, what are the important skills should the practitioners
a. Advocacy
b. Counseling and management
c. knowledge and experience
d. All of the above

Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone Number: (075) 637-6227
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