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Before completing this form, staff should read the Code of Conduct and the Conflicts of
Interest policy (including the potential sources of conflict set out in Appendix).
Part A: Statement to be completed by person making the declaration

Country/Department: Iraq/Exams

 I have no interests to declare

 I have declared my interest(s) at the appendix to this form and will pass this to my
line manager for their review.

• I declare that the information I have provided on this form is correct and that no other
current or potential conflict of interest is known to me. I will inform the British Council of
any changes in these circumstances.
• I declare that the information I have provided is consistent with the requirements in the
British Council’s Conflict of Interest Policy and the Code of Conduct.
Signed and Dated:


Complete Parts B and C only if interests have been declared

Part B: To be completed by the Line Manager

• I have been made aware of the declarations on this form, have considered whether
there is a conflict, and if so have documented the action(s) to be taken in the
Name and Job Title: ZYNALABDEEN SAAD FAROOQ, Third Party invigilator

Signed and Dated:


Part C: To be completed by Country Director or relevant senior manager (Head of

Department for staff in the UK)
 I have reviewed this declaration and the line manager’s assessment and I approve
the action(s) proposed.
 I have reviewed this declaration and the line manager’s assessment and approve it
subject to actions required which I have listed in the appendix.
Name and Job Title:

Signed and Dated:

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Appendix: Detailed declaration of interests and actions to be taken
Category of interest Details of the interests: to be Actions to be taken in response Further actions needed:
completed by person making to the interests: to be completed Country Director’s or relevant
the declaration by the Line Manager senior manager’s comments
Outside business interests: You or
anyone you have a close personal
relationship with (including family
members) is a director, trustee or
other senior employee, owner or
significant shareholder of any
organisation that is an existing or
potential British Council client, partner,
competitor, supplier, or grantee.
Outside employment: Any paid
employment, consultancy or other
freelance work outside your normal
contractual work. Any work done for
another department within the British
Council as an invigilator, marker,
examiner, venue staff etc. in addition
to an existing role at the British
Other outside activities: Involvement
in local or national politics, or a
particular interest or pressure group.
Position of authority: A position of
authority in a charity, voluntary or
other organisation.
Other: Any connection that could
affect your objectivity or
independence, or the perception by
others when carrying out British
Council business. O

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