Getting A Head Start - The Importance of Personal Genetics Education in High Schools

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YALE JouRNAL of BIoLoGY AND MEDICINE 85 (2012), pp.1-xxx.

Copyright © 2012.


Getting a Head Start: the importance of

Personal Genetics Education in High Schools

Johnny T. Kunga,b* and Marnie E. Gelbartb

Department of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Department of

Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; bPersonal Genetics Education

Project, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

With advances in sequencing technology, widespread and affordable genome sequencing

will soon be a reality. However, studies suggest that “genetic literacy” of the general public
is inadequate to prepare our society for this unprecedented access to our genetic informa-
tion. As the current generation of high school students will come of age in an era when per-
sonal genetic information is increasingly utilized in health care, it is of vital importance to
ensure these students understand the genetic concepts necessary to make informed med-
ical decisions. These concepts include not only basic scientific knowledge, but also con-
siderations of the ethical, legal, and social issues that will arise in the age of personal
genomics. In this article, we review the current state of genetics education, highlight issues
that we believe need to be addressed in a comprehensive genetics education curriculum,
and describe our education efforts at the Harvard Medical School-based Personal Genet-
ics Education Project.

ushered in improvements to sequencing
Within a few years, sequencing a technologies that have dramatically reduced
human genome is expected to cost less than sequencing costs. The cost of sequencing a
$1,000, a benchmark for “personal genome” single human genome has dropped 10,000-
sequencing to approach widespread clinical fold over the last decade, from $100 million
feasibility [1]. Since the release of the first in July 2001 to $10,000 in July 2011 [2]. The
draft of the human genome sequence just most precipitous drop began in 2008, when
one decade ago, the post-genomic era has next-generation (or “next-gen”) sequencing

*To whom all correspondence should be addressed: Johnny T. Kung, Department of Molec-
ular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, 185 Cambridge St., Simches Building Rm.
6.600, Boston, MA 02114; Tele: 617-643-3480; Email:

†Abbreviations: ASHG, American Society of Human Genetics; DTC, direct-to-consumer;

ELSI, ethical, social, and legal implications; GENA, Geneticist-Educator Network Alliance;
pgEd, Personal Genetics Education Project; PGP, Personal Genome Project; SNP, single
nucleotide polymorphism.

Keywords: personal genetics, genetic testing, genome sequencing, ELSI, education, pol-
icy, science and society, personalized medicine, social medicine
88 Kung and Gelbart: Personal genetics education project

technology matured, and the rate has since consin with an undiagnosed inflammatory
outstripped what one would predict based on bowel disease, who had undergone more
Moore’s Law, a standard for evaluating tech- than 100 surgeries since age 2, had his
nological development in computing [3]. exome sequenced. Identification of a variant
As the cost of genome sequencing de- in the XIAP gene led to a life-saving bone
clines, personalized genetic testing is in- marrow transplant for this little boy [7]. In
creasingly available to the public. There are 2011, a pair of twins from California, who
now a number of companies, such as were previously diagnosed with the genetic
23andMe, deCODE, and Athleticode, to disease dopa-responsive dystonia, had their
name a few, which offer direct-to-consumer genomes sequenced. Identification of the ge-
(DTC†) genetic testing. Many of these per- netic variant responsible for their conditions
form “genome scans,” utilizing microarray- allowed neurologists to tailor their treatment
based single nucleotide polymorphism with an additional drug that significantly al-
(SNP) genotyping to provide information leviated their symptoms [8].
about ancestry, carrier status, and traits rang- These successes highlight the potential
ing from disease risk and drug response to in utilizing patients’ genetic information to
behavior and athletic ability. Personal ge- improve diagnostics and therapeutics. What
netic sequencing is also becoming a reality. role will personal genetics play in routine
In 2009, the provider of a major next-gen se- preventive medicine? As our understanding
quencing platform, Illumina, launched its of the complex relationship between geno-
own personal whole-genome sequencing type and phenotype advances, the question
service for consumers with physician pre- will be how to integrate genetic information,
scription. As of June 2011, the per-genome generally based on population-level data, to
cost of this service has dropped to $9,000 predict future health risks for healthy indi-
and is even lower for patients with life- viduals.
threatening illnesses [4]. In addition, more As we enter this new age of personal
than 1,000 volunteers have signed up to genetics, are we, as individuals and as a so-
have their genomes sequenced as part of the ciety, ready? What decisions will we face,
Personal Genome Project (PGP), which and what challenges lie ahead? How well
aims to investigate genetic and environmen- does each individual need to understand ge-
tal contributions to human traits through netics to make informed decisions? In this
open sharing of participants’ genome se- perspective, we will discuss the types of per-
quences and personal information [5]. sonal and broad social questions that are
The field of personal genomics is still in likely to arise, our views on the urgent need
its infancy, but there are already a number of for public education, and our efforts at the
examples of use that foreshadow its promise Personal Genetics Education Project (pgEd).
in medicine. In 2008, a man in Vancouver,
Canada, who was suffering from a rare, ex-
tensively metastasized tongue tumor for cHallEnGES in tHE aGE of
PErSonal GEnomES
which no standard treatment was available,
had his cancer genome and transcriptome se- Imagine that you have been interested
quenced. By comparing these datasets with in DTC genetic testing for a while. You have
those from the patient’s normal cells and talked to your family members about it, and
other unrelated tumors, scientists identified although they are unsure about this new
one gene, Ret, that was amplified and over- technology, they give you their support.
expressed, and based upon this finding, his Suppose, now, that your report comes back
physician started him on a targeted drug revealing that you have a 20 percent lifetime
treatment. His disease was stabilized for sev- risk for developing a particular kind of can-
eral months until, unfortunately, new muta- cer (4-fold higher than the general popula-
tions in other pathways appeared and he tion). How should you interpret this
passed away [6]. In 2010, a child from Wis- information? Would (or should) you change
Kung and Gelbart: Personal genetics education project 89

your daily lifestyle, opt for more frequent Many of these questions are highly personal,
screenings, or undergo a preventive surgery making it all the more important that indi-
that could drastically reduce your likelihood viduals are well informed and prepared to
to develop the cancer [9]? In order to make make their own choices.
these types of decisions, you would need a
basic understanding of concepts including
risk, the effect of genes on traits, genetic a nEEd for Education
penetrance, and the role of the environment, As technology races ahead, there is a
in addition to specific information about the critical educational need to prepare the pub-
disease and available treatment options. If lic for the increasing accessibility of genetic
you are not particularly well versed in ge- information. However, misunderstanding of
netics or biology, should you be required to basic genetic concepts is well documented.
consult a medical doctor or genetic coun- Various studies have found that many seg-
selor to help you interpret the genetic data ments of the population (whether high school
[10], and if so, are doctors themselves suffi- or undergraduate students or genetic counse-
ciently trained in genetics to perform this lees) have a generally deterministic view of
role [11]? genetics and often attribute phenotypes to the
The genetic information will not only action of a single gene, not appreciating that
affect you as an individual, but your family complex traits are the results of interactions
members as well, as it will have implications of several genes with the environment [16-
for their health as well as the potential for 19]. This is particularly troubling, as it has
conflicts over issues of privacy and auton- been found that misconceptions in genetics
omy. For example, if you have or plan to and statistics influence how patients make
have children, would you want to (and decisions about testing, treatment, and re-
should you be allowed to) have your chil- production [20]. It is important to act quickly
dren tested? If you want to disclose this ge- to prepare the next generation of young
netic information in an online forum, would adults, who will come of age in an era when
you ask for your family members’ approval, choices about personal genetics will increas-
since their genetic makeup might also be ingly impact health care and reproduction.
partially disclosed in the process? If, instead, While individuals might be assisted by health
you decide to keep this information private, care practitioners in the interpretation of their
would a doctor who helped to interpret your genetic information, education of the med-
results have an obligation (morally, legally, ical community cannot replace a broader ed-
or otherwise) to disclose this information to ucational initiative that empowers each
your relatives [12-14]? individual to make informed decisions about
Imagine, in the future, it is recom- his or her own DNA and to have a voice in
mended that newborn babies have their shaping how personal genomics is integrated
genomes sequenced at birth, augmenting into our society.
newborn screening programs that are To highlight the urgent need for educa-
mandatory across much of the United States tion at the high school level, it is instructive
[15]. Should parents be allowed to opt out? to look at a couple of recent studies. Since
Who will have access to the information 2006, the American Society of Human Ge-
(parents, doctors, teachers/coaches), what netics (ASHG) has sponsored an essay con-
information should be shared (e.g., disease test for grade 9 to 12 students to coincide
risk), and which diseases should be reported with the annual National DNA Day. An
(pediatric, adult-onset, or only treatable analysis of a sample of 500 submitted essays
ones)? found that at least one significant miscon-
These are all pressing questions that we ception about basic genetic concepts (such
as a society ― patients, doctors, politicians, as assuming complex traits to be simple or
educators ― need to discuss as personal ge- confusing “genetic” with “hereditary”)
netic testing becomes increasingly available. could be identified in more than half of the
90 Kung and Gelbart: Personal genetics education project

sampled essays [18]. Beyond misconcep- these education initiatives, given our work-
tions, a significant number of essays also ing knowledge of the most up-to-date genetic
mentioned some kind of genetic engineering science, and our societal responsibilities to
or germline gene therapy to “design” off- the public that funds our research. ASHG has
spring, without awareness of the ethical and published a Statement on the Importance of
social implications. Moreover, a recent as- Participation of Scientists in K-12 Science
sessment of high school science standards in Education, which urges academic institu-
the United States with respect to genetics re- tions to facilitate faculty outreach in the com-
vealed that topics such as polygenic and munity to promote public education on
complex traits, principles of gene expres- genetics and emphasizes that “informed par-
sion, and gene-environment interaction are ticipation in an increasingly genetics-based
inadequately covered [21]. Clearly, there is health care system demand[s] that consumers
a significant educational need for both the understand genetics and its importance in
scientific and ethical aspects of genetics. health and disease” [23]. In line with this,
ASHG ran a National Science Foundation-
funded project called Geneticist-Educator
ViSion for Public Education
Network of Alliances (GENA) between 2007
The current generation of high school and 2010 to promote K-12 outreach activi-
students will be the first to come of age in ties by scientists.
the era of personal genomics, making
choices that will determine how personal ge-
netic information is incorporated into soci- PErSonal GEnEticS Education
ety. Targeting educational efforts toward the
existing infrastructure of high schools offers pgEd is a group of scientists and educa-
a broad and cost-effective approach to en- tors based at Harvard Medical School that
sure that the majority of this generation has aims to promote public awareness of funda-
been exposed to key genetic concepts and mental genetic concepts and ELSI of per-
has had the opportunity to discuss and de- sonal genetics. Initiated in 2006, we have led
bate the benefits and risks of personal ge- interactive workshops for hundreds of high
netics for individuals and society [22]. school students and their teachers in Massa-
An emphasis on fundamental concepts chusetts and Maine on various issues relat-
such as genetic non-determinism, paired ing to personal genetics. In addition, we are
with a discussion of ethical, social, and legal developing curriculum tools that capture the
implications (ELSI) of personal genetics, content from our workshops, which teach-
will be powerful in preparing the public to ers can use to facilitate these important dis-
make informed and personal decisions with cussions in their classrooms. We integrate
genetic information. As individuals, we will this information into detailed lesson plans
need to consider whether we want to get with a variety of interactive exercises and
tested, what information we are interested in make these freely available on our website
learning about ourselves, how we will de- ( [24]. Our workshops
cide to access our own genetic information, and lesson plans are designed for high
and with whom we would share this infor- school students (grades 9-12) but are also
mation. The ultimate goal of engaging stu- engaging for undergraduate-level and adult
dents in the discussion of these issues is to audiences.
foster informed citizens with a lifelong in- Our lessons cover topics ranging from
terest in genetics and self-confidence that genetics, personalized medicine, DTC test-
empowers them to make their personal de- ing, and reproduction to athletics and crime,
cisions. while examining the personal, familial, and
Biologists (and particularly geneticists) societal impacts of increased accessibility to
at all levels, from graduate students to fac- genetic information. They require little prior
ulty members, are particularly important for knowledge of genetics and introduce key
Kung and Gelbart: Personal genetics education project 91

concepts, including complex traits and envi- netics, newborn screening, and human re-
ronmental influences that are reinforced search, training students to become informed
throughout the curriculum. For example, the consumers who will be prepared for the com-
lesson on athletics focuses on currently plex decisions they will face in the personal
available DTC genetic tests that purport to genomic era.
evaluate athletic potential and susceptibility The challenge for the future will be to
to injury, marketed by companies such as ensure that all these resources are available
Athleticode and SportsXFactor. Through to teachers and to facilitate their integration
scenarios to which many students can easily into high school curricula across the United
relate, students discuss scientific issues in- States (and the world). Educators and poli-
cluding the predictive value of the tests, the cymakers must take the necessary steps in a
role of environmental and social factors, timely fashion to anticipate the widespread
risk, and pleiotropic effects of a genetic vari- availability of personal genetic sequencing.
ant linked to concussion recovery and
Alzheimer’s disease [25]. At the same time,
they explore broader issues of personal concluSionS and outlook
choice, psychological impact, fairness, au- The advancement of personal genetics
tonomy, and privacy. has been dubbed an “unstoppable train”
In our experience, we have found that [26]. It seems only a matter of time before
topics such as these energize classrooms. these technologies will be commonly used
Students are easily engaged in ethical issues for diagnostic and preventive purposes, or
and, as a result, become motivated to learn even simply to satisfy curiosity. What we
more about genetics. Our lessons fit natu- can and must do is to make sure our current
rally into the biology curriculum, either as a generation of students will be well informed
hook at the beginning of a unit on genetics to about the science, benefits, risks, and ethi-
engage students or at the unit’s end to dis- cal issues, so they will be prepared to make
cuss social implications of genetic tech- personal decisions about their own genomes
nologies. Moreover, these discussions are and their own health when widespread ap-
not limited to the biology classroom, as they plication becomes a reality.
often touch on multiple other fields includ-
ing psychology, social justice, policy, and re- Acknowledgments: The authors thank Dr.
Ting Wu for valuable discussions. pgEd is
ligion. Given their interdisciplinary nature, supported by Harvard Medical School.
the lessons can also be used in other subjects
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