Family History-A Guide For Neurologists

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Family History: A Guide for Neurologists in the Age

of Genomic Medicine
Jodie M. Vento, MGC, CGC

The field of neurogenetics has expanded dramatically over recent years. Neurogenetics has
developed from a distinct subspecialty within neurology to something that transcends most
of the common presenting conditions for neurologists. The importance of understanding the
genetic contribution to conditions like epilepsy, neurodevelopmental disorders, and
metabolic diseases has become very evident in neurology. In the era of personalized
medicine and genomic testing, we have just begun to understand how genetic factors
contribute to the development of disease, influence its natural history and severity, and
determine its response to therapy. Genetic risk analysis and interpretation have become
central components for the modern clinical assessment, and a comprehensive family
history analysis is essential for neurologists. The benefits of collecting and updating a
detailed pedigree are important for diagnostic guidance, risk counseling, and test
interpretation. A review of genetic inheritance patterns, pedigree construction, and factors
that influence disease presentation is outlined for the application in neurology practice.
Semin Pediatr Neurol 19:160-166 C 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction Health care professionals have long recognized the

benefits of incorporating one’s family history into their
There is a growing initiative to promote collection of family medical care. Family history can be utilized as a cost-
health history information in settings outside of the effective means for genetic diagnosis by aiding in the
genetics clinic. Family history awareness programs have identification of patterns of inheritance, establishing rap-
been aimed at the patient population, and there is an port with the patient and family, distinguishing genetic risk
increasing desire for patients and families to learn about factors from other environmental risk factors, and deter-
their own genetic make-up and empower their health care mining medical surveillance for at-risk relatives.1 In the
decisions. Specialty clinics, such as pediatric neurology new era of genomic medicine, family history remains
clinics, are rich resources for family history collection. paramount to the accurate interpretation of complicated
Neurology departments differ from other specialty clinics testing results. New genomic testing technologies have
because many neurologic disorders have a genetic etiology revealed novel disease-causing genes, new syndromes,
and these patients may be first identified by a neurologist. and different presentations of previously described syn-
While referrals to genetics clinics are utilized in some cases, dromes. Our understanding of the phenotypic spectrum
many neurologists are initiating genetic and metabolic of many diseases will continue to broaden. Family history
testings. The value of integrating guidelines on genetic would be an essential component in our understanding of
diagnostic testing has been emphasized in many neurology genetic variation and disease presentation.
journals. As neurologists are given new tools for their
unknown diagnoses, such as the chromosome microarray,
next-generation sequencing, and genomic technologies, Family History Collection in
there needs to be a precedent to appropriately utilize the
family history to guide and interpret these studies.
While the collection of a comprehensive 3-generation
pedigree is ideal, the potential time burden may make this
From the Division of Child Neurology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of
impractical for the busy neurologist. The clinician must
UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA.
Address reprint requests to Jodie M. Vento, MGC, CGC, Children’s determine the level of detail to collect based on the patient’s
Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Division of Child Neurology, 4401 specific symptoms and circumstances. Pedigrees are espe-
Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224. E-mail: cially useful because they utilize standard symbols and

160 1071-9091/12/$-see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Family history: A guide for neurologists 161

Figure 1 Standardized pedigree symbols and example pedigree.

terminology to represent a large amount of information example, ‘‘The patient has one sister, two brothers, multiple
within a single diagram. Standardized pedigree nomencla- paternal cousins, and no maternal cousins. The family history
ture2 and an example pedigree are demonstrated in is unremarkable for seizures, intellectual disability, congenital
Figure 1. The clinician recording the information should
focus on several key elements, shown in Table 1. However, Table 1 Key Family History Elements in Child Neurology
specific inquiries may be warranted depending on the Family Members
presenting condition. For example, if a child presents with First-degree relatives (parents, children, and siblings)
a single febrile seizure and a parent has a history of Second-degree relatives (half-siblings, grandparents,
epilepsy, it is important to know the age of onset, cognition aunts, uncles, and grandchildren)
level, type of seizures (including febrile and afebrile), and Third-degree relatives (cousins)
the etiology, if known.
One of the difficulties in family history collection is the Seizures and spells
subjective variability of the information provided by the Mental retardation or intellectual disability
historian. Family myths, biases, and misunderstandings can Learning disability, speech and language disorders
lead to incorrect information. Whenever possible, it is helpful Headache and migraine
to verify key medical information with further probing Psychiatric conditions
questions or review of pertinent medical records. Documenta- Deafness and blindness
tion of the family history is critical to its integration in the Neuromuscular issues
long-term health care of a patient. Many times clinicians Stroke (especially early-onset or without environmental
would note an ‘‘unremarkable family history’’. While this is risk factors or both)
typically helpful, it may be misleading. There are several Birth defects and congenital anomalies
Pregnancy losses
alternate explanations for a seemingly unremarkable family
Sudden or unexpected death
history, including poor historian recall or report of misinfor-
mation, small family size, failure of clinician to obtain full 3- History
generation pedigree, reduced penetrance, sex-limited inheri- Age of onset
tance, and misattributed family relationships. Documentation Age and cause of death
of a full pedigree can aid in distinguishing the above- Ancestral origins
mentioned factors. In the least, it is helpful to state what Consanguinity
Pregnancy outcomes
questions were asked about which family members. For
162 J.M. Vento

anomalies, and stroke.’’ Many electronic medical records Saying ‘‘no medical issues for your nieces or nephews,
systems have created a centralized place to store family history correct?’’ may lead to a different response than ‘‘do any of
data, and a pedigree allows for a fast, effective visual record. your nieces or nephews have any medical concerns?’’
Because many patients with potential neurogenetic conditions Additionally, it can be helpful to clarify that you are asking
may follow up with a neurologist for many years, frequent about all medical conditions, including those in the past.
visits allow for the collection of an evolving and dynamic Be sensitive to cultural differences and issues, especially
family history over time, and pedigrees are easily updated. when inquiring about parents who are related by blood.
Many families have become accustomed to being asked
about their family health history, but others may be more
reluctant to share certain information. In the pediatric Family History Analysis
setting, it can seem far-reaching to ask about distant
relatives’ pregnancies or cancer histories to some families. Mendelian Inheritance Patterns
Introducing the purpose of the family history can help to Risk analysis and inheritance pattern recognition are often
build rapport, elicit additional information, and lay the the key goals of family history collection. Genetic ‘‘red
groundwork for the interview. A simple statement like flags’’ are indicators from the personal and family history
‘‘I am going to ask you some questions about the medical that there might be an increased genetic risk in an
and developmental histories of your family members. This individual or family. The most obvious red flag is when
information can help to guide the medical treatment of there are a large number of affected relatives with the same
your child.’’ can be helpful. Use of common language when (or similar) condition that share a close degree of relation-
eliciting specific information can aid in decreasing mis- ship. While most commonly this indicates a genetic
understanding. For example, asking about neuromuscular condition, consideration should also be made for the
conditions may not be as readily understood as asking environmental factors that may be shared within families.
about anyone with weakness or with a need for a wheel- Genetic red flags are outlined in Table 2. Knowledge of
chair. Leading questions can sometimes bias responses. common Mendelian inheritance patterns can aid in

Table 2 Family History Genetic Red Flags11,12

Red Flag Explanation

Family history of multiple affected family members Indicates increased risk, whether through genetic, or environmental risk
with the same or related disorders factors, or both
eg, Epilepsy in two siblings and a parent

Earlier age at onset of disease than expected May be due to a genetic predisposition that makes an individual more
susceptible to environmental exposures
eg, Multiple strokes in a teenager

Condition in the less-often-affected sex May occur because of a genetic predisposition that overrides other
hormonal, developmental, and environmental factors
eg, A female with autistic regression

Disease in the absence of known risk factors Genetic predisposition may lead to a particular disorder without any known
environmental factors
eg, Periventricular leukomalacia in the absence of prematurity, or infection,
or both

Ethnic predisposition to certain genetic disorders Some genetic disorders are more common in certain ancestral groups
eg, Maple Syrup urine disease (MSUD) in the Pennsylvania Mennonite

Close biologic relationship between any parents Relatives are more likely to share the same genetic alterations; thus,
(ie, consanguinity) offspring from a consanguineous couple are at a higher risk for having an
autosomal recessive disease
eg, A child of a consanguineous couple with a Krabbe disease

Multiple congenital anomalies Two or more congenital anomalies in an individual are more likely to be
caused by a genetic syndrome
eg, A child with a congenital heart defect and lissencephaly who has Miller-
Dieker syndrome

Neurodevelopmental delay (especially with Developmental delay in the pediatric age group carries an elevated risk for
regression) genetic disorders. Any loss of skills should increase this suspicion
eg, A 2-year-old female who losses purposely movement of her hands who
has Rett syndrome
Family history: A guide for neurologists 163

Figure 2 Example pedigree inheritance patterns.

determining an approach to diagnostic testing. Addition- risk. Nearly half of all single-gene disorders are inherited in
ally, this can help to interpret genetic testing results and an AD fashion.3 Many of the AD conditions can have
identify family members who might be at risk for neuro- variability in disease manifestation. This can make identi-
genetic conditions. Key inheritance patterns are outlined fication through pedigree analysis more challenging and
later and in Figure 2. prognostic counseling more convoluted. Additionally, many
AD conditions have a high frequency of new mutations, so
family history may be unremarkable. For example, nearly
Autosomal Dominant (AD) Inheritance half of the individuals affected with neurofibromatosis, type
AD conditions are those that only require 1 mutant gene 1 have de novo mutations that were not inherited from
(allele) to manifest disease. The mutated gene copy a parent.4 Two of the sodium channel genes, SCN1A and
‘‘dominates’’ the normal gene product. In reviewing family SCN1B, are involved with varying AD epilepsy phenotypes.
history information, one would often note equally affected The spectrum of phenotypes associated with the sodium
males and females, multiple affected generations, and male- channelopathies includes simple febrile seizures, general-
to-male transmission. For an individual affected by an ized or genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFSþ),
AD condition, each offspring would inherit either the and severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI) or Dravet
mutant allele or the normal allele. As such, the offspring syndrome. Many children with the more severe phenotype
of someone with an AD condition has a 50% recurrence of Dravet syndrome have an identifiable de novo (new)
164 J.M. Vento

mutation in SCN1A. When a child is identified to have an who rapidly develop hyperammonemic coma in the new-
AD condition and parental testing is negative, it is born period, whereas only approximately 15% of carrier
considered a de novo mutation. This differs from children females would develop symptoms ranging from behavioral
that may present with the milder GEFSþ and an identifi- and learning disabilities to protein intolerance, cyclical
able SCN1B mutation. SCN1B mutations are also AD, but vomiting, and hyperammonemic crises during their
typically not de novo. As such, family history can help to lifetime.6
guide appropriate diagnostic testing and recurrence risk
Nontraditional Inheritance Patterns
Mitochondrial Inheritance
Autosomal Recessive (AR) Inheritance Mitochondrial diseases are a genetically and clinically
AR conditions are those conditions that require 2 mutated diverse group of disorders that arise as a result of
alleles to manifest disease. Most of the time, carriers (those dysfunction of the mitochondria, which are responsible
with only 1 mutated allele) do not manifest disease or may for making most of a cell’s energy in the form of adenosine
only have mild symptoms. All humans carry several AR triphosphate. Some of the commonly observed symptoms
mutations, but the chance that an individual would have an associated with mitochondrial disease can be classified into
offspring with an AR condition depends on the carrier discrete clinical syndromes; however, the presentation and
status of his or her partner for the same conditions. Family severity of these conditions may have wide variation,
history would often be unremarkable, unless there is an creating challenges in diagnosis and recurrence risk coun-
affected sibling or consanguinity present, and there is an seling. Mitochondrial disorders can be caused by altera-
equal risk for both males and females to be affected. If tions in nuclear DNA (nDNA) or mitochondrial DNA
a child is diagnosed with an AR condition, it is important to (mtDNA), or both. The mtDNA and nDNA have a
offer targeted testing to parents to confirm carrier status symbiotic relationship that is essential for normal function-
and identify risks to any siblings. Two carriers of an AR ing of the electron transport chain and mitochondria. As
condition have a 25% chance of having an affected such, this group of disorders may be inherited in different
offspring, a 50% chance of having a carrier offspring, and manners. The nDNA alterations are most often AD or AR
a 25% chance of having an unaffected, noncarrier offspring (however, X-linked genes have been identified). While not
with each pregnancy. Many neurometabolic conditions, always possible, establishing a molecular genetic diagnosis
such as Krabbe disease, metachromatic leukodystrophy, is fundamental in providing accurate recurrence risk and
and Tay-Sachs, are inherited in an AR fashion. clinical prognostic counseling. If mutations are identified
in an nDNA gene that is known to be inherited in an AR
manner (SURF1 or DGUOK), siblings may be the only other
X-linked Inheritance affected family members. Some of the nDNA genes can be
Females have 2 X chromosomes, and males have an X inherited in either an AR or AD fashion (ie, POLG1),
chromosome and a Y chromosome. X-linked inheritance is depending on the specific mutation(s). In this case, it is
caused by a mutated X chromosome. Females only require important to offer parental testing to determine the phase
1 working copy of the X chromosome in each cell in their of the mutations (cis or trans) and research genotype-
body and randomly inactivate the other copy of the X phenotype correlations to accurately discuss recurrence
chromosome. This is a protective mechanism in females, risks and identify other family members at risk. In POLG1,
and 1 of the key characteristics of X-linked inheritance is the prognosis and associated medical implications with the
a family history with only males affected (or males affected AR and AD variations can differ. Mitochondrial diseases,
more severely than females) and with no male-to-male caused by alterations in the mtDNA, are always maternally
transmission. The concept of dominant and recessive inherited because ova contain mitochondria, whereas any
X-linked inheritance can be blurry due to X-inactivation mitochondria in the sperm are either diluted or destroyed.
(explained later). Many diseases that were previously Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and
described as X-linked recessive disorders can have females stroke-like episodes most commonly presents with stroke-
who present with milder symptoms. For example, Duchenne like episodes, encephalopathy with seizures or dementia,
muscular dystrophy was historically believed to affect only and myopathy during childhood. However, there can be
males. Now, we know that some carrier females may have much intrafamilial phenotypic variability. Some individuals
muscle weakness, myalgia, and cardiac complications.5 may only have hearing loss or diabetes mellitus. The
These family histories will often present with disease that difficulty in accurately predicting the clinical consequences
appear to ‘‘skip’’ generations. Some X-linked disorders are and inheritance of mtDNA abnormalities is due to several
typically lethal in males and would cause symptoms only in complicating factors, including heteroplasmy, and the
females (eg, Aicardi syndrome). These are often referred to bottleneck and threshold effects. Heteroplasmy describes
as X-linked dominant disorders. One of the urea cycle a mixture of mitochondria within 1 single cell, with some
disorders, ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTC), is containing mutant DNA and some containing normal DNA.
caused by alterations in the OTC gene located on the X As technology improves, there is an increased ability to
chromosome. OTC deficiency is often more severe in males detect heteroplasmy levels through both blood and tissue
Family history: A guide for neurologists 165

analyses. As with many genetic conditions, determining and molecular analyses have been uninformative, it would
underlying genotype may be more straightforward, whereas be reasonable to provide a recurrence risk of about 25% to
predicating clinical consequences is more challenging. the parents, whereas if the proband is the only affected
While a mother with mtDNA alterations transmits mutant individual in a large family, empiric estimates of autism
mtDNA to all of her offspring, the degree of heteroplasmy recurrence would provide a more appropriate risk estimate
can vary from egg to egg because of the random bottleneck for families. As genomic technology advances, our historic
effect during oogenesis. The threshold effect describes the understanding of single-gene disorders will likely
minimum amount of energy required by a cell, tissue, or expand and the interplay between polygenic and envir-
organ to function properly. This threshold can vary over the onmental factors’ influence on disease may be better
course of development, during times of physiological stress understood.
(illness), and from tissue to tissue. Some tissues require
more energy (ie, brain and muscle) than others (ie, skin)
and therefore have a lower energy threshold and tolerance
Factors Affecting Genetic Disease
for mutant mitochondria. Manifestation and Pedigree Interpretation
Although most mtDNA point mutations are maternally Germline Mosaicism
inherited, most mtDNA deletions are de novo, occurring Once a genetic alteration is identified in a child, it is
either in the mother’s oocyte or during embryogenesis. The 3 appropriate to offer parental testing and tailored genetic
overlapping phenotypes associated with mtDNA deletions are counseling. If the parents are tested and found to not be
Kearns-Sayre syndrome, Pearson syndrome, and progressive carriers of a known genetic alteration, then it is most
external ophthalmoplegia. Determining whether an mtDNA typically believed to be a de novo alteration. While the risk
deletion is inherited maternally or de novo is essential for to the future offspring of these parents is likely very low,
proper genetic counseling and medical management of family it is very important to discuss the risk for germline
members. mosaicism. Individuals with germline mosaicism are typi-
cally asymptomatic, but may have the mutation(s) present
Chromosomal Inheritance in some or all of their germline cells. This means that there
Chromosome microarray technology has revealed a chromo- is a possibility of having normal parental carrier testing, but
somal etiology for many children with neurodevelopmental passing the disorder on to their children. For example,
disorders. Chromosome microarray finds a pathogenic most cases of Rett syndrome are sporadic, but there have
deletion or duplication in 15%-20% of children tested for been reports of multiple affected siblings with mothers who
autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay or intellec- had normal carrier testing for MECP2. It is suspected that
tual impairment, and congenital anomalies.7 Many micro- these cases arose due to maternal germline mosaicism.8 As
deletions and microduplications may be de novo; however, such, it is important to offer genetic counseling and
some parents have been found to harbor the same chromo- reproductive testing options to these families. Depending
somal aberration. Generally speaking, autosomal deletions or on the condition, the risk for germline mosaicism may vary,
duplications are inherited in an AD fashion, with a high but is typically low.
degree of de novo alterations. Deletions and duplications on
the X chromosome typically follow the X-linked inheritance Penetrance
patterns described previously. Some of the genetic red flags Penetrance describes the possibility that a given gene
that could indicate a chromosome disorder are multiple alteration would manifest in the form of a disease and is
congenital anomalies, dysmorphic features, and multiple most often associated with AD inheritance. Complete
miscarriages. Some children are born with unbalanced penetrance is when clinical symptoms are present in all
chromosome aberrations due to a parental balanced translo- individuals who have the disease-causing genetic alteration,
cation. Many individuals with balanced translocations will and reduced or incomplete penetrance describes the
be asymptomatic. The specific reproductive risks to a parent condition when clinical symptoms are not always present
with a balanced translocation can vary depending on the size in individuals who have the disease-causing genetic altera-
and location of the chromosome alteration. tion. Incomplete penetrance often creates a pedigree that
looks like a generation is ‘‘skipped’’. In early-onset primary
Multifactorial and Polygenic Disorders dystonia, typically caused by a 3 basepair deletion in
Some common neurologic disorders are believed to be TOR1A, only about 30% of individuals would ever actually
multifactorial in some instances, having both genetic and develop dystonia.9 Sometimes, however, comprehensive
environmental contributions (eg, autism and epilepsy). molecular and clinical examination reveals minimal signs
When a clear molecular etiology is not ascertained in these of a particular syndrome, indicating variable expressivity of
conditions, genetic counseling can be difficult. We often the disease symptoms, rather than incomplete penetrance.
have to rely on empiric studies to provide recurrence risk
estimates to families. Careful, detailed evaluation of the Variable Expressivity
family history may allow for a more tailored risk estimate in Variable expressivity refers to the variation in severity of
these circumstances. For example, if the male and female disease manifestation in different people with the same
offspring of a couple both have autism, and chromosomal genetic condition. Both interfamilial and intrafamilial
166 J.M. Vento

variabilities have been demonstrated in a number of genetic Conclusions

syndromes. Variations between families can be due to
different mutations at the same disease locus, whereas Family history collection and interpretation remains an
variation within families is most likely due to other essential tool for neurologists. Determining how and when
modifier genes, environmental factors, or other stochastic to approach genetic testing is greatly influenced by one’s
events. For example, interfamilial variability can be noted family health history. With new, large genetic testing panels
in cerebral AD arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and and genomic-based analyses, family history is crucial to
leukoencephalopathy. While one family member may present dissecting the abundance of genetic data and variation that
with cerebellar ataxia, another may have dementia or psy- is discovered. Many laboratories will request parental
chiatric disturbance, or both as their presenting feature.10 samples and family history to help distinguish the patho-
genicity of variants of uncertain significance. Collaboration
Skewed X-inactivation with genetics professionals can help to provide risk assess-
X-inactivation is the phenomenon in females by which one ment and targeted counseling to families and patients.
X chromosome is randomly inactivated in each somatic cell Recording a detailed family that is available for modification
as a method of dosage compensation. Typically, this occurs over time allows for improved patient care, especially with
in a random pattern with about 50% paternal and 50% the influx of genomic information that is becoming central
maternal X chromosomes inactivated. This becomes impor- to the personalized medicine revolution.
tant when a carrier female of an X-linked recessive
condition demonstrates skewed X-inactivation. In cases
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