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Internal Analysis
Learning Outcomes
 appreciate the role a firm’s resources and
capabilities play in formulating strategy;
 identify and appraise the resources and
capabilities of a firm;
 evaluate the potential for a firm’s resources
and capabilities to confer sustainable
competitive advantage;
 use the results of resource and capability
analysis to formulate strategies that exploit
internal strengths while defending against
internal weaknesses. 2
Analysing resources and capabilities: The interface
between strategy and the firm.

3. Internal Environment
3.1.1 Value Chain Analysis
Source: Based on the discussion in Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage (New York: Free Press, 1985), pp. 37–43.
Source: Based on the discussion in Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage (New York: Free Press, 1985), pp. 37–43.
3.1.2 Strategic Capability
The Resource-Based View of Strategy (RBV)
 “...The resource-based view emphasizes the
internal capabilities of the organisation in
formulating strategy to achieve a sustainable
competitive advantage.” A Henry, pp. 126
 Strategic capability is based on the resources
available to the organisation and the competencies
it develops in order to make use of the resources
(Chief Advocates: Hamel & Prahalad(1990);
Rumelt(1991); Barney(1991); Grant(1991)).
Definition of Resources and Capability
 Resource
 Is a productive input or competitive asset that is
owned or controlled by a company (e.g., a fleet of
oil tankers).
 Capability
 Is the capacity of a firm to perform some activity
proficiently (e.g., superior skills in marketing). It is a
“firm’s capacity to deploy resources for a desired
end result”.
 THRESHOLD RESOURCES – “needed to play”
Those resources that an organisation needs to
have in order to meet the minimum requirements
of its customers
 For example, an airline needs more than a fleet
of planes, it will also need all the supporting
structure, including landing and fly-over rights
 DISTINCTIVE RESOURCES – “needed to win”
“...those resources that criPcally underpin
competitive advantage and that others cannot
easily imitate or obtain.”
 For example, a strong brand name or 17
 THRESHOLD COMPETENCIES – “needed to play”
Those minimum competences an organisation
requires in order to ensure that resources are
deployed efficiently enough to meet minimum
customer requirements
 For example, an airline will need to ensure its
operations conform to minimum safety
to win”
“...the linked set of skills, activities and resources
that, together, deliver customer value, differentiate 18
a business from its competitors and, potentially,
3.2 Developing strategy implications

The framework for appraising resources and capabilities.

Grant & Jordan (2015), Foundations of
Strategy: Closing Case Wal‐Mart Stores,
Inc. Page 114-117


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