Quiz - New Mod 13F 13.12.1 and 2 Portable Fire Ext

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New Mod 13F, 13.12.1 and 2 Score

Portable Fire Ext

1. A fire system test, on a system that has the mal switches is ca ied out, will it tell you the
se viceability of the the mal switches?

2. How is the ala m on a systron donner system activated?

3. Why are the systron donners systems no mally used in a dual-loop configuration?
4. Why should you not kink or over bend fire wires?

5. How many conductors does a Kidde system have?

6. What kind of metal makes up the tube of both a Fenwal and Kidde System?

7. Mechanical damage to a sensor tube will result in what kind of indication?

8. Name 3 areas where a fixed fire detection and/or extinguishing system may be fitted.

9. Name 2 of the most common types of fire detectors.

10. What effects could installing a a switch with the wrong operating temperature cause?

11. What is the most common extinguishing agent and what are some of its' benefits?
12. How are fire extinguishing system pipelines identified? (page 26 of 34

13. What makes up the fire t iangle?

14. What kind of PPE should be wo n when working on an APU fire extinguishing system?

15. Name the classes of fire using Australian classification.

16. Where wont you find a D y powder or Water based extinguisher?

17. The cargo compa tment smoke detection system is connected directly to?

18. Where is the meter connected to measure voltage differences in a compa ison photoelect ic
smoke detection system?

19. What happens when cu rent flow falls below a preset value on an ionization type smoke
20. Continuous loop fire systems must have bends in them no smaller than?

21. What must be ca ied out on any fire indication system whether it be a t ue or false wa ning?

22. What type of gas is used in a systron donner system

23. What temperature must approximately be reached in the lavato y for the extinguisher to
24. If a fire is still bu ning in the left engine after the first attempt of pulling the fire handle, what
bottle is used to put out the fire?

25. How is a lavato y fire bottle checked to see if it’s still se viceable

26. What 4 qualities should Fire Detection Systems possess?

27. How does a The mal Switch work?

28. What does the test switch in a The mal Switch System test?

29. Continuous Element control units work using which of the following?
A Resistance, capacitance or both

B Resistance only

C Capacitance only

30. When testing the continuous fire detection circuit, the test button disables the centre
conductor of the b idge rectifier and ea th's it via the test relay coil.
T T ue

F False

31. How is the Photoelet ic smoke detector tested when the switch is pressed?

32. A compa ison Photoelect ic smoke detector uses a LED compa itor and reflector to replicate
the no smoke condition in a reference chamber, that is compared to a smoke filled chamber.
T T ue

F False

33. Detectors automatically deploy fire extinguishing units du ing flight T/F
T T ue

F False

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