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Concept Map (Review of Technology for Teaching and Learning)

BEED3B MTh 11:30 - 10:00 AM

This concept map shows that Technology covered two subtopics, which are ICT
Literacy and Roles of Technology for Teaching and Learning; there are three subtopics
in ICT Literacy, which are the Internet, Software, and Educational Technology, since we
know that we can't use those three if we are not ICT literate. In the Internet, I included
the World Wide Web, web access, webquest, Google apps, Blog, Wiki, Podcast, Vlog,
and Facebook because all of these features are interconnected in the Internet, we can't
get there if we don't have an internet connection. However, in the Software, I included
the Multimedia, Productivity tools, Technology tools, Date/Calculation tools, Design
tools, and Email tools because, for me, all of these tools belong to software since we
can store the documents, files, and media produced on the disk, flash drive, or tape.
Next is Educational Technology, I included the following features because all of them
can be used for educational purposes where teaching and learning occur. On the other
side of this concept map, there are three aspects of Roles of Technology for Teaching
and Learning which are the Technology as a tutor, Technology as a learning tool, and
Technology as a teaching tool. Technology as a teaching tool includes the help and
support of technology for teachers. Next to it is Technology as a learning tool, which
includes the benefits to the learners of using technology.

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