Physics Paper 2 TZ2 SL Markscheme

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May 2017


Standard level

Paper 2

12 pages
–2– M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

This markscheme is the property of the International

Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed to any
other person without the authorization of the IB Global Centre,
–3– M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

1. a correct use of kinematic equation/equations  Substitution(s) must be correct.

148.5 or 149 or 150 « m »  2

b 27 Could be seen in part (a).

a or 2.45 « m s–2 » 
11 Award [0] for solution that uses a 9.81 m s–2

F  160  492  2.45 


1370 « N » 

–4– M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

(Question 1 continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

c ALTERNATIVE 1 Award [2 max] for an answer of 160 k«W».
«work done to launch glider»  1370  149 «  204 kJ» 
204  100
«work done by motor»  

204  100 1
«power input to motor»    80 or 80.4 or 81 k«W» 
23 11

use of average speed 13.5 m s–1 
«useful power output»  force  average speed «  1370  13.5 » 
power input  « 1370  13.5   » 80 or 80.4 or 81 k«W » 

work required from motor  KE  work done against
friction «  0.5  492  272  (160  148.5) »  204 « kJ » 

work required from motor  100

«energy input»  
power input   80.3 k«W» 
–5– M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

(Question 1 continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

d v 27 Do not accept Hz.
 « »  45 
r 0.6 2
Award [1 max] if unit is missing.
rad s–1 

e direction of Award [1 max] if forces do not touch the dot, but are otherwise OK.
lift force



drag correctly labelled and in correct direction 

weight correctly labelled and in correct direction AND

no other incorrect force shown 

–6– M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

(Question 1 continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

f name Newton's first law 

vertical/all forces are in equilibrium/balanced/add to zero

OR 2 max
vertical component of lift mentioned 

as equal to weight 
g any speed and any direction quoted together as the answer
quotes their answer(s) to 3 significant figures 
speed  12.7 m s–1 or direction  9.46  or 0.165 rad «below the horizontal» or
gradient of  
–7– M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

2. a PE of water is converted to KE of moving water/turbine to electrical energy
«in generator/turbine/dynamo» 
idea of pumped storage, ie: pump water back during night/when energy
cheap to buy/when energy not in demand/when there is a surplus of
energy 

b total energy  « 2.7  103  1.5  1010  » 4.05  1013 « J »  For MP2 the unit must be present.

4.0  1013 2
time  «  » 11.1h or 4.0  10 4 s 
4  2.5  108

c friction/resistive losses in walls of pipe/air resistance/turbulence/turbine Must see “seat of friction” to award the mark.
and generator bearings  Do not allow “friction” bald.

thermal energy losses, in electrical resistance of components  1 max

water requires kinetic energy to leave system so not all can be

transferred 

d 1 109
area required  «  2.5  107 m2 » 
0.22  180 2
length of one side  area  5.0 k«m» 
–8– M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

3. a «light» superposes/interferes 

pattern consists of «intensity» maxima and minima

OR 3

consisting of constructive and destructive «interference» 

voltage peaks correspond to interference maxima 

b i D 6.3  107  5.0 If no unit assume m.
«s   3
 » 2.1  103 « m »  1
d 1.5  10 Correct answer only.
b ii correct read-off from graph of 25 m s  Allow ECF from (b)(i)

x 2.1 103
v «   » 8.4  102 « m s1 »  2
t 25  103

–9– M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

(Question 3 continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

«reflection at barrier» leads to two waves travelling in opposite directions ü
mention of formation of standing wave ü
2 max
maximum corresponds to antinode/maximum displacement «of air molecules»
complete cancellation at node position ü
– 10 – M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

4. a 222 AND 4  Both needed. 1

b alpha particles highly ionizing

alpha particles have a low penetration power
OR 1
thin glass increases probability of alpha crossing glass
decreases probability of alpha striking atom/nucleus/molecule 
c conversion of temperature to 291 K  Allow ECF for 2.7 1015 from (b)(ii).

p  4.5  10 9  8.31 « »
1.3  10 5

291 3
p  2.7  1015  1.38  1023  « » 
1.3  10 5

0.83 or 0.84 « Pa » 

– 11 – M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

(Question 4 continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

d electron/atom drops from high energy state/level to low state 
energy levels are discrete 
wavelength/frequency of photon is related to energy change or
quotes E  hf or E  and is therefore also discrete 

e peer review guarantees the validity of the work OWTTE
OR 1
means that readers have confidence in the validity of work 
– 12 – M17/4/PHYSI/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

5. a when an electric field is applied to any material «using a cell etc»
it acts to accelerate any free electrons 
electrons are the charge carriers «in copper»  Accept “free/valence/delocalised electrons”. 3
metals/copper have many free electrons whereas insulators have
few/no free electrons/charge carriers 
b i 1.7 × 10–3 × 35 × 103
area  ________________________
«  9.3  106 m2 »  2

b ii «resistance of cable  2  » Allow [2] for a solution where the resistance per unit
metre is calculated using resistivity and answer to (b)(i)
(resistance per unit length of cable 5.7 10–5 m )

power dissipated in cable  7302  2 «  1.07 MW » 

1.07  106
power loss per meter  3
or 30.6 « W m–1 » 
35  10

b iii 30  m  390  3.5  10 2 

2.2 k«g»  Correct answer only.

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