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Endodontic Topics 2012, 20, 30–51 2012 © John Wiley & Sons A/S
All rights reserved ENDODONTIC TOPICS 2012

Microstructure and mechanical

behavior of radicular and
coronal dentin

Fracture of root-filled teeth is not uncommon and appears to be a complex function of both the treatment and
the patient’s oral regimen. However, there have been few studies aimed at understanding the intrinsic mechanical
behavior of dentin and its relevance to the incidence of these fractures. In addition, there has been some
controversy over whether the fracture of root-filled teeth is attributed primarily to loss of tooth structure or if there
are other contributing factors. A comprehensive understanding of the structure and mechanical behavior of dentin
is of substantial importance to the success of endodontic therapy. Specifically, the importance of fatigue on tooth
fractures and the resistance of tissues to both the initiation and propagation of cracks have received scant attention.
As well, regional variations in these properties and the contribution of changes in microstructure to the fatigue and
fracture behavior are not well understood. This article reviews the importance of microstructure on the mechanical
behavior of dentin and compares the mechanical properties of tissue from the root and crown. Also, the changes
in microstructure with aging are discussed as well as their importance to the incidence of tooth fracture.

Received 29 July 2010; accepted 10 August 2011.

Introduction attention. In comparison to the interest in endodontic

techniques and materials and their effects on the integ-
Cracked teeth and vertical root fractures are major rity of the remaining tooth structure, very limited
clinical problems that may lead to tooth loss. Teeth emphasis has been placed on understanding the impor-
with a history of endodontic treatment are prone to tance of regional variations and/or changes in the
subgingival fractures, especially vertical root fractures mechanical behavior of dentin itself with respect to the
(VRF) (1). While this mode of failure has been incidence of fractures.
reported to be limited to less than 1% of endodonti- The failure of root-filled teeth by fracture depends
cally treated teeth that could be followed (2), the exact primarily on two factors, namely (a) the magnitude of
number is unknown as many patients with VRF do not stress experienced by the tooth, which is directly
report back to the endodontic provider and eventually related to the remaining tooth structure and the
have the tooth extracted elsewhere. In response to this patient’s oral function, and (b) the inherent mechani-
problem, substantial efforts have been made to evalu- cal properties of the remaining tissue responsible for
ate the changes in the structural behavior of pulpless resisting fracture. Endodontically treated teeth have
teeth. For example, the importance of preserving generally been considered to be more susceptible to
tooth structure (3,4), the changes in stiffness and/or fracture than unrestored or conservatively restored
strength associated with bonding and different restora- teeth because of loss of tooth structure and the corre-
tive materials (5,6,7), and the benefits of different post sponding increase in stress. Indeed, there is evidence
and core systems (8,9) have received considerable that the probability of root fracture increases as

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

the dentin thickness decreases via instrumentation a

(10,11). Laboratory studies have established the
importance of the instrumentation process and the
loss of tooth structure on tooth stability. For example,
Lang et al. (12) noted that all endodontic treatment
involving the removal of hard tissue from the canal
increased the deformability of the root and caused a
reduction in the stability of the tooth. Post prepara-
tions resulted in the most substantial reductions in
stability (i.e. increases in deformability), in particular
those requiring shaping of the canal for parallel-sided
posts. For teeth requiring endodontic treatment that
may also warrant the placement of a direct restoration, b
the degree of cuspal deflection and tooth strain has
been found to increase significantly with the loss of
axial dentin (13). One nearly universal outcome of
these studies is the recommendation for conservative
endodontic access [e.g. (14,15)]. However, there are
convincing results from a finite element study that,
while loss of tooth structure may result in lower sta-
bility, the removal of dentin does not always cause an
increased susceptibility to root fracture (16). These
important but essentially conflicting findings suggest
that there could be other contributing factors related
to the incidence of tooth fracture following endodon- Fig. 1. Examples of vertical root fractures in a bucco-
tic treatment. lingual orientation. Both teeth were loaded vertically by
an increasing force applied within the canal space
Experimental and clinical studies have both revealed
through a spreader tip. Note the faint evidence of scle-
that vertical root fractures occur predominantly in the rosis near the root surfaces in (a), and prominent evi-
bucco-lingual direction (17–20) where the dentin dence in (b). Fractures developed in the bucco-lingual
thickness is greatest. Figure 1 shows two examples of orientation despite the greater dentin thickness in this
root fractures with this characteristic. Due to the larger direction. (a) Cross-section of a mandibular incisor
(5 mm from the root apex). Reproduced with permis-
degree of “reinforcement” in regions of higher thick- sion from Lertchirakarn et al. (21). (b) Cross-section of
ness, this behavior seems counterintuitive. Yet con- a maxillary central incisor (4 mm from the root apex).
sidering canal shape, external root morphology, and Reproduced with permission from Lertchirakarn et al.
dentin thickness, finite element analyses of the stress (22). Scale rule at the bottom in each photo is in
distribution in root canals have demonstrated that the
magnitude of tensile stress induced by equi-distributed
internal canal pressure is largest in the bucco-lingual
direction (21,22). Finite element based investigations on the canal wall. Flaws of this type can facilitate
have proven useful in understanding the structural fracture under fatigue and/or as a result of cyclic crack
behavior of root-filled teeth and in performing para- growth. These components of mechanical behavior are
metric studies. However, one important limitation of relevant to the success of endodontic therapy and
past numerical studies (and numerical studies in warrant discussion.
general) is that they ignore the contribution of flaws There is an additional topic of relevance that has
introduced during the restorative process to the initia- largely been overlooked. Advancements in medicine
tion and growth of cracks in root-filled teeth under and an overall increase in the quality of life have
cyclic loading. Masticatory forces (23), mechanical resulted in far more healthy seniors in society today
instrumentation (11), obturation of the root canal than in the past (26). Oral health is of critical impor-
(24), or post placement (25) can produce craze lines tance to senior patients who wish to maintain a high

Arola et al.

quality of life (27). As a result, there is presently a in achieving strong adhesive bonds. Of primary impor-
larger group of senior patients seeking oral health care. tance are the tubule density, tubule diameter, and
That raises some important questions. How does spatial variations in these measurements. In the crown,
aging contribute to the mechanical properties of the average density ranges from approximately 15,000
dentin and the potential for tooth fracture in this to 65,000 tubules to per mm2 (32–34). The tubule
cohort of patients? Furthermore, are there age-related diameter decreases from approximately 2.5 mm (near
differences in the degree of change between tissues of the pulp) to less than 1 mm at the DEJ (e.g. Fig. 2a).
the root and crown? Mjör & Nordahl (35) compared the tubule density
Here we review the mechanical behavior of dentin and degree of branching within the crown and root of
and examine the mechanical properties of this tissue human teeth. The mean density ranged from approxi-
that are relevant to fracture resistance. We review mately 8,000 to 58,000 tubules/mm2 and the crown
studies on the behavior of coronal and radicular exhibited significantly greater tubule density than the
dentin, concentrate on potential differences related to root. Also, the number of fine tubule branches (0.3 to
the microstructure, and then address how aging con- 0.7 mm diameter) was highest in the root, particularly
tributes to the mechanical properties and the poten- near the apices and in regions of low primary density.
tial for VRF. It is not the intent of this review to In studies involving both bovine and human teeth,
focus on the changes in structural properties of teeth both Schilke et al. (36) and Camargo et al. (37) inde-
following dental procedures. Rather, the primary pendently observed that radicular dentin exhibited
focus is on the contribution of either changes or vari- larger diameter tubules than the crown, but had a
ations in the microstructure of dentin to these struc- lower density as evident in Figure 2b. Indeed, Koma-
tural properties. bayashi et al. (38) reported a density of 14,000 to
32,000 tubules/mm2 1–2 mm below the cemento–
enamel junction of human canines, which is much
Structure of dentin
lower than equivalent measures in the crown; the
Dentin is comprised of both organic and inorganic density effectively doubled from the outer wall (near
components and is approximately 45% mineral, 33% the periodontal ligament) to the region adjacent to the
organic material (primarily type I collagen), and 22% pulp. Camargo et al. (37) divided the roots into cer-
water by volume (28); this distribution is approximately vical, middle, and apical thirds and concluded that the
70% mineral, 20% organic material, and 10% water by density decreased with increasing depth from the
weight. On a microscopic scale, the most distinct cervix to the apices. Also distinct is the smaller peritu-
feature is the dentin tubules, which are a network of bular cuff thickness in radicular dentin when compared
microscopic tubules that extend almost radially to the dimensions in the crown. The lower tubule
outward from the pulp toward the dentin–enamel junc- density and smaller peritubular cuff thickness in the
tion (DEJ) and cementum–dentin junction (CDJ). root give rise to a higher percentage of intertubular
Each tubule is surrounded by a highly mineralized cuff dentin per unit volume of tissue and a larger volume
of apatite crystals known as the peritubular dentin (28). fraction of matrix (39). Of perhaps equal importance,
The intertubular dentin occupies the region between the collagen fibrils of radicular dentin have a larger
the tubules and consists of a collagen fibril mesh ori- diameter (39) as well as a different primary orientation
ented essentially perpendicular to the tubules and and degree of biaxiality than those in the crown (40).
bound by apatite crystallites (29,30). The collagen With the mineral and collagen respectively regarded as
fibrils have diameter of 50 to 100 nm whereas the the elements most responsible for the hardness and
apatite crystals are approximately 5 nm thick and their toughness of dentin (30), these spatial variations in
remaining dimensions are dependent on distance from structure are relevant to the mechanical behavior and
the pulp (needle-like at the pulp and plate-like at the potential variations in properties.
DEJ) (31). In recognition of this broad range of dimen-
sional scales, dentin is often described as exhibiting a
Mechanical properties of dentin
complex hierarchical structure (29).
Many characteristics of the tubules are important to One of the aims of this review was to describe the
the structural behavior of dentin, its permeability, and importance of the mechanical properties of both

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

Fig. 2. Micrographs highlighting variations in the microstructure of dentin from a premolar of a 25-year-old female.
Note the differences in tubule dimensions and density with distance from the pulp and from the root apex. (a) Coronal
dentin. (b) Radicular dentin.

radicular and coronal dentin to the success of endo- received the most scrutiny. Although studies adopting
dontic practices and the survival of treated teeth. As indentation have found that the hardness (42) and
such, this review discusses the strength of dentin, elastic properties (43) of dentin are essentially iso-
the response of this tissue to cyclic loading (i.e. the tropic, strength measures show a substantial depend-
fatigue properties), and its fracture toughness, all of ence on the tubule orientation. Of particular note,
which can play a role in the incidence of tooth fracture. tissues of the tooth experience a combination of
It does not address the properties of teeth resulting tensile, compressive, and shear stresses. Tensile stresses
from indentation methods (e.g. micro- and nano- are nearly always considered the most detrimental due
indentation). For readers interested in that topic, to evidence that the majority of failures occur under
Angker & Swain (41) have reviewed nano-indentation this mode of stress. Under this mode of loading, the
evaluation of dental hard tissues. “strength” is the maximum stress that the tissue can
withstand and is regarded as the Ultimate Tensile
Strength (UTS). Lertchirakarn et al. (44) evaluated
the UTS of coronal (cervical third) and radicular (mid-
The strength of coronal and radicular dentin has been root) dentin by direct tension and diametral testing
studied in detail, and in these investigations the influ- over a range of tubule orientations. The results of that
ence of tubule orientation and tubule density has study are summarized in Figure 3a. Although there

Arola et al.

a was no difference in the strength of equivalent speci-

mens from the root and crown, those with tubules
oriented parallel to the direction of maximum ten-
sile stress exhibited significantly lower strength. Here
the angle theta (q) designates the orientation of
the tubules with respect to the orientation of the
maximum principal stress. For example, if the tubules
are aligned with the direction of loading, then the
tubules are parallel to the direction of maximum
tensile stress. Loading in this manner causes fracture
perpendicular to the tubules and some papers refer to
this orientation differently. Here we avoid using angles
for simplicity and to achieve consistency between pub-
lished studies. If the degree of anisotropy (or differ-
ence in properties in different directions) is defined by
the ratio of UTS in the perpendicular (⬜) and parallel
(//) orientations [AR = UTS(⬜)/UTS(//)], then
the AR is 1.64 and 1.45 for the coronal and radicular
dentin, respectively. Anisotropy was thought to origi-
nate from contributions of the dentinal matrix, which
results in the largest UTS when the collagen fibrils are
arranged in planes parallel to the loading direction.
Carvalho et al. (45) and Inoue et al. (46) reported
similar findings for coronal dentin, i.e. the perpendicu-
lar orientation exhibited significantly higher strength
than that in other orientations. The degree of aniso-
tropy evident from the results of these two groups
(AR = 1.40 and 1.27 ⱕ AR ⱕ 1.46, respectively) is
Fig. 3. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of radicular consistent; however, the UTS is not. For the parallel
dentin and the importance of tubule orientation. (a) orientation, the average strengths were approximately
Tensile strength of human radicular dentin determined 40 MPa (44), 58 MPa (45), and 65 MPa (46)—a very
from tension (T) tests and diametral (D) testing. The wide range. This difference appears to originate from
orientation defines the angle from the direction of
the specimen geometry, as the cross-sectional areas
maximum tensile stress to the tubules. In both schematic
diagrams, “q” designates the orientation (angle) of were 1.13 mm2, 0.5 mm2, and 0.25 mm2 in these
tubules from the direction of maximum tensile stress. In three studies, respectively. Specimen geometry and
the diametral testing, the direction of maximum tensile size are important issues that can influence the appar-
stress is perpendicular to the loading axis. Columns with
ent strength of materials due to the flaw population
different letters represent a significant difference. Results
presented here are from Lertchirakarn et al. (44). (b) (number of internal defects) and its contribution to
The importance of tubule orientation on the strength of failures. This issue is critically important in character-
dentin from bovine incisors. Results presented here izing the properties of dental materials and is most
compare data from Inoue et al. (59) and Liu et al. (60). evident in the evaluation of bond strength. Recent
The orientations (1, 2, and 3) indicate the specimen
orientation and axis of loading. The 1, 2, and 3 direc-
reviews of this topic in application to dental adhesives
tions are often regarded as the circumferential, radial, were presented by Armstrong et al. (47) and Braga
and axial orientations, respectively. Samples aligned with et al. (48). Thus, it is imperative to maintain consist-
the 1 and 3 axes will have tubules in the ⬜ orientation, ency in the sample dimensions when comparing
whereas those along the 2 axis will have // tubule
reported properties of the root and crown dentin. A
orientations. Note the similar strength of specimens
aligned with the 1 and 2 axes despite having orientations recommended or “standard” specimen dimension
of ⬜ and //, respectively. would be valuable for future studies due to its con-
tributions to the measured mechanical properties.

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

However, the community has not yet addressed this that direction (42). Liu et al. (60) also compared the
issue formally. UTS of tissues from the cervical, middle, and apical
In addition to orientation, tubule density has been thirds of the root. While there were no significant
shown to contribute to spatial variations in strength. differences in strength between specimens from the
Deep dentin of the crown is weaker than superficial three regions, those with axial orientations had signifi-
dentin and the difference is attributed to tubule cantly (p ⱕ 0.01) greater (more than double) strength
density (45,46,49). Similarly, deep dentin of the than those in the other two orientations (Fig. 3b).
crown exhibits lower shear strength when compared to Note that uniaxial tensile samples aligned with the “1”
locations near the DEJ (50–53). An interesting study direction (Fig. 3b) have a perpendicular tubule orien-
reported by Jainaen et al. (54,55) using micro-punch tation, but the UTS is nearly equivalent to that of
shear tests attempted to improve the shear strength of samples with a parallel tubule orientation. Using the
radicular dentin in regions of high tubule density and UTS of samples aligned with the “3” axis for the
large diameter by filling the lumens. However, neither parallel orientation, the AR of root dentin exceeds 3!
canal preparation nor obturation using epoxy- or Sano et al. (58) reported similar values of tensile
UDMA-based resins as sealer cements substantially strength for dentin samples with axial alignment from
improved the fracture properties. bovine (ave. 91 to 129 MPa) or human (ave. 94 to
Some of the regional variations in properties of the 106 MPa) teeth. Fully demineralized samples with this
crown may not be solely attributable to the tubule orientation had a UTS of approximately 30 MPa,
density. In an evaluation of the UTS of tissue from the which is less than one-third that of mineralized tissue
cervical, cuspal, and occlusal regions of third molars but nearly equivalent to the fully mineralized strength
using micro-tensile tests, the strength ranged from 34 of samples with a parallel tubule orientation (Fig. 3).
to 114 MPa (56). There was a significant difference in Thus, radicular dentin exhibits a greater degree of
the median strength of inner (44 MPa) and outer anisotropy than coronal dentin, which has been attrib-
(98 MPa) dentin, which would be expected from the uted to characteristics of the matrix. Radicular dentin
differences in tubule density in these two regions. appears to have a larger UTS than coronal dentin as
However, using Weibull probability statistics, it was well, but this statement is dependent on the tubule
noted that regional variations in the strength might be orientation being evaluated.
attributed to spatial variations in the population of
intrinsic defects (56). That concept becomes increas-
ingly relevant if flaws are introduced around the Relevant clinical factors
periphery of the canal during instrumentation. Inner Patient demographics
dentin exhibits comparatively high tubule density and
diameter (38), qualities that appear to result in greater In a discussion of the UTS of dentin, there are relevant
flaw sensitivity and lower strength (57). factors other than tubule orientation and density that
A number of investigations on the tensile strength of should be considered. For example, in a study com-
dentin have been performed with bovine teeth to gain paring regional variations in the UTS of dentin by
further understanding of the importance of micro- Mannocci et al. (61), the mid-apical third (i.e. mid-
structure. In a study involving both human and bovine root) specimens exhibited significantly higher strength
teeth, Sano et al. (58) found that the tensile strength than those from the coronal third. The UTS reported
of radicular dentin was greater than that of the crown. by this group was at least 40% lower than that reported
Inoue et al. (59) reported similar findings but noted by Lertchirakarn et al. (44) despite having the same
that samples with axial and circumferential orienta- tubule orientation (i.e. samples with axial alignment
tions of the root exhibited significantly different and tubules with a perpendicular orientation) and an
strengths despite having nearly identical tubule orien- identical cross-sectional area. The primary difference
tation (Fig. 3b). Their results were supported by a appears to be patient demographics. Mannocci et al.
discussion of the dentin matrix, hypothesizing that the (61) reported that the teeth were from patients 45 to
highest strength in the axial direction of the root 51 years old (average = 48). Lertchirakarn et al. (44)
(which is a perpendicular tubule orientation) stemmed did not control for age but micrographs of the fracture
from the preferential orientation of collagen fibers in surfaces suggest that the teeth were obtained from

Arola et al.

younger patients. This is evidence that age-related different in either mode of loading. Sedgley & Messer
microstructural changes could cause a reduction in the (68) studied the properties of dentin from pulpless
UTS of radicular dentin. teeth using punch shear tests in terms of toughness
and load to fracture. They concluded that teeth do not
become more brittle as a result of endodontic treat-
Interference or shrinkage stress
ment. However, Zheng et al. (69) compared the
Another consideration is the rate of the applied load tensile strength and compressive strength of dentin
and its influence on fracture resistance. There are a from vital and pulpless teeth and found that the dentin
number of conditions that can cause the development in the latter group was significantly weaker (p ⱕ 0.05).
of stress within a tooth which are not associated with The conflicting findings of the aforementioned studies
masticatory load (e.g. polymerization shrinkage stress). could be associated with two important factors that are
Experimental studies of root dentin have shown that often disregarded. In the evaluation of endodontically
the tissue undergoes time-dependent deformation and restored teeth, the period of time following pulp
exhibits linear-viscoelastic behavior over a range of removal is often relatively short, or in cases where the
stress rates (62). This behavior is also exhibited by teeth have received treatment in situ and are removed
coronal dentin (29) and implies that there will be a later, the duration of time after pulp removal is
reduction of stress under displacement control loads unknown. Also, the age of the patient at the time of
due to progressive deformation (and strain). There is extraction is either not controlled or unknown. The
also a reduction in the elastic modulus of dentin with a importance of the later factor will be addressed below.
decrease in the load rate that is attributed to the same
mechanism (63). Under conditions that pose a static Effects of intracanal agents
load within dentin that is under displacement control
It is necessary to acknowledge that there has been
(such as that in the press-fit of a post within the canal),
substantial interest in the effects of irrigation on
time-dependent relaxation would promote a reduction
chemical degradation of dentin and its influence on
in interfacial stress and “retentive force.” However, the
mechanical properties. Although it has been a substan-
loading rate is also important to strength; a study on the
tial concern for decades, it remains a relatively contro-
strength of coronal dentin showed that there is a sig-
versial issue. A thorough review of the literature in this
nificant decrease in strength with a decreasing rate of
area was recently presented by Pascon et al. (70).
loading (63). In addition, fully hydrated dentin behaves
According to that review and independent contribu-
in an increasingly brittle manner at low stress rates while
tions by Marending et al. (71) and Soares et al. (72),
dehydrating dentin causes it to exhibit the opposite
the mechanical properties of dentin may undergo det-
rimental changes as a result of irrigation with sodium
hypochlorite and that it is attributed to degradation in
Pulpectomy the dentin matrix. Moreover, intracanal medicaments
have been found to affect the apparent strength of
Based on clinical observations, there has been some
teeth. So while calcium hydroxide has been shown to
belief that pulpless teeth are more brittle (64).
decrease the ultimate strength of teeth (73), mineral
Removal of the pulp is often considered to contribute
trioxide aggregate (74) and micro- or nano-particulate
to dehydration and embrittlement, and there is evi-
SiO2-Na2O-CaO-P2O5 bioactive glass (75) did not
dence that dehydration causes a reduction in the
appear to negatively impact the flexural strength of
“work of fracture” (65), an engineering term that is
root dentin. The degree of change (involving loss of
used to describe the area under the load–displacement
elastic modulus and/or strength) is clearly a function
diagram that is obtained from a flexure test. However,
of both concentration as well as duration of exposure
there is reportedly no difference between vital and
time. Work in this area is ongoing.
endodontically restored teeth in terms of moisture
content (66). Huang et al. (67) compared the com-
Loading conditions
pressive and tensile strengths of dentin from vital and
pulpless teeth and found that the strength and stiffness Although teeth are subjected to repeating or cyclic
of dentin of the two groups were not significantly loads and often fail as a result of “fatigue,” in most

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

studies the mechanical behavior of dentin has been a

characterized through the application of an increasing
quasi-static load to fracture. Bedran-de-Castro et al.
(76) considered the potential contribution of cyclic
loading on the apparent tensile strength of dentin.
Conventional tension specimens of dentin were pre-
pared from either the root or crown of bovine incisors
with orientations parallel or perpendicular to the
dentin tubules. Selected samples were obtained from
teeth that had been subjected to cyclic loading (up to
1 million cycles). Samples obtained from the roots
with tubules oriented perpendicular to the axis of
applied tension (i.e. perpendicular orientation) exhib- b
ited significantly greater tensile strength. The authors
attributed these differences to the relative organic and
inorganic content as well as the composition of the
dentin matrix. However, there was no significant
reduction in strength imposed by cyclic loading of the
teeth. This is an important statement, but one that
requires a greater understanding of the contribution
cyclic loading has on dentin.

Fatigue properties
Fatigue describes the progressive degradation in struc-
Fig. 4. Fatigue life diagrams for human dentin. Data
tural integrity of a material as a result of cyclic loading points with arrows represent specimens that did not fail,
and the consequent reduction in “load-carrying capac- for which the test was discontinued. All of the specimens
ity” that results from the accumulation of internal were obtained from the molars of young patients
damage. The fatigue “life” of a material or structure (age ⱕ 35). (a) The influence of tubule orientation on
the fatigue life of human dentin. Results presented here
represents the number of cycles that it can endure at a are used with permission from Arola & Reprogel (83).
particular cyclic stress without failure. It is comprised (b) A comparison of the fatigue life of dentin obtained
of the initiation and progression of damage. Those from unrestored and restored molars (unpublished
two components are regarded as the “initiation life” results). All of these specimens have tubules oriented
perpendicular (⬜) to the direction of maximum principal
(also known as the “stress-life”) and the “propagation
life,” respectively. For a material or structure that is
free from major flaws (i.e. cracks), the fatigue life is
primarily comprised of the number of cycles required
for the initiation of damage, and thus is largely a ranging from approximately 20 to 50 MPa that varies
function of the magnitude of cyclic stress. according to the mean stress (82) and the tubule
The fatigue properties of dentin have been reviewed orientation (83). The endurance limit represents a
by Kruzic & Ritchie (77) and by Arola et al. (78). limiting stress. Below that magnitude of cyclic stress,
Human dentin exhibits a traditional fatigue life behav- the material is capable of withstanding cyclic loading
ior similar to that of common engineering metals without undergoing fatigue failure. Nalla et al. (82)
(77,79–81). Fatigue life diagrams for coronal dentin found that dentin undergoes a significant reduction in
with three different tubule orientations are shown fatigue life when the loading conditions result in a
in Figure 4a. They demonstrate the characteristic tensile mean stress; the mean stress is the mathematical
decrease in the number of cycles to fracture with an average of the values of maximum stress (␴max) and
increase in the cyclic stress amplitude. Of particular minimum stress (␴min) of a fatigue cycle and it exists
note, dentin exhibits an apparent endurance limit when the cyclic conditions do not result in fully

Arola et al.

reversed loading (i.e. when ␴max ⫽ − ␴min). The obser- human and bovine teeth. To address this concern, the
vations reported by Nalla et al. (82) indicate that authors recently conducted a preliminary study to
endodontic treatments promoting a static component compare the fatigue behavior of coronal dentin from
of tensile stress (e.g. due to expansion mismatch at caries-free unrestored and restored molars obtained
bonded interfaces or in the case of press-fit posts) will from young patients (18 ⱕ age ⱕ 35). Specimens of
lower the resistance to fatigue failure of dentin and the restored molars were obtained adjacent to (just
cause a reduction in the endurance limit. beneath) the restoration. The results for specimens
Similar to the measures of UTS and shear strength, with a perpendicular tubule orientation are shown in
the fatigue strength of dentin is also dependent on the Figure 4b. Although the number of cycles (or years of
tubule orientation. In a study of coronal dentin from function) elapsed after placement of the restoration
the crowns of third molars, it was found that the was not available, the results suggest that a substantial
fatigue life decreases with the amplitude of cyclic stress reduction in the fatigue strength occurs in dentin
regardless of the tubule orientation (83). Dentin which is adjacent to the placed restoration. It is
exhibits the lowest fatigue strength and endurance unknown whether the reduction in fatigue strength
limit (24 MPa) when the tubules are aligned with the occurs due to the presence of structural damage or a
direction of maximum tensile stress as evident in change in the chemical composition of dentin adjacent
Figure 4a. Using results from quasi-static and cyclic to the restorative material. It has been shown that
loading, the ratio of the endurance limit to the flexure dentin underneath carious lesions (and presumably
strength for parallel and perpendicular orientations under restorations placed to treat caries) is less perme-
was 0.28 and 0.41, respectively. This disparity high- able than normal dentin (86). This was believed to
lights the importance of the organic matrix in the result from occlusion of dentinal tubules and develop-
fatigue of dentin as the collagen fibrils are oriented ment of sclerotic dentin underneath the carious lesion,
approximately perpendicular to the tubules in coronal as a means of natural defense against the advancement
dentin, thereby promoting greater durability for the of the carious lesion. Studies are presently underway to
perpendicular orientation. Furthermore, using the address the potential differences between sclerotic
ratio of apparent endurance limits for the parallel and dentin developed via “defense mechanisms” and that
perpendicular orientations, the AR is approximately 2, occurring as a result of natural aging.
which is much greater than that observed for the UTS
of dentin determined by quasi-static loading to failure.
Fatigue crack growth
Because of the influence of tubule orientation on the
monotonic properties of radicular dentin, the fatigue The propagation life of a material or structure is com-
strength would be expected to exhibit a similar prised of the number of loading cycles required to
dependence. The fatigue strength of bovine radicular propagate an existing crack to a critical length that
dentin was recently evaluated (84) in a perpendicular facilitates bulk fracture. Cyclic extension of the crack
orientation and found to be approximately 44 MPa at occurs by a process called fatigue crack growth.
a life of 105 cycles. Using the value of tensile strength Because of the relevance of this issue in tooth fractures
reported in that study, the AR for radicular dentin is (81,87,88), the fatigue crack growth resistance of
approximately 2. However, if the matrix undergoes human dentin has been studied in some detail. Dentin
degradation as a result of irrigation during endodontic is susceptible to fatigue crack growth (81,89,90);
therapy, the fatigue strength of pulpless teeth could be typical responses are shown in Figure 5a. The history
substantially diminished regardless of orientation. of cyclic extension is generally examined in terms of
Future studies should explore this important issue. the incremental fatigue crack growth rate and the cor-
The fatigue strength of structural materials can be responding stress intensity range (DK) in which cyclic
degraded by the volume and size of intrinsic defects. Of extension takes place. The incremental fatigue crack
importance here is the observation that restorative growth rate is quantified by the ratio of incremental
processes, which involve enamel or dentin removal, crack extension (Da) to the number of cycles associated
have the propensity to introduce flaws to the remaining with that period of growth (DN), whereas the stress
tooth structure (85). All of the reported studies to date intensity range represents the difference in maximum
have been conducted using tissue from unrestored stress intensity and minimum stress intensity that is

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

a initiate fatigue crack growth from an existing crack,

and (b) the increase in growth rate with increasing
stress intensity; the latter is generally defined by the
exponent of the Paris Law. These quantities are high-
lighted in the responses presented in Figure 5a and
help to quantify the relative difference in fatigue crack
growth resistance behavior with tubule orientation. In
an examination of cracks emanating from the line
angles of restored teeth (88), it was noted that fatigue
crack growth primarily occurred perpendicular to the
dentin. The responses from the experiments in
Figure 5a demonstrate that dentin exhibits the lowest
resistance to fatigue crack growth when the tubules are
aligned with the direction of cyclic loading and per-
pendicular to the orientation of the crack. Fracture
surface markings have been used to determine that the
DK contributing to fatigue crack growth in vivo ranged
from 0.7 to 0.9 MPa•m0.5 (88) and that the average
b tensile stress promoting cyclic crack growth was
approximately 12 MPa. While that level of DK would
enable fatigue crack growth to occur perpendicular to
the tubules (Fig. 5a), it is not sufficient to cause
fatigue crack growth parallel to the tubules as evident
in this figure. The lower fatigue crack growth resist-
ance of dentin that occurs when the tubules are
aligned parallel to the direction of cyclic stress empha-
sizes the preference for cracks to grow perpendicular
to the tubules in restored teeth.
Recent work by the author’s group has begun to
address the importance of tubule density on the fatigue
crack growth behavior of coronal dentin (92). A com-
parison of the incremental fatigue crack growth
responses for deep, middle, and superficial dentin of the
crown is shown in Figure 5b. As evident from the
distribution in these responses, deep dentin is less
Fig. 5. Fatigue crack growth in human dentin. (a) A
resistant to fatigue crack growth than middle or super-
typical fatigue crack growth response for cyclic extension ficial dentin. Most importantly, because of the lower
in the same plane as the tubules and perpendicular to the DKth, fatigue crack growth initiates in deep dentin from
tubules. The responses presented here are for coronal existing cracks at comparatively lower driving forces
dentin from the third molars of a 25-year-old female and
than in the middle or superficial regions. These results
an 18-year-old male, respectively. (b) A comparison of
the fatigue crack growth resistance of coronal dentin are in agreement with the trends reported in the UTS
from the inner, central, and peripheral regions (92). and shear strength, and are expected to arise due to a
Crack growth in these specimens was in the same plane reduction in the organic matrix with increasing depth
as the tubules. The results presented in this figure are for from the DEJ. Fatigue crack growth studies have not
young dentin from 18 ⱕ age ⱕ 35.
been conducted with radicular dentin. However,
active on the crack over the fatigue cycle (DK = Kmax according to the findings by Ivancik et al. in 2011 (92)
-Kmin) (91). Two quantities used in characterizing the and distribution of tubule densities in the root, the
growth responses are (a) the stress intensity threshold fatigue crack growth resistance of radicular dentin
(DKth), which defines the minimum DK required to would be expected to be lowest in the cervical third.

Arola et al.

One interesting aspect of fatigue behavior is the fracture properties of dentin were recently discussed in
transition between the initiation and propagation of a review by Ruse (95). As shown in other properties of
damage. Kruzic & Ritchie (93) proposed using the human dentin, the resistance to fracture is dependent
so-called Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram, which is a on the tubule orientation (96) and depth (i.e. the
graphical method of combining the initiation life and tubule density) (97). In coronal dentin, the greatest
propagation life behavior of a material and examining toughness is realized for stresses applied perpendicular
the inter-relationships. They constructed the diagram to the tubules, which results in crack growth parallel to
for fatigue of dentin with the tubules oriented par- the tubules (98). A complete review of the studies on
allel to the maximum cyclic tensile stress and detailed fracture toughness of dentin is not possible here, but
the critical flaw size at the boundary of finite and one investigation comparing the fracture behavior of
infinite life. The Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram has also coronal and radicular dentin warrants discussion (99).
been used to examine anisotropy in the fatigue In that study, specimens of dentin with a machined
behavior of dentin (89). Based on a comparison of notch were prepared from bovine incisors and a crack
the transition behavior in the fatigue of human was introduced by fatigue. The specimens were loaded
dentin for all tubule orientations, it was found that to fracture and the load-deflection curves were docu-
dentin is susceptible to fatigue failure at the lowest mented (Fig. 6a). In comparison to the substantial
cyclic stress when the tubules are aligned with the non-linearity evident in the root responses, the coronal
cyclic stress (in a parallel orientation). It was also dentin exhibited relatively brittle behavior. Using the
found that dentin exhibits the largest degree of ani- critical load and crack length, the estimated fracture
sotropy in the initiation life regime (AR = 2) com- toughness of coronal and radicular dentin was 2.1 and
pared to that corresponding to fatigue crack growth 4.8 MPa•m0.5, respectively. The regional differences in
(AR = 1.2). The results of this evaluation showed Kc were attributed to microstructural contributions. In
that fatigue failure of coronal dentin is most likely to radicular dentin, the collagen fibrils are oriented axially
occur when cyclic stresses are oriented parallel to the (98) and acted to reinforce the cracked specimen. The
tubules. However, after initiation of a flaw, the level authors also noted that the incremental lines served as
of anisotropy decreases and cyclic crack extension is weak fault lines and specimens of radicular dentin were
largely directed by the magnitude of cyclic stress; prepared such that the crack was forced to extend
tubule orientation becomes less important. This perpendicular to these lines (Fig. 6b). Lastly, as cracks
applies to coronal dentin but may not be applicable initiate in the peritubular dentin, the absence of cuffs
to the root. Because of the larger degree of aniso- in the root (e.g. Fig. 2b) resulted in a greater resist-
tropy in the UTS of radicular dentin (Fig. 3b), there ance to the initiation and propagation of cracks.
may be unique trends in the resistance to fatigue Therefore, it appears that the fracture toughness of
crack initiation and growth that account for the eti- radicular dentin is greater than that in the crown,
ology of vertical root fracture and fracture patterns. provided that the crack grows perpendicular to the
Future work on this topic is warranted. incremental lines. However, in vertical root fracture,
the crack is aligned with the direction of the incremen-
tal lines, suggesting that the toughness in that direc-
Fracture toughness
tion may be substantially lower. Also, aging of the root
Fracture toughness is a property describing the ability may cause more substantial changes in the fracture
of a material to resist fracture caused by the extension behavior of the root due to the deposition of minerals
of an existing crack. If a crack is introduced in dentin in the tubules, thereby increasing the cuff thickness
during the restorative process or as a result of cyclic and the relative mineral content.
loading, then tooth fracture is possible in a single load A summary of the reported mechanical properties for
cycle provided that the load and flaw length combined young dentin is shown in Table 1, which provides a
exceed the fracture toughness (Kc) of the tissue. simple comparison of values for tissues from the crown
According to linear elastic fracture mechanics, fracture and root. As previously highlighted, differences in the
occurs when the stress intensity (K), which is defined choice of specimen size and location in tension testing
in terms of the flaw length and stress, is equivalent to (e.g. distance from the DEJ or distance from the root
the fracture toughness of the material (Kc) (94). The apex) have resulted in a broad range of apparent

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

a b

Fig. 6. Characteristics of fracture in root and crown dentin. (a) A comparison of the load-deflection behavior of
dentin from the root and crown of bovine incisors. The graph is reproduced with permission from Wang (99). (b)
Crack morphology in a specimen of root dentin. The arrowhead indicates the crack along the incremental line
(indicated by dashed line). The arrow on the right shows the pre-crack generated by fatigue loading. The dentin
tubules extend from the top to the bottom of this figure in a nearly uniform vertical direction. This figure is
reproduced with permission from Wang (99).

Table 1: A comparison of the reported range in mechanical properties for young coronal and radicular dentin
Property Coronal Dentin* Radicular Dentin*

Elastic Modulus (GPa)a 12 to 20 12 to 20

Tensile Strength (MPa)b 35 to 110 30 to 120

Fracture Toughness (MPa•m0.5)c 1.5 to 1.8 (//) and 1.5 to 2.5 (⬜) 1.6 (//) and 4.8 (⬜)

Endurance Strength (MPa)d 24 (//) and 44 (⬜) 44 (⬜)

m (power law exponent)e 10 to 15 (//) and 20 to 27 (⬜) N/A

DKth (MPa•m0.5)e 0.6 to 1.0 (//) and 0.7 to 1.3 (⬜) N/A

* Note that the symbol (//) indicates that the direction of maximum tensile stress is parallel to the tubules, which is consistent
with the definition used for tension testing. This causes fracture perpendicular to the tubules and often this direction is quoted
in the literature as the perpendicular orientation. Similarly, (⬜) indicates that the direction of maximum tensile stress is
perpendicular to the tubules. Fracture in this loading condition will occur parallel or in the same plane as the tubules.
Elastic modulus responses are highly dependent on the loading rate (29).
Effects of orientation are not distinguished due to the compounding effects of specimen size and dentin depth on the
reported results.
Limited to estimates using sharp pre-cracks. Values for radicular dentin are estimates based on two sources (99,122).
Zero to tension (flexure) identified at 106 cycles. The value for radicular dentin was determined for 105 cycles (84).
Tubule density variations with depth result in spatial variations in the fatigue crack parameters (92).

strength, making it nearly impossible to determine results presented thus far suggest that the root may also
which is strongest. Both the crown and root exhibit exhibit the largest fracture toughness. At present it is
anisotropy and, regardless of orientation, regions of not possible to compare the fatigue behavior of human
low tubule density are stronger. Nevertheless, the dentin above and below the crown because no study has
largest strength overall has been reported for radicular conducted a fatigue analysis of specimens limited to
dentin. While the number of studies reporting on the human radicular dentin. This is a topic of importance
fracture behavior of radicular dentin is very low, the and should be pursued in future studies of dentin.

Arola et al.

Fig. 7. Changes in the microstructure of dentin with aging. (a) Examples of the lumen dimensions from scanning
electron micrographs of coronal dentin within the third molars of young (left; age = 20) and old (right; age = 67)
patients. These micrographs are reproduced with permission from Arola & Reprogel (79). (b) The change in average
lumen dimensions in adult human third molars. This figure is reproduced with permission from Arola (119).

Aging of dentin Microstructure

Aging is accompanied by an increase in dentin thick- In dentin, there is a reduction in tubule diameter with
ness in both the crown and root. According to a study increasing age due to the deposition of minerals within
of odontometric changes in teeth, the increases in root the lumens. Micrographs of coronal dentin from two
thickness are significantly greater than those in the patients and a measure of the lumen dimensions in
crown (100). While there is an overall decrease in the coronal dentin of human teeth are shown in Figures 7a
density of pulpal cells with aging, the density is signifi- and b, respectively. This process begins in the third
cantly lower in the root. These changes are undoubt- decade of life and results in an increase in mineralization
edly important to the success of endodontic therapy. (28). After an adequate number of lumens have been
However, there are additional concerns related to filled, the tissue appears transparent and dentin that has
the microstructure and consequent changes in the undergone this change is known as “sclerotic.” Histo-
mechanical behavior that could be important to the logical evaluations have shown that sclerosis begins in
incidence of tooth fracture. the root and progresses to the crown (101–104).

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

Fig. 8. Collagen and mineral to collagen ratio Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) maps and the matching visual map
of dentin from a premolar of a 57-year-old male. Red represents the highest and blue represents the lowest peak areas
in the FTIR maps. Note the lower collagen content (collagen map) and the higher mineral to collagen ratios (mineral
to collagen ratio map) in the coronal dentin compared to the radicular dentin. A gradient in the mineral to collagen
ratios is seen when moving from the crown toward the bottom of the root. These maps were obtained using FTIR
microspectroscopy with the reflectance mode (FTIR-RM) method (125).

Despite the initiation and progression of sclerosis from measurements along the pulpal wall, where sclerosis
the root, the lowest relative collagen content and develops last. In addition, removal of the pulp could
highest mineral to collagen ratios are found in deep contribute to sclerosis. Thomas et al. (105) compared
coronal dentin (Fig. 8). Within the root, sclerosis ini- the degree of apical translucency of vital and root-filled
tiates in the tubule periphery (105,106) and progresses teeth over an age range of 18 to 76 years; the mean
toward the pulp. Furthermore, changes begin in the patient age of the two groups was 45 and 47 years,
mesial and distal aspects of the root and then spread to respectively. They concluded that translucent dentin is
the lingual and buccal regions. These regional varia- more prominent in root-filled teeth, regardless of age.
tions could be due to the lower density of tubules in the This is a fascinating finding, but one that raises ques-
distal and mesial walls (107). Within the regions under- tions as to the cause. The greater degree of sclerosis
going sclerosis, the number of remaining unobstructed could develop before endodontic treatment and result
lumens continues to decrease with age (101,108,109). from pulp pathosis and the related response of the
At least two groups did not find significant differ- odontoblastic processes.
ences in the number of open lumens with tooth age The decrease in lumen diameter that accompanies
(37,110). In the investigation of Tidmarsh & Arrow- aging reduces the depth of bacterial penetration
smith (110), 10 teeth were examined over a broad age within the tubules (111). This suggests that infection of
range (35–81 year-olds). The teeth were incisors, the dentin tubules is less extensive in older patients with
canines, and premolars, which raises two issues. The pulpal infections. However, according to clinical
different tooth types could possess variations in dentin studies (112–114), vertical root fractures are signifi-
thickness, corresponding tubule lengths, and degree of cantly more prevalent in older patients. Indeed, in teeth
apparent deposited mineral. However, there were also requiring root canal treatment with posts, vertical root
potential differences in the onset and progression of fracture is more likely to occur in the teeth of older
sclerosis based on tooth position in the oral cavity and patients (60+ years of age) (115). Because of the nature
the unique tubule density (107). Camargo et al. (37) of the deposited material filling the lumens, there is an
limited the investigation to premolars, but performed increase in mineral content (80,99,116,117). As

Arola et al.

mineral and collagen are regarded as the hard and a

tough components of the tissue (30), respectively, an
increase in brittleness and/or a reduction in fracture
resistance is to be expected with aging.

Mechanical behavior

Although the importance of aging on the mechanical

behavior of dentin was identified over a decade ago
(118), most of the studies addressing this topic have
only appeared in the last 5 years. A review of dentin
aging and its importance to the mechanical behavior of
dentin was recently published (119). Overall, coronal
dentin becomes more brittle with increasing patient b
age. This transition causes a significant reduction in
both the strength and energy required to fracture
(79). According to an evaluation of the flexural
strength of coronal dentin, there is a decrease in
strength of almost 20 MPa per decade of life that
begins shortly after reaching adulthood (Fig. 9a). If
the young and old groups are loosely defined as
age ⱕ 30 and age ⱖ 55, respectively, there is a 50%
reduction in strength and a 75% reduction in energy
required to fracture in old compared to young dentin.
Similar investigations have shown that there is also a
reduction in the fatigue strength of dentin with age.
Kinney et al. (80) found that transparent dentin (from
old patients) exhibited a lower fatigue strength over Fig. 9. Influence of age on the strength of coronal
the finite life regime, but no difference in the apparent dentin. (a) The distribution of flexure strength in
coronal dentin with respect to patient age. The average
endurance limit. In that study, the difference in fatigue reduction in strength over the adult age span is 20 MPa
properties between the young and old dentin speci- per decade. (b) The fatigue life distribution for coronal
mens was not limited to age; the young specimens dentin obtained from young and old patients. Data pre-
were mostly obtained from molars whereas the old sented is from Arola & Reprogel (79).
specimens were prepared from incisors and would
therefore contain a larger percentage of radicular
dentin. Differences would also be expected between experienced, the critical stress for static loading is the
these two groups of specimens in terms of the orien- UTS whereas the critical stress for cyclic loading is the
tation of the incremental lines and collagen fibrils. In endurance limit (a stress above this limit will result in
contrast, in a study limited to tissues from the crowns failure within a finite number of cycles). The ratio of
of third molars, the old dentin exhibited significantly these two critical stresses distinguishes the relative
lower fatigue life regardless of the magnitude of cyclic fatigue resistance of a material. Therefore, the smaller
stress (Fig. 9b) (79). The ratio of the apparent endur- ratio for old dentin emphasizes its lower resistance to
ance limit to the ultimate strength in flexure for young fatigue in comparison to young dentin. According to
and old dentin was 0.5 and 0.38, respectively. This the visible change in microstructure, it would appear
ratio is an important quantity and accounts for the that the reduction in strength of old dentin is attrib-
material performance in the two primary modes of utable to the increase in mineral content. However, it
functional loading, namely static and cyclic loading. If is presently not clear whether the changes are solely
one considers the critical stress that is associated with due to the filling of the lumens, or if they are caused by
“fracture” of the material in each mode of loading the dentin matrix as well. The changes in properties

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

be important. Overall, age should be considered a

synergistic variable that has the potential to increase the
likelihood of tooth fracture due to these other factors.
As expected, detrimental changes in the fracture
toughness of dentin occur with increasing patient
age. Independent studies of crack extension parallel
(122,123) and perpendicular (124) to the dentin
tubules show that “old” dentin undergoes a reduction
in the crack growth resistance in both orientations.
However, there are some unique qualities of the
responses. For cracks extending parallel to the tubules,
there is a significant decrease in the crack growth
toughness (Kg) as a result of sclerosis. Most hard
tissues exhibit an increase in the resistance to crack
growth as the crack length increases, which is a result
Fig. 10. The reduction in fatigue crack growth resist-
ance of dentin with age. The young (age ⱕ 35) and old of toughening induced by the complex microstructure
(50 ⱕ age) groups consist of specimens prepared from (77). The Kg quantifies the increase in toughness with
third molars. The direction of cyclic crack growth is crack extension and represents the slope of the trend
perpendicular to the tubules. Results presented are from
between the critical stress intensity and crack length. It
Bajaj et al. (90).
is also regarded as the slope of the fracture resistance
curve (i.e. the R-curve). If the crack growth curves
with age could potentially result from changes in reported in that study are used to interpret differences
cross-linking of the collagen (120,121). in fracture toughness (Kc) (Fig. 11a), there is a reduc-
There is reduction in the fatigue crack growth resist- tion but it is not significant.
ance of dentin with increasing age. A comparison of In the investigation of cracks extending perpendicular
the responses for coronal dentin from the third molars to the tubules, there was a significant reduction in Kg
of young and old patients is shown in Figure 10. The with patient age as well (124). However, there was also
average fatigue crack growth exponent for the old a significant decrease (30%) in Kc as evident from the
dentin (m = 21.6) is significantly greater than that of results of the three age groups shown in Figure 11b.
the young dentin (m = 13.3). However, the impor- Note that Kc for the middle and old groups (with
tance of age is most evident in the average rate of tubules aligned in the direction of tensile stress) were
fatigue crack growth. Over the range in stress intensity significantly lower than those corresponding groups of
that is active in vivo (0.7 to 0.9 MPa•m0.5) (87), the dentin with a perpendicular orientation. The results
average rate of fatigue crack growth in old tissue is from these two studies provide conclusive evidence that
greater than 100 times that of young dentin. As such, there is a reduction in the degree of toughening in
cracks introduced during instrumentation or another dentin with aging and that it is associated with filling of
aspect of the restorative process would be far more the lumens. However, it is not possible to conclude that
likely to cause tooth fracture in senior patients. There the differences are orientation dependent because the
is preliminary evidence that the age-related changes in specimens tested by Koester et al. (122) contained the
mechanical behavior may be a function of the ethnic crown as well as the cervical and middle thirds of
background of the individual (23,78). It should also the root. The microstructure was certainly different
be recognized that the degree and nature of tooth amongst some of these specimens and, as emphasized
function undoubtedly plays an important role in the throughout this review, this could have a substantial
onset of crack propagation and tooth fracture. Factors influence on the toughening behavior irrespective of
such as the type of tooth (incisor, canine, molar, etc.) the tooth age and degree of sclerosis. Although a study
and the magnitude of occlusal forces, the presence of on the effects of aging on the fracture of radicular
an opposing tooth and whether or not the tooth was in dentin has not been conducted, it is expected that there
function, habitual bruxism or clenching by the patient, would be a significant reduction in Kc. The remaining
and perhaps temporomandibular dysfunction may all questions of primary importance concern the age at

Arola et al.

a implications in the choice of treatment and the prob-

ability of its success.

In reviewing the literature, it is apparent that dentin
possesses a complex microstructure that plays an impor-
tant role in the mechanical behavior of this tissue. The
mechanical properties most important to tooth fracture
are a function of the tubule orientation and the tubule
density. Specifically, coronal dentin exhibits substantial
anisotropy with the tensile strength and fatigue
strength being significantly lower (up to 50%) when the
maximum tensile stress is applied parallel to the tubules.
Similarly, the resistance to fatigue crack growth and
fracture toughness of dentin are lowest when the crack
extends perpendicular to the tubules. Tubule density is
also important as the ultimate tensile strength and
fatigue crack growth resistance of coronal dentin
decrease with depth (i.e. in regions exhibiting large
tubule density and tubule diameter). The property
variations with tubule characteristics are a result of the
relative mineral content and primary orientation of the
collagen fibrils. However, it is important not to over-
look the degradation resulting from intrinsic defects, as
well as those that may be introduced during the course
of treatment. It is clear that the resistance to fracture is
largest in regions of high volume fraction of dentinal
matrix and in the direction of the collagen fibrils.
Fig. 11. The fracture toughness of human dentin in the
While a large number of studies have examined the
two primary directions. Columns with letters represent properties of coronal dentin, few have characterized the
significant differences (p ⱕ 0.05). Differences in the Kc mechanical properties of radicular dentin. Consistent
between cracks extending parallel and perpendicular to with the crown, root dentin exhibits substantial aniso-
the tubules are significant for the middle (p ⱕ 0.05) and
tropy and regional variations in strength. The greatest
old (p ⱕ 0.005) age groups. (a) Crack growth parallel
and/or oblique to the tubules. Data were extracted from strength is obtained for loads applied parallel to the axis
the study of Koester et al. (122) from the crowns of of the root. In addition, based on the reduction in
molars as well as the cervical and middle thirds of the tubule density from the cervical third to the apical third,
root. * The middle and old age groups presented here are there is an expected increase in strength with proximity
interpretations of the “aged opaque” and “aged transpar-
ent” groups reported in that investigation. Both groups to the apex. Comparisons of the mechanical behavior of
included tissues from patients between 40 and 70 years of dentin from the crown and root suggest that root
age. (b) Crack growth perpendicular to the tubules. Data dentin may possess the greatest strength and fracture
were from Nazari et al. (124) and were obtained from the toughness overall, provided that the direction of
crowns of third molars; young (aged 17–32), middle
loading is aligned with the axis of the root. No studies
(aged 40–45), and old (aged 55–83) age groups.
have been reported that characterize the fatigue
strength of radicular dentin or its resistance to fatigue
which the changes begin and the extent of the changes. crack growth. While there is some evidence that remov-
Because of regional variations in the progression of al of the pulp may facilitate a reduction in strength, a
sclerosis, the degradation in Kc of the root could begin comprehensive study regarding the mechanical behav-
earlier and be more severe. This may have important ior of dentin from pulpless teeth (including its resist-

Mechanical behavior of radicular dentin

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