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Xuan Khanh (Jenny) Tu

(+1) 682-313-6324 | | | Web Portfolio

Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX
Bachelor of Science in Strategic Communication & Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics May 2025
Minor in Chinese & Digital Culture and Data Analytics Cumulative GPA: 3.9
Honors/Awards: TCU Scholars, Dean’s Honor List, Founders Scholarship
Relevant coursework: Creative Strategy, Research, Advertising, Public Relations, Design, Elementary Statistics, Intro to

TCU Department of Strategic Communication Fort Worth, TX
Social Media Intern September 2023 - Present
● Track and report social media performance via Meta Insights to identify areas for improvement and craft data-driven
social media campaigns and marketing initiatives based on social media algorithms and emerging trends, growing
audience engagement by 12% in the first month

NOTE - The Scent Lab Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Data Analyst & SEO Specialist Intern June 2023 - Present
● Identify, track, and report on the progress of KPIs (web traffic, engagement metrics, click-through rates) using Google
Analytics to drive customer journey satisfaction, SEO optimization, and paid ads strategies’ improvements, increasing
viewers by 12% and website traffic by 21% within two months
● Execute marketing operations for new and existing products, utilizing marketing automation systems (e.g., Salesforce,
Mailchimp, Odoo) to schedule deployment of campaigns, monitor active programs, and measure campaign effectiveness
● Implement A/B Testing for email marketing to optimize content, subject lines, and send times, resulting in increased
open rates by 10% and click-through rates by 16%
● Conduct qualitative and quantitative research, transforming data via SQL and Excel to analyze consumer trends and
tailor grand opening strategy, successfully completing 300+ transactions in the first week

Vandy English Language Academy Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Marketing & Business Analyst January 2021 - February 2023
● Analyzed Facebook and Instagram audience demographics to optimize branding strategy, increasing reach by 20% in
the first three months. Created customer profiles to assist the Sales team on 15% growth in registered students quarterly
● Executed 3 successful marketing campaigns and 2 webinars, conducting sales presentations and detailed proposals,
resulting in a recruitment of more than 200 new students and increased sales revenue


TCU 360 - Student Media August 2023 - Present | Fort Worth, TX
Copy Editor. Edit 10+ articles weekly, reviewing the stories, graphics, and excerpts based on using AP style guides.

Vietnamese Student Association at TCU September 2021 - Present | Fort Worth, TX

Vice President of Internal Affairs. Derive actionable insights from audience research and analyze preferences and feedback
to execute a one-year strategy for 10+ events, strengthening internal bonds among 120+ members and empowering the
Vietnamese community at TCU

TCU Chinese Club April 2022 - May 2023 | Fort Worth, TX

Secretary. Designed a one-year plan with 8 cultural events and 50+ participants each to promote Chinese traditions. Utilize
crisis management skills to optimize event execution, leading to a 20% satisfaction growth and 15% memberships growth.

SEO, SEM, Wordpress, Semrush, Meta Business Suite, Google Analytics, Adword, Google Trends, Salesforce, Mailchimp,
Odoo, Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint & PowerBI, Tableau, Mintel, MRI+, Vivix, Qualtrics, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Language: Vietnamese (native), Chinese (HSK 5), English (professionally fluent), Korean (elementary proficiency)

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