Preparing Your Essay and Avoiding Plagiarism

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Human Biology 1

Find out how to reference correctly and avoid

Plagiaris m
Dr Elaine Lopes

21 March 2011

Plagiarism = Academic misconduct Inadequate or incorrect referencing = Plagiarism


Referencing promotes scholarship It helps Your readers Your university Your original sources

Who else does it help?

Referencing helps you! As a writer, referencing provides support demonstrates your research lends credibility to your work When should you reference?

ideas opinions theories facts statistics graphs drawings common knowledge quotes paraphrases summaries definitions

Would you reference these?

Can you use all of these in your Human Bio essay?

Read the essay requirements Use Harvard style referencing 900 words max = your own words table presenting key information no quotes = no exact words What is Harvard no figures or style?


Harvard style = author-date system

In-text citations
Include authors surname(s) and the date of publication in your text.
* If you include quotes (i.e. for other assignments), include a page reference as well.

Option 1: Put the citation in parentheses at the end of your paraphrase. Glucose intolerance affects 20% of Australian children (Martin & Ambrose 2008). Option 2: Integrate the authors names into your sentence using a verb like suggests, argues etc. Martin and Ambrose (2008) found that glucose intolerance affects 20% of Australian children.

What about end-of-text references?

End-of-text references
Include the authors surname(s), initials and complete publication details in a list at the end of your text called References. This list allows readers to locate the exact sources you used. Martin I & Ambrose WA 2008, Glucose intolerance: Case studies in Australia 1990-2005, Biomedical studies in Australasia, vol. 54, no. 8, pp.19-33. Put references in alphabetical order, but do not change the order of names within a reference. Are references for books, journals, websites and so on all the same?

References differ see libguides

Check the library website:

What is expected?

Are these acceptable paraphrases?

ORIGINAL text from Williams 2004: The rise of industry, the growth of cities, and the expansion of the population were the three great developments of late nineteenth century Australian history. As new, larger, steam-powered factories became a feature of the Australian landscape in the east, they transformed farm hands into industrial labourers, and provided jobs for a rising tide of immigrants. ATTEMPTED paraphrase 1: The increase of industry, the growth of cities, and the explosion of the population were three large factors of nineteenth century Australia. As steam-driven companies became more visible in the eastern part of the country, they changed farm hands into factory workers and provided jobs for the large wave of immigrants (Williams 2004). ATTEMPTED paraphrase 2: As Williams (2004) points out, steam-powered production shifted labour from agriculture to manufacturing in Australian industrial cities of the nineteenth century, and as immigrants arrived in Australia, they found work in these new factories. As a result, populations grew, and large urban areas arose.
Adapted from: Indiana University Writing Tutorial Services, 2004

Try other examples

Choose the best paraphrase

Living aboard a space station in orbit around Earth for months at a time poses problems for astronauts bodies as well as for their minds (Clinton 2003, p 16).

Which is the best paraphrase?

A. Astronauts who live aboard space stations for long periods of time may experience physical as well as mental problems. B. Living in a space station orbiting Earth for a long time can cause difficulties for astronauts bodies and minds (Clinton 2003). C. Clinton (2003) reports that astronauts will become physically sick and have mental problems if they visit a space station. D. Lengthy space station duty may lead to physical and mental problems for astronauts (Clinton 2003).

How can you learn what to do?

Paraphrasing takes practice

Before you read, think about what questions you have When you read, look for answers to your questions When you find answers, look away from your reading and write these answers in your own words Before you finish, write reference details and check your wording is sufficiently different from the original

This works for summaries too!

Is this sufficient referencing for an extended summary?

Alcohol is a known contributor to the occurrence of injuries among young adults. This is particularly common in accidents involving motor vehicles and acts of physical violence. Similar trends have emerged in patterns of drowning: recent figures show that just over 30% of drownings among 15 to 29 year olds are contributed to by the consumption of alcohol. For drownings in recreational boaters, this figure is closer to 50% (Wylde 2009). Compare this with the next example

What do you think of this extended summary?

Alcohol is a known contributor to the occurrence of injuries among young adults (Wylde 2009). This is particularly common in accidents involving motor vehicles and acts of physical violence (Wylde 2009). Similar trends have emerged in patterns of drowning: recent figures show that just over 30% of drownings among 15 to 29 year olds are contributed to by the consumption of alcohol (Wylde 2009). For drownings in recreational boaters, this figure is closer to 50% (Wylde 2009). Compare this with a final example

What about this?

Wylde (2009) states that alcohol is a known contributor to the occurrence of injuries among young adults. She suggests that this is particularly common in accidents involving motor vehicles and acts of physical violence. Similar trends reported by Wylde also show that just over 30% of drownings among 15 to 29 year olds are contributed to by the consumption of alcohol whereas for drownings in recreational boaters, this figure is closer to 50%. Is it enough to avoid plagiarism?

Aim for more than just avoiding plagiarism aim for analysis!
You have ideas, viewpoints, reasons. You might agree with other scholars ideas, viewpoints, reasons. You might disagree. Engage others scholars in conversation. Acknowledge others (reference) to support your ideas. You are the leader. Take control. Direct the conversation.

How can you apply analysis to your writing?

Synthesise and compare ideas

One social implication of high levels of alcohol consumption in Western Australia over the last decade has been a concurrent rise in alcoholrelated health problems and death. (Topic sentence your voice) While the moderate use of alcohol has been linked to a reduction in the risk of heart disease, regular excessive consumption has been shown to contribute to the development of disease of the liver and heart. (Explanation or argumentation your voice) Wintons research in the WA Health Review (2005), which mapped and compared alcohol consumption and the development of heart and liver disease in 5000 adults, indicates a 45% increase in risk levels for regular over-consumers. Jones and Trimboli (2004) report that alcohol has resulted in the second highest rate of drug induced illness and premature death in Western Australia since 1996, after tobacco. (Expert sources experts voice) The effects that these alcohol-related health problems have on families, and the community in general, represents one of the negative social impacts of excessive levels of alcohol usage in WA. (Conclusion your voice)

So how can I know that Ive done enough?

Referencing Checklist - Ask:

Is it clear where ideas in each sentence come from? Have I used in-text citations and end-of-text references correctly? Do the in-text citation and the reference list match? Have I used the sources in the best possible way?

as support for my arguments

What if you still need help?

Appropriate referencing is a matter of being consistent and careful. Help is at hand!

Website: Check out the Plagiarism Portal Workshops & Podcasts: Referencing Identifying, using & establishing voice in writing Drop-ins: 1-2pm daily during teaching weeks Tue & Thu Science Library; Mon, Wed & Fri Reid Library Appointments: Student Services, 1st Floor, Social Sciences South.

Plagiarism A Head of School perspective

What is plagiarism? Why is it such a bad thing? What happens if you plagiarize? How can you avoid it? What do we expect?

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