Level 1 Module Check 4 Unidad

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Module 1 Check your progress

Grammar O Complete the sentences. Use the present

simple or present continuous form of the verbs.
O Complete the sentences with object pronouns. 1 Annie often plays (play) football, but
1 I really like you. Do you like me now she 's playing (play) computer games.
2 She's in my class, but I don't know 2 My mum usually (work) in
very well. London, but this week she (work)
3 Dad! Alan and I can't do this exercise. Can you in New York.
help 3 I (read) a magazine at the moment.
4 These are my new trousers. Do you like It's strange, because I usually
(not read) magazines.
5 He's a good teacher, but 1 don't like 4 My grandmother (cook) chicken
very much! today. She (cook) lunch for us
every Sunday.
Complete the sentences. Use the present 5 We (not watch) television
simple form of the verbs. very often, but we (watch) an
interesting programme at the moment.
1 Switch if off, Jane! You watch (watch)
too much TV. 6 A: your friends always
(swim) in the sea?
2 My uncle (live) in that house over
there. B: No, not always. They
(swim) in the pool today.
3 Alex and Sarah (play) computer
games every weekend.
the correct words.
4 My father (not like) the same
music as me. 1 She's buying a / some fruit at the
5 Mike and Alison (not live) with
their parents. 2 Can I have a / an orange, please?
6 I (not get up) early at the weekend. 3 I can't buy it. 1 haven't got much / many
7 Our teacher hardly ever (give) us
a lot of homework. 4 How much / many tomatoes have we got?
8 you (like) listening to CDs? 5 Much / Many people live in this city.
9 your mother (work) on 6 If you want something to eat, have a / some
Saturdays? sandwich.
10 they (write) a 7 We've got a / some eggs, but we
lot of emails? haven't got much / many bread.

O Put the words in order to make sentences. Vocabulary

1 never / fish / eat / We
We never eat fish. Put the letters in order to find vine more
2 friend / is / My / late for school / always school subjects.
1 trA Art

3 usually / I / watch / don't / football 2 marDa

3 sthMa

4 good / You / usually / at / are / Geography 4 shinglE

5 niecSec
5 coffee / My / hardly / father / ever / 6 ortHiys
drinks 7 rnecFh
8 agGyehorp
6 twice / a sports club / I / to / a week / go 9 mInnorafoti noyTecoghl
10 Plyasich dEnucioat

II 46 Module 1
Write the words/phrases in the lists. Everyday English
Then add three more to each list.
Complete the dialogue with
the words in the box.
doing the ironing listcning t music dancing
cleaning the windows tidying up playing the guitar So what What about
check out gay Let's
Hobbies and interests Housework an angel must be crazy
Iistening to music

Bill: Hannah, look! Can you see

that' 00( over
Hannah: Yes, I can see him.

11 Bill: I think he's looking at

O Fill in the puzzle with words for food and drink.
What's the mystery word?
Hannah: Really? I don't think
u a r
Bill: Yes, he is.
2 go and talk
to him.
3 Hannah: Bill! You
! I don't
want to talk to him! He's
about 20 years old!
Bill: 5 ? Perhaps
6 he's a really nice guy.
Hannah: No, thanks. Bill, can
we go? Iwant to
the new
9 Bill: Good idea. I'll buy you an
ice cream, OK?
Hannah: Thanks, Bill. You're

1 A lot of people put this in coffee.

2 Chicken and beef, for example.
3 These vegetables sometimes make you cry!
4 You need to make toast. How did you do?
5 i'd like a glass of mineral
Tick (✓) a box for each section.
6 Would you like sonne fruit to drink?
7 This orange vegetable grows under the ground. Total score
8 Fish and is a popular take-away meal O O
Very Not very
in Britain. good OK
9 This fruit has got about 80 calories — an
Grammar 26 - 35 19 - 25 less than 19
10 Would you like vegetables or Vocabulary 21 - 29 16 - 20 less than 16
with your meal?
Everyday English 4-6
r3 less than 3

Check your progress [ 47 1

Module 2 Check your progress

Grammar O Complete the sentences with some or any.

1 We've got some food for the party, but

O Complete the dialogue with the past simple
we haven't got any music!
forro of be.
2 A: Is there any fruit here?
A: You 1 weren't at school yesterday B: Yes, there are apples in the
afternoon. Where 2 were you? kitchen.
B: 13 was at home. There 4 was 3 1 can't watch any TV programmes
a football match on television. tonight. l'ye got
some homework to do.
A: 5 did it a good match? 4 Jenny went shopping with some friends
B: No, it 6 didn´t ! All the players yesterday. She boughtsome CDs,
were awful! 6
but she didn't buy
any clothes.

O Complete the sentences. Use the correct O Replace the underlined words with
possessive pronouns.
forro of the verbs in the box.
1 Please give these CDs to Mike.
win become stop -be- be They're his CDs. his
jump see win say
2 These aren't my boots.
Harry, are they your boots? yours
1 In 1950, there were 199,854 people at the
World Cup Final between Braza and Uruguay in 3 1 don't like their fíat, but I love
Rio de Janeiro. They saw a great match. our fíat. ours
2 The Swedish athlete Oskar Gomar Swann 4 Your jeans are nice. My jeans
becamefamous when he won a silver are horrible! mine
medal in shooting at the Olympic Games in 5 Our school is quite small, but
Antwerp in 1920. He
was 72 years old. their school is very big.
3 At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, 6 Your hair is black and her hair
Carl Lewis won four gold medals. is brown. hers
4 In the first round of the long jump, Lewis
jumped 8.54 metres. Alter that, he stopped
`Nobody can beat me: he said
a Complete the sentences with the words in the
0Complete the sentences with the
correct form of the verbs.
box. You will need to use some words twice.

went up down in out on eff

1 1 (go) to the cinema last night, but
didn´t enjoy
(not enjoy) the film very much.
1 It's hot in here. I'm going to take off
2 What did James say (say) to my jumper.
you yesterday?
2 Leo, look at all your books on the floor!
3 A: did yousee (see) Alice last Pick them up , please.
night? 3 This bag is very heavy. I'm going to put it
B: No; 1 didn´t see (not see) her, but donw for a minute.
saw (see) Linda.
4 It's cold today. You should put on
4 We went (go) to America last summer, a warm coat.
but we
didn´t go (not go)
5 Let's go out tonight. 1 don't want to
to New York. 7 stay at home.
6 My brother got his car and drove
7 Why are you in my room? Please get
8 Yesterday my cat climbed up a tree,
and then it couldn't get
again! donw

(1). Fill in the puzzle with names of sports. Everyday English
What is the mystery word? Complete the dialogue with the words
in the box.
s n o w b a r d i n
o g loads can't bc scri us hardly any
k e b a l l saving up pocket money one day
b a s t
c y c l i n g Colin: Hi, Tania. Where are you going?
s w i m m i n g
Tania: To the clothes shop in Spring
Street. I work there on Saturdays.
Colin: You work there? You can't be
serious ! Why?
s k i i n g
Tania: Well, my dad lost his job last
h o c k e y month, and he can't give me any
pocket money now.
s u r f i n g
Colin: Oh, I see.
1 You do this on a board in snow. Tania: So I've got 3 hardly any money
these days — that's why I work on
2 You have to jump high to play this game.
3 You need a bike for this sport.
Colin: Right.
4 You do this in a pool.
Tania: I'm in the local cycling team, and
5 You do this in the mountains in winter.
I want a new bike. So I'm 4 saving up
6 Ice is a winter team game.
to buy one.
7 You go to the sea with a board for this
Colin: Good for you!
111-77 Tania: Thanks. And you know, I really
enjoy working in the shop. I want to
c Put the letters in order to find the names of jobs.
have my own shop 5one day
1 cathree teacher
2 tindest dentist Colin: Really? But you need
3 crodot doctor
loads of money to open a
4 serun wurse
Tania: Yes, I know. Oh, Colin, I'm late!
1 5 lpito pilot I must go. Bye!
6 wrayel lawyer Colin: Bye, Tania.
7 yescrater secretay
1 8 eerening engineer

How did you do?

Tick (✓) a box for each section.

Total score
O o O
61 Very Not very
good good

Grammar 25 — 34 19 — 24 less than 19

Vocabulary 17 — 22 13 — 16 less than 13

Everyday English 4—5 3 less than 3

Check your progress 75 1

Module 3 Check your progress
Grammar ® Complete the sentences.
Use the verbs with will or won't.
10 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative
or superlative form of the adjectives. 1 My train is running late, so 1 won't be (be)
home before 7 o'clock.
1 Today is the longest (long) day of the year.
2 Julie isn't feeling well. 1 think she will stay
2 For me, Geography is more difficult(difficult) (stay) in bed this morning.
than Maths.
3 He's a really good actor. I'm sure he
3 History is theeasiest (easy) subject at school. will become (become) famous one day.
4 1 feel dreadful! This is the worst (bad) 4 We can go to the beach tomorrow. 1'm sure
day of my Life! it won´t rain
5 1 don't argue with Joe, because he's bigger 5 What do you think? will you
(big) than me.
go (go) to university?
6 Sally is better (good) than me at Art. 6 James went to London today, so he
7 1 think my results will be worse (bad) won´t be
(be) at the party tonight. 5
this year than last year.
8 1f you want to be fit, a healthy diet and lots of
exercise are the most important
O the correct words.
1 My parents arelrigr5)/ angrily because 1
(important) things. didn't do the washing-up.
2 Our team lost yesterday. Everyone played
O Look at Linda's diary.
bad / badly.
Write sentences about the things
3 Last week's test was easy / easily.
she's doing next weekend.
4 My sister sings good / well.
5 Hurry up, Jill! Why are you walking so slow /
Saturday slowly?
10.00 cir.j.Vi.n.9 leSSQ 6 Last night 1 heard a loud / loudly noise
outside my room.
3.00 rneet Gerard i.n. cpfl
7 It was a slow / slowly journey
(0.00 cinema witli...5.9e and we arrived very late / lately. 7


123.0 Lunch with Weridy

5,.O.0 kernework. Complete the sentences with the words in
the box.

imitate translate makc mistakcs Look up

accent mean guess communicate
1 At 10.00 she 's having a driving lesson. 1 When 1 speak English, 1 sometimes make
mistakes in grammar, but 1 can still
2 At 3.00 she ´s meeting with gerard in the cafe communicate with English speakers.
At 6.00 she and Sue are going to cinema
3 2 Excuse me, what does this word mean
Sunday 3 1 want my pronunciation to be better, so 1
listen to cassettes andimiate the speakers.
4 At 12.30 she and Wendy are having luch
4 For homework, our teacher sometimes gives
5 At 5.00 she´s be homework us texts in English and we have to translate
them into our language.
6 At 7.30 my cousins arriving from canada
5 My father speaks good English, but he has a
5 very strong
6 When 1 don't know a word, 1 try to guess
the meaning. If I can't do that, 1
look up
the word in my dictionary.
102 Module 3
b Write the holiday activities in the lists. Everyday English
windsurfing camping
sw.1199-FR-i-Prg Complete the dialogue with the words in
horse-riding sightseeing snorkelling the box.
canoeing cycling sunbathing sailing
embarrassing the best bit
in/on water not in/on water anything else nonsense ee€4
believe it
swimming sailing cycling sightseeing
snorkelling horse-riding sunbathing
Lucy: A funny thing happened last week.
camping 9 Teresa: What?
Fill in the crossword with words to Lucy: Well, we went to a Chinese restaurant
describe the weather. for a meal, and then we had fortune
s n o n Teresa: Oh, I love those.
Lucy: Me too. Mine said, 'Your life will be
full of wonderful surprises!'
Teresa: Wow! That's' cool
Lucy: Mum got a strange one. It said, `You
will have a lot of happiness if you stay
Teresa: Well, that's 2 nonsense It
doesn't mean anything.
Lucy: Yes, I know. But 3 the best bit was
when my dad ate his fortune cookie with
the paper inside.
Teresa: Oh, no! I don't 4 believe it
Lucy: It's true! It was really 5 embarrassing
There were loads of people in the
restaurant, and they all laughed.
Teresa: Did 6 anything else happen?
lu*Look! It's snowing . The garden is white. Lucy: No, we paid the bill and left after that.
1 I It's sunnyoutside. I'm going to sunbathe on
the beach.
2 18° — it's warmtoday.
3 It's too to drive. We can't see the road
in front of us.
4 It was very foggyyesterday. A tree fell down How did you do?
in my street.
5 Take an umbrella. It's now. Tick (✓) a box for each section.
6 It was yesterday. The temperature
was 34°.
hot Total score
It's cloudy today. We can't see the sun. 54 Very Not very
7 4 Come out of the sun. It's nice and cool good good
under the trees. Grammar 18 - 24 13 - 17 less than 13
8 Last night it was —10°. That's very cold
Vocabulary 18 - 25 14 -17 less than 14
Everyday English 4-5 3 less than 3

Check your progress 103

Module 4 Check your progress
Grammar Complete the first conditional sentences
with the correct form of the verbs.
O Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the
box with the correct form of be going to. 1 If you help (help) me, I ´ll buy (buy)
you an ice cream.
visit help fa3 dance wear 2 If Jack comes (come) to school late, the
not ride not watch teacher
will be (be) really angry.
3 The neighbours will complain
(complain) if we
1 Look at those clouds. It 'ssoing to rain
make (make) a lot of noise.
2 I've g )t a difficult History project to do.
4 If I have (have) time, I ´ll get (get)
My si ster ´s going to help me with it.
the tickets this afternoon.
3 1 ´m not going watch
5 If you don´t get up
television tonight. All
(not get up) now,
the programmes are boring!
you won´t have
(not have) any breakfast.
4 are you going to wear
your black
jeans tonight?
6 Annette
won´t pass
(not pass) her test
if she (not study) harder. 11
5 My parents are going to visitmy doesn´t study
grandfather at the weekend.
O Write sentences in the present perfect.
6 Peter doesn't like horses. He isn´t goint to ride 1 1 / never / see / a tarantula.
with J5 this afternoon.
7 There's a party next Friday night,
and we are going to all dance
night! 2 My brother / never / study / a foreign
O Comple :e each sentence with must or mustn't. my brother has never studied a foreign laguage
1 Com on, Julie! We mustn't be late! 3 My parents / never / fly / in a plane.
my parents have never flown in a plane
2 It's a I
reat book. You reallymust read it.
3 Sorry Jimmy, I'm late. I must go now. 4 1 / never / get / 100% in a test.

4 You mustn´ttell anyone about this! It's too i´ve never got 100% in a test
embarrassing. 5 Richard / never / eat / frogs' legs.
5 Diane, turn the music down! You
mustn´t richard has never eaten frog´s legs
play it so loudly! 6 your teacher / ever / shout / at you?
6 I can go out with you tonight, but I must have your teaches ever shouled at you?
be honre before midnight.
7 you / ever / speak / to a British person?
7 OK, you can have a pet snake — but it have you ever spoken to british person?
mustn´t come into the housel 8 your parents / ever / win / a competition?
have your parents ever won a competitio?
O shouldn
Comple te the sentences with should or
't. III"— 7

1 You shouldn't eat a lot of fried food. Vocabulary

2 I should take up running. I'd like to be
fitter. O Write the opposites of the adjectives.
3 Whe you wait for a bus in Britain, you 1 honest dishonest
should stand in the queue. 2 kind unkind
4 They should get some exercise. They 3 organised messy
spend so much time in front of
the computer.
4 cheerful
5 You look great! You
shouldn´tworry about
5 friendly
6 polite
losing weight! imploite
6 Maria is feeling should we take 7 hard-working
her to the doctor?

130 Module 4
O Complete the adjectives with the -ed or -ing Everyday English
ending. Complete the dialogues with the words in
1 I was really tir ed last night when I went to the box.
bed. Yesterday was a very tir ing day.
It's no big deal No way pick up
2 We were excit ed about going to the
football, but in the end it was a bor ing How should I know Hang on
3 1 thought the Dracula film was quite
Carla:Matt, what are you doing next
frighten ing , but my girlfriend wasn't Saturday?
ed at all. Matt: Saturday?
4 We went to a museum last Sunday. My Carla: Yes. 4Tune are giving a concert, and I
parents thought it was fascinating think it's going to be really good. If you like,
but I wasn't really interest ed 7 1 I'll pick up some tickets this afternoon,
and then
Matt: 2 hang on
Find vine more animals in the wordsquare.
, Carla! Sorry, but I can't
make it. I'm going to my grandparents' next
RA B A I PARGO weekend.
TR V L TARANT Carla: Oh, OK, that's fine. 3 it´s mo big deal
AGUL SRAXT I go with Ben and Lisa.
R I Q I L R 0(D O G) Matt: Sorry about that.
F R OGMOUSR E Carla: Do you like visiting your grandparents?
T A R ANTU LAR Matt: Yes, I do. Sunday lunch is the best bit.
HAMT E R T I B R My granny cooks wonderful fish and chips.
OWMOUS E J B A Carla: Oh, Matt! How many calories are there
RHORSEBF I B in a plate of fish and chips?
SNAK EF ROTT Matt: 4 how should ?i Iknow
haven't got any idea.
Carla: Hundreds! If you eat that, you'll get fat.
Matt: No, I'll never get fat!
Complete the sentences.
Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. Carla: Are you sure? I can imagine you when
you're 35 - big and fat!
Matt: 5 no way
raise win break bei-lel tell take
! That won't happen

1 My aunt and uncle are building a house in

to me!
the country at the moment. 4
2 l'ye been in a lot of competitions, but I've
never won a prize.
3 If you want to succeed, you sometimes have
to taken risks.
How did you do?
4 People always laugh when Terry tells
a joke. Tick (✓) a box for each section.
5 We're having a 'Fun Week' at school in
October. We want toraise money for
Total score
sports equipment. O O 0
67 Very Not very
6 Joanna came first in her race and good OK good
break the school record. 5
Grammar 27 - 36 20 - 26 less than 20 I

Vocabulary 20 — 27 15 —19 less than 15 I

Everyday English 3— 4 2 less than 2 J

Check your progress 131


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