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Project basic 3

Brayan: Good morning, teacher and classmate We are group four. My name is Bryan Hernandez
and my partner is Camila. Today we present our English project

Brayan: Excuse me, miss, what time is it?

Camila: Woo Hello!! Brayan, it’s at eight 0’clok
Brayan: Hi Camila, thanks. How are you?
Camila: I’m great What about you?
Brayan: I am very happy and excited,
Camila: Why do you excited?
Brayan: Because, I am going to a festival very important for me.
Camila: What does it the name of that festival? and where is it celebrate?
Brayan: its name is international festival of vendimia. It is celebrated in the city of Ica
Camila: woo When do you celebrated? What is it about?
Brayan: The International Festival of Vendimia is celebrated every year in Ica, exactly in the
month of March, during the week processions, concerts, gastronomic fairs, dance competitions
are organized, which are very popular among visitors. On the weekend the queen of the party is
chosen, who, accompanied by her ladies, treads the grape according to tradition in a wonderful
Camila: What do people eat or drink on that festival?
Brayan: that people eat much types of food, also drink pisco, wine and cachina
Camila: What do you like about the festival?
Brayan: I like food, because it is very delicious. I also like to dance festejo, because it is relaxing.
How about you? What is your favorite festival?
Camila: My favorite festival is that of the lord of miracles because they have beautiful customs,
like processions, people wear purple robes walking from the center of lima, it's like a parade.
what I like most about the festival are the colored carpets
Brayan: that’s great. Who do you go to procession with?
Camila: I go to the procession with my family and friends. I have a lot of fun and there are
sweets, like nougat.
Brayan: When is the festival?
Camila: it stars on October 18 at 7:00
Brayan: Wow It is very interesting; I would like to participate in that festival
Camila: You are welcome, we could go together and some friends
Brayan: It would be excellent, you are also invited to go to my festival, I have to go see you later
Camila: perfect, see you Brayan take care

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