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S3C3A3 BI 20200511

Use of English: Rational Cloze


Vocabulary to know:

Learn the meaning of some words that will appear in the questions and answers.

Words from Section A Passage and answers

mystery (n): something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. (神秘)

"I’m interested in knowing mysteries of outer space."

pollinate (v): convey pollen to or deposit pollen on (a stigma, ovule, flower, or plant) and so
allow fertilization. (授粉)
"There are not enough bees to pollinate their crops."

apparent (adj): clearly visible or understood; obvious. (明显的)

"She laughed for no apparent reason."

miniature (adj): very small of its kind. (微型)

"Children dressed as miniature adults."

precisely (adv): in exact terms; without vagueness; exactly (恰好)

"The guidelines are precisely defined."

distinctly (adv): in a way that is readily distinguishable by the senses; clearly. (明显地)
"Read each word slowly and distinctly."

resistant (adj): the refusal to accept or comply with something. (抗性)

"Some of Athe old Churches are resistant to change."

defensive (adj): very anxious to challenge or avoid criticism or to protect (防御性)

"He was very defensive about that side of his life."

hostile (adj): showing dislike;unfriendly; opposed. (敌对的)

"People are very hostile to the idea."
Words from Section B Passage and answers

assured (adj): confident; guaranteed (保证)

"It was an extremely assured performance."

steepest (adj): Sharp (最陡)

"the steep rise in unemployment"

hold back (phrasal verb): hesitate to act or speak. (憋)

"He held back, remembering the mistake he had made before."

stretched (v): last or cause to last longer than expected. (拉长的)

"Her nap had stretched to two hours."

Section A
Section B

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