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Quantum Mechanics

1. The Double-slit Experiment

This experiment clearly indicated the need for a strange theory for particles. Particle (electron) beam was
used in the same way as light beam in a double interference experiment. The experimental has been done
with great care for both light beam and electron beam. One particular interesting point is to see how the
pattern changes as the intensity changes.

Figure 41.1 and 41.2

The result can be summarized by: “Although the electrons are detected as a localized spot at some instant
of time, the probability of arrival at that spot is determined by the intensity of two interfering matter

You have to understand the possible structure of the theory that can describe such a “strange” phenomenon.
1. “Interference phenomenon is described by wavefunctions and their addition”. If the wave is described
by a wavefunction (x, t), then the addition of wavefunctions is necessary for interference to work:

(x, t) = 1(x, t) + 2(x, t).

If this is true, then mathematically (x, t) must be described by a linear equation.

2. For light, intensity is proportional to |(x, t)|2. If the analogy is perfect, then the intensity of the
particle beam is also proportional to |(x, t)|2.

3. If we extend the discussion in the above line to that of a single particle, we cannot talk about the beam
intensity. Instead we need to talk about the probability of finding the particle.

P  |(x, t)|2.

Let check the result again to see whether the above idea is confirmed by experiment.

Figure 41.3

The result clearly shows that it is wrong to add intensity to intensity. Instead one should add wavefunction
to wavefunction.

Another amasing thing is the following. At one time of the experiment, the electron beam intensity was
reduced to a very low level such that only one electron passes through the double-slit at one time. Scientist
want to check whether a single electron alone can split into two waves, each pass through one slit, and then
interfere with each other to produced the interference pattern. Then answer is yes. We have to think that
“the electron passes through both slits”

Application: electron beams were used as light beams in electron microscopes.

Figure 41.5

5. The Schrodinger Equation

How do we “find” the wavefunctions that describe a particle (for example, an electron)? You will not
believe my answer. My answer is that you guess them from all the available information on the particle.

The following answer is also probably good enough.

“The time evolution of the wavefunction is given by the Schrodinger equation.”
When the particle is in a stationary state, the possible wavefunctions can be found by the time-independent
Schrodinger equation is:

Equation 41.12

We need to understand the wavefunction of electrons in an atom in the next chapter. Let’s review what we
need to learn here.

1. We need a wavefunction to describe electrons in an atom. For example, when one talks about an
electron in particular energy state (Bohr Orbit), this electron will be described by a particular
wavefunction. The wavefuction is governed by the Schrodinger equation.

2. Probability P  |(x, t)|2. The exact calculation will be left to the next course. Right now you need to
remember this concept. The important consequence us that one can no longer predict the exactly
location of a particle. Repeating a measurement will find a different location of the electron. One can
only predict the probability of finding the electron.

3. The concept of wave-particle, as described by the de Broglie relation p = h/ and also E = hf have
already been included in the Schrodinger equation.

4. The concept of conservation of energy remains applicable in this theory.

The whole theory is called “Quantum Mechanics”. This is a complete substitute for Newton’s laws.

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