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THE LITTLE WING OF PEACE The most characteristic of this week
The Oruro Carnival is considered by of celebration are the processions,
The 'alasitas' are miniatures that are Unesco 'Masterpiece of Oral and very interesting for visitors and
sold in markets and fairs in Bolivia Intangible Heritage of Humanity'. tourists. On the Thursday after Palm
at the beginning of the rainy There are 18 dance specialties that, Sunday, almost all the churches
season, but especially on January from different parts of Bolivia, go to and cathedrals in Bolivia open their
24 of each year (in two days!). worship the patron saint of the town: doors, being a great opportunity to
These miniatures represent dreams the Virgen del Socavón discover their interiors.
and wishes for the coming year.
The mentality is the following: if I
have it in miniature, it is easier for it
to come true!

It is a celebration of Ekeko, God of Also in the month of February the

Good Friday is characterized by
abundance and happiness in the Festival of the Virgen de la
being accompanied by a great
home. This Bolivian tradition Candelaria is celebrated. The
typical and exotic meal to share with
consists of making an offering of celebration takes place on the
family and friends. It's 12 plates!
some (not to be abused) miniature shores of Lake Titicaca because it
The festivity ends at dawn on
to Ekeko. For example, if it is rice is said that the Virgin Mary saved
Easter Sunday, where devotees
what you are asking for is food for fishermen trapped in a storm on this
pray to God.
the whole year and if it is a suitcase lake.
what you are asking for is a trip
LA CH'ALLA According to tradition, the
Pachamama feeds much more the essence of a
The cha'lla is another of the Bolivian
traditions in which it is offered. This
during these canal dates with the
gifts and offerings of her devotees.
time it is Pachamama, Divine Land, Merchants who are dedicated to the
which receives food, drink and sale of k'oas recognize that people
flowers. The ch'alla basically have to have a lot of faith when
consists of covering the earth with making the K`oa, they assure that if
petals and burying a pot of boiled the request is made with a lot of
potatoes, cigarettes, coca leaves faith, the Pachamama fulfills the
and alcohol. Apart from eating, wishes.
Pachamama likes to have fun.


the city, no pot is buried in the

asphalt, but a house, a car, a
business, etc. is decorated. with
colored streamers and petals.
Wherever it is, color and food
abound, both that offered to NOMBRE: MAURICIO CRUZ
The k'oa is also an act of reciprocity CURSO : 4to “B”
Pachamama and that enjoyed by
that people have with Pachamama MATERIA: ENGLISH
the celebrants.
to thank her for the favors received,
believers who improved their

Customs and
traditions of Bolivia:

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