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An applet is a Java program that runs in a Web browser. An applet can be a fully functional Java
application because it has the entire Java API at its disposal.


▪ In general, an applet is a small program or utility with limited features, requiring minimal
resources, and usually designed to run within a larger program.

▪ A Java applet is such a program written in the Java programming language and typically
designed to run from a web browser.

▪ An applet is designed to be called from within another document written in HTML.

▪ When you create an applet, you do the following:

o Write the applet in Java, and save it with a .java file extension, just as when you write a
Java application.
o Compile the applet into bytecode using the javac command, just as when you write a
Java application.
o Write an HTML document that includes a statement to call your compiled Java class.
o Load the HTML document into a Web browser (such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft
Internet Explorer), or open the HTML document using the Applet Viewer.

▪ The tag that begins every HTML document is <html>, which is surrounded by angle brackets.

▪ The html within the tag is an HTML keyword that specifies that an HTML document follows the

▪ The tag that ends every HTML document is </html>.

▪ Generally, HTML documents contain other tags with the texts. Of importance at this point is the
<object>-</object> tag pair used to run an applet from within an HTML document.

▪ Three attributes (or arguments) are placed within the <object> tag: code, width, and height
<object code = ″AClass.class″
width = 300
height = 200>
Three attributes of the given object tag:
o  code = followed by the name of the compiled applet you are calling
o  width = followed by the width of the applet on the screen
o  height = followed by the height of the applet on the screen
NOTE: Instead of the <object> and </object> tag pair, you can use the tag set <applet> and
</applet> in your HTML applet host documents.

code = ″HelloApplet.class″
width = 400
height = 200

Running an Applet
Two ways of running an applet:
o by opening the associated HTML file on a Webbrowser
o the appletviewer

NOTE: The appletviewer is used mainly for testing applets. It is, in effect, a web browser that
recognizes only the tags associated with the execution of an applet.

Writing a Simple Applet

▪ In creating an applet, you must also do the following:

o Include import statements to ensure that necessary classes are available.

o Learn to use some user interface (UI) components, such as buttons and text fields, and
applet methods.
o Learn to use the keyword extends.

▪ Creators of Java created an applet class named JApplet that you can import using the
import javax.swing.JApplet;
JApplet Class

▪ JApplet is the Swing equivalent of the AWT Applet class.

▪ JApplet is a simple extension of java.applet.Applet for use when creating Swing programs
designed to be used in a Web browser.

▪ As a direct subclass of Applet, JApplet is used in much the same way as the Applet.

▪ A JApplet is a Component, and it is also a Container.

▪ When using the JApplet class, you need the following import statements:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

▪ The extends keyword indicates that your applet builds on, or inherits, the traits of the JApplet
A simple applet
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class HelloApplet extends JApplet {
public void init() {
Container con = getContentPane();
cont.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello world!");
Creating an Applet with aninit() Method

▪ The Applet class provides four methods that are invoked by a Web browser when the browser
runs an applet.
o public void init()
o public void start()
o public void stop()
o public void destroy()

▪ If you fail to write one or more these methods, Java creates them for you.

▪ You can create an Applet using only the init() method.

Creating Multiple Components in a JApplet

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class JHello extends JApplet {
Container con = getContentPane();
JLabel question = new JLabel(″What’s your
JTextField answer = new JTextField(10);
JButton press = new JButton(″Press me″);
public void init() {
con.setLayout(new FlowLayout());}}

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