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In conducting a research, an appropriate methodology plays an important

role because it deals with a system of ways of doing or studying something.

Brown and Rodgers (2002:3) states that research is an exploration of experience

of one kind or another, sometimes formal and technical, but not necessarily so. A

good way of understanding the nature of research is to first experience it by doing

it, initially in a simple and elementary way.

This chapter deals with research approach, data source, method and

technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing data and method

and technique of presenting the analyzed data.

3.1 Research Approach

The research approach applied in this study is qualitative approach.

Bodgan and Biklen (1982) (in Sugiyono,2010:9) state that qualitative research has

some characteristics as follows:

1. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data

and researcher is the key instrument.

2. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of

words of pictures rather than number.

3. Qualitative research is concerned with process rather than simply with

outcomes or products.

4. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively.


5. “Meaning” is essential to the qualitative research.

3.2 Data Source

The data, cultural terms, used in this study were taken from Pramoedya

Ananta Toer‟s work Gadis Pantai and its English translation version The Girl

from the Coast. The selected work of Toer‟s was chosen as the source texts to be

compared closely with their corresponding translated target texts, in English.

The novel was chosen as the data source since it contains many cultural

terms, many various kinds of cultural terms. The author of the novel, Pramoedya

Ananta Toer, has more than thirty works of fiction and nonfiction that have been

translated into over thirty languages; it means that he is a great author. In addition,

research on text which is translated from Indonesian into English was rarely

conducted by researchers. The last reason is that the novel was translated by a

translator who was the native speaker of the target language, English. It means

that the translator is expected to be able to render the source language text into his

own language, target language, as naturally as possible.

3.3 Method and Technique of Collecting Data

According to Brown and Rodgers (2002:6), before anything useful can be

done with research data, you will need to compile your data. Compiling data

means putting all the data together in one place in such a way that you can more

easily analyze and interpret them.

The method of collecting data in this study was observation method. The

observation method was applied by thoroughly observing the source language


cultural terms and their translations in the target language, English. This method

of observation was implemented at once with the implementation of note-taking

technique (Sudaryanto,1993:135). The use of note-taking technique was to

identify and classify the data, the cultural terms, so that it was much easier to

formulate the analysis. The data collected in this study were primary data since

they were directly collected from the data source by using the observation method

and note-taking technique.

The first step was a close reading of the source language novel and that of

the target. All instances of cultural terms, words and phrases, in the source

language and their translations in the target language were underlined and noted

down and then taken as data for the analyses. Then, the occurrences of the cultural

terms were classified based on categories of culture as proposed by Newmark


3.4 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data collected were analyzed descriptively. After gathering the

occurrences of the cultural terms, they were classified according to the categories

of cultural terms proposed by Newmark (1988:95) as qualitative evidence. Then,

the data were also analyzed based on techniques of translation theory proposed by

Molina and Albir (2002:509).

After identifying the techniques of translation, then, the focus was on

whether the translator tends to retain cultural terms in his translation. It was to

analyze the tendency of the use of the ideologies of translation, domestication or

foreignization. Then, the techniques of translation that had been identified were

classified into two categories of ideology, they were domestication and

foreignization. Finally, it was easy to recognize whether the cultural terms

received domesticating or foreignizing treatment.

Based on the research problems, the example of the data analysis can be

illustrated as follows:

a. The analysis of cultural terms

No. Data SL TL

1 50 “Bendi!” suruh sediakan “The carriage! Prepare the

bendi (GP,2003:54). carriage for me.”

2 143 Dia akan melihat sawah dan ..he can go take a look at
rumah dan juga delman- those fields, houses, and
delman itu (GP,2003:220). carriages of yours

3 5 Iring-iringan hanya terdiri The bridal procession

dua dokar ‘kretek’.. consisted of just two
(GP,2003:12). carriages.. (TGFTC,2002:4).

The terms closely related to transports and their translations above can be

tabulated as follows:

1 Bendi
Delman-delman Carriage/Carriages
Dokar „kretek‟

In data (50), (143), and (5), the terms bendi, delman, and dokar ‘kretek’

are translated into carriage. Bendi is a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage

(Stevens and Tellings, 2004: 118). Delman is a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage

with the passenger seats right across the axle-tree and a small door at the back; the

cabman sits on the bench placed parallel with the axle-tree in front of the

passenger seats (Stevens and Tellings,2004:234). Dokar is a two-wheeled, horse-

driven cab (Stevens and Tellings,2004:248); kretek itself means a horse-drawn

cart. Carriage itself is a road vehicle, usually with four wheels, that is pulled by

one or more horses and was used in the past to carry people (Hornby,2005:225).

From the definitions above, it can be seen that the translations of bendi, delman,

and dokar „kretek’ into carriage are equivalent since they have several similar

semantic components; road vehicles, pulled by a horse or horses. Although

carriage is a four-wheeled road vehicle that is pulled by one or more horses but in

general, their forms and functions are the same.

b. The analysis of techniques of translation

No. Data SL TL

1 50 “Bilang pangestu,” Emak “Say thank you to your

mendesak (GP,2003:45). papa,” her mother urged

In the example above, the term pangestu is translated into thank you by the

translator through discursive creation. Here, he produces a temporary equivalence

which is totally unpredictable for the term pangestu by rendering it into thank you.

Pangestu itself actually means blessing, good wishes, or prayers.

c. The analysis of ideology of translation

Based on the analysis of techniques of translation, it can be identified

which techniques of translation belong to which ideologies of translation.


Techniques of Translation n Percentage
Pure Borrowing 16 9,82
Total 16 9,82

From the data analysis of techniques of translation, 9.82% of the cultural

terms are fully foreignized. It means that the target language readers can feel

linguistic and cultural differences between Indonesian culture and English culture.

3.5 Method and Technique of Presenting the Analyzed Data

Sudaryanto (1993:145) states that there are two methods of presenting the

analyzed data; they are informal and formal methods. The former refers to the

method of presenting the analyzed data by using words; it means the findings can

be described by using words, natural language, while the latter refers to the

presentation of the analyzed data by using symbols, diagrams, figures, and tables

(artificial language).

This study applied the two methods to present the analyzed data, the

informal method and that of the formal. The data were presented by categorizing

the cultural terms according to Newmark‟s theory of culture in translation and the

descriptions by using words, natural language, and tables, artificial language, were

inevitable. Then, techniques of translation applied in the translations of the

cultural terms were identified and analyzed. In the analysis of techniques of

translation, the uses of description were also inevitable based on the theory of

techniques of translation. The analysis of the tendency of the use of the ideology

of translation, by referring back to the techniques of translation in the translations


of the cultural terms, was also determined and analyzed. Finally, the factors

leading to the use of the ideologies of translation were also identified.

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