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Escuela de Comercio N° 6 - DE 13 “América”

Asignatura: Lengua Adicional: Inglés

Responder las siguientes consignas:

1) Verbo to be en pasado


Chicos: les recordamos que el verbo to be (ser / estar) en pasado tiene dos formas: was y were.

La forma was se utiliza para los siguientes pronombres personales: I/He/She/It. Es decir, para la 1era
y 3era persona del singular.

Por otra parte, la forma were se utiliza con los siguientes pronombres personales: We/You/They. Es
decir, para la 2da persona tanto del singular como del plural, y para 1era y 3era persona del plural.

Para formar una oración negativa se deberá agregar el adverbio de negación “NOT” después del
verbo to be en pasado (WAS/WERE).

Ejemplo: I was not late. / I wasn’t late.

(forma completa/ forma abreviada)

A) Choose the correct past form of the verb to be.

(Elegir la opción correcta.)

1- Susan and Mark were at home last night.

2- She wasn´t at home (x). She was at school (✓).

3- Blimpy, the cat, was near the sofa.

4- John and some of his friends were at the soccer field.

5- It wasn´t cold last night (✓). It wasn´t hot (x).

B) Complete the questions with was or were.

(Completar las preguntas con was o were.)

1- Were they with you at home? (√)

2- Were you at home on Monday morning? (X)

3- Was John with you last week? (X)

4 Were your parents at the cinema on Saturday? (√)

C) Write answers for the questions in exercise B.

(Escribí respuestas para las preguntas del ejercicio B)

1- Were they with you at home? (Positiva): Yes, they were at home with me.

2- Were you at home on Monday morning? (Negativa): No, I wasn't at home on

Monday morning.

3- Was John with you last week? (Negativa): No, John wasn't with me last week.

4- Were your parents at the cinema on Saturday? (Positiva): Yes, my parents were
at the cinema on Saturday.

Aclaración: si aparece el símbolo (X) la respuesta debe ser negativa y si aparece (√) debe ser

D) Write the words in the correct order.

(Ordenar las oraciones.)

1- He wasn't in the garden yesterday.

2- My dad and I were at home all day.

3- Susan was in the library.

4- Were the girls at the park?

5- Tom wasn't happy last night.

2) Leer el texto y resolver los ejercicios
Certainly, here are the answers to your questions in English:

1. What did Joel and Sara do in the afternoon?

- In the afternoon, they visited different places or played different sports at the

2. Did they learn a lot of new things?

- Yes, they learned a lot about other cultures and customs by talking to students of
different nationalities. They also learned a lot of English because they practiced it
every day.

3. What did they like the best?

- They liked the museums the best, especially Madam Tussauds, which had
realistic figures of famous people.

4. What did they visit in the capital?

- In the capital (London), they visited all the monuments like Big Ben, The London
Eye, and Buckingham Palace.

5. Did they like the museums?

- Yes, they liked the museums, especially Madam Tussauds.

6. What museum did they like the best?

- They liked Madam Tussauds the best among the museums they visited.

7. Did they see the Queen?

- No, they didn't see the Queen, only her guards.

8. Were they happy at the end of the holidays? Explain.

- At the end of the holidays, they were sad to return home. They found the holidays
fun and different from their usual routine, which is why they were sad to say
goodbye to their new friends.

9. What did they promise to do when they arrived home?

- They promised to write or send emails to their new friends when they arrived

forma negativa e interrogativa

1. There were many people on the beach.

- Negative: There were not many people on the beach.
- Interrogative: Were there many people on the beach?

2. He enjoyed the trip.

- Negative: He did not enjoy the trip.
- Interrogative: Did he enjoy the trip?

3. She was in London.

- Negative: She was not in London.
- Interrogative: Was she in London?
4. They stayed in a college.
- Negative: They did not stay in a college.
- Interrogative: Did they stay in a college?

3) Verbos irregulares

a) Les incluimos una selección de verbos irregulares:

b) Buscar en la sopa de letras el pasado de los siguientes verbos irregulares en

(También se las adjunté como foto, así pueden marcar las palabras y mandarme la

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