EXEE2105-2112 Lecture 2

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Research Methodology 21 September 2011

Cancelled: Next weeks Lecture, Thursday tutorials (28-29 September)

Voltaire, French philosopher:

Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers

More on research questions

Last weeks lecture (Sept 14) emphasized that questions must be specific identify relationships and variables (what Salkind calls factors)

This course will focus on correlational research.

But there are various types of research (Salkind, p. 10): descriptive Historical Correlational Qualitative experimental

Purpose Example (Salkind) Descriptive Describe the characteristics of an existing phenomenon Correlational Examine the relationships between variables
Fill in an example of a descriptive and a correlational research topic on student course selection at FEA


Purpose (Salkind) Describe the characteristics of an existing phenomenon

Example Patterns of course selection among FEA students An examination of the effects of career plans on course selection among FEA students

Correlational Examine the relationships between variables

Descriptive research is in general less oriented toward answering why? or how? questions, and is more a preliminary exploration of a topic
Sometimes, studies are descriptive because of inadequate data to study correlation Often, we present descriptive statistics Descriptive statistics alone can be very informative, valuable and powerful A striking graph or statistic: much more effective in influencing policy than a regression or large table

Compare the following two slides on education in Malaysia

Which is more likely to get the Minister of Educations attention? Which provides more information for making education policy? * Your group research project can be mainly descriptive, but must raise correlational research questions for further study.

Cited in NEAC (2010) New Economic Model

Source: Osman-Rani & Rasiah (2010)

Two observations based on last weeks questions:

1. This course focuses on empirical research (based on observation or experience) Within the category of empirical research, we are focused on quantitative research(based on phenomena or variables that can be measured), because:
economic, public admin, applied statistical and development research is largely quantitative one semester is too short to do proper qualitative study very short

Two observations based on last weeks questions:

2. There is much interest in policy good. Policy oriented research should focus on a specific policy instrument. E.g.: What is the role of government in reducing poverty?
- Too general as a research question - How can this question be made better? - Give some examples

From research question to hypothesis

Cycle of the research process (Salkind p. 5) Hypothesis: an educated guess Variables: Dependent / outcome Independent / explanatory Control

For the next lecture (5 Oct), prepare the following on the issue of deforestation:
Write: - a research question - a hypothesis Identify: - A dependent variable - Independent variables

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