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Module title Strategic Management in Health

Module code BUS7D5

Module leader Dr Jill Newman

Assessment title The role of healthcare managers in improving

population health

Launch date 26.9.23.

Submission deadline Portfolio Part A: 23.10.23

Portfolio Part B: 10.11.23.

Portfolio Part C: 27.11.23.

Conference Stall: 15.12.23.

Expected date for return What kind of feedback can students expect and
of marks and feedback when?


Module outcomes 1 Critically evaluate the role Health Service

assessed Managers have in strengthening health systems and

2 Critically discuss how globalisation and cross-

boundary working has impacted on the management
and leadership of health services when responding
to shifting global health needs.

3 Critically analyse, evaluate and discuss the skills,

knowledge, competencies and qualities needed to
successfully manage global health services at
strategic level, and reflect on their measurement to
ensure they work effectively across a range of
countries and contexts.

4 Synthesize coherent arguments to engage in

debate, drawing on a broad global perspective of
knowledge, using key management and leadership
5 Demonstrate effective reflective practice within an
academic setting.

Assessment weighting 50% personal portfolio development

50% group work through conference stall

Word count (if relevant) Portfolio A 500 words, Portfolio B 750 words,
Portfolio C 750 words

Conference stall : N/A but equivalent to 2000 words

per student in group

Assessment task details - provide a description of the task

To complete the assessment you are required to individual produce a portfolio of

work that is assimilated by your group for submission as a group project
presented at week 11 of the module.
The individual portfolio will provide 50% of the marks and is submitted in three
parts. The group presentation is worth 50% of the marks.

Individual portfolio part 1: To be submitted at the end of week 3 of the module

Population health is determined by many factors. Produce a thematic analysis
that considers how senior healthcare managers can influence the political and
economic strategic drivers used to determine healthcare policy in the nation of
your choice. Use academic, policy and practitioner literature to support your
thematic analysis of the role of senior managers as strategy influencers.
It is recommended that you use NVIVO as an analytical tool to create your
500 words

Individual Portfolio part 2: To be submitted at the end of week 6 of the module

This part of your portfolio focuses on the managers role in planning services
based on the Social strategic drivers of population health.
Within the nation you have selected, select a region or city and undertake a
health needs assessment for the population that would form the basis of a
business case for a service development of improvement You will need to
research health inequalities in this region or city and also look at the
demographics of the population. Using descriptive statistics via SPSS to analyse
the population health needs in your selected region. You can then use this
information to focus on one area whether population health improvement is
needed and make your business case for resources for this area of service.
750 words.

Individual Portfolio part 3: To be submitted at the end of week 8 of the module:

This part of the portfolio focuses on the managers role in promoting innovative
practice and cross-boundary working including the use of technology as a
strategic driver in healthcare.
Provide an overview of the global impact of technological innovation in
healthcare, considering medical devices, pharmaceutical developments and IT
services. With supporting evidence from industry and academia consider how
healthcare managers can work globally to increase the pace of technological
based healthcare improvement. Demonstrate how you would evaluate the
impact this could have on the region you have studied in part 2 of your portfolio
and reflect on the political and economic support needed to implement at pace.
750 words.

Group presentation -week 11- Conference Stall

Overview of the healthcare managers role in global improvement in Population
Provide a stall, supported with visual aids and creative innovation to summarise
how healthcare managers work strategically through systems and processes to
enable improvement in population health globally. Use the work in your
individual portfolios to evidence this presentation

Submission instructions - What should be the format of the submission? / Where

should it be submitted?

Portfolio submitted as a word document in 3 parts at the 3 submission points in

Module.These submissions should be made via Turnitin.

Conference stall via visual presentation set up in the Sports Hall or other suitable
venue on Campus as advised by the tutor.

Hints and tips

Tutorials will focus on all three aspects of the portfolio development and group
working in week 9 will enable you to assimilate the individual portfolio work with
your group members to design your conference stall.

It is therefore essential that you participate in all tutorials for this module.

Marking and moderation

Moderation of 10% of marks via Programme Lead

Assessment Criteria

1 Porfolio Part 1 : Political and Economic Drivers for strategy 10%

Portfolio Part 2:
Business Case for health improvement based on social drivers 15%

3 Portfolio Part 3: Technological driven strategic changes 15%

4 Group Presentation:
Managers role in Population Health Improvement 50%

Quality of the written work. Clear structure to the work and correct spelling was used
5 throughout.

Wide ranging references with the correct use of the Harvard system 5%

6 Creativity in presentation of conference stall. 5%

Employability Skills Applied

On successful completion of this module, a student will have had opportunities to

demonstrate achievement of the following Employability Skills;

Tick all that apply.

Engaged x
Creative x
Enterprising x
Ethical x
Commitment x
Curiosity x
Resilient x
Confidence x
Adaptability x
Digital fluency x
Organisation x
Leadership and team working x
Critical thinking x
Emotional intelligence x
Communication x
Marking criteria

No work has been submitted in the time allowed, or the work Fail:
submitted demonstrates little or no understanding of the task or Marks
the subject matter. This may be evident where the work is below
substantially incoherent, irrelevant or lacking in factual content, or 30%
where these shortcomings are present in combination such that
the work as a whole is unsound. Major errors of fact, or evidence
of substantially poor cognitive or other relevant skills will also lead
to a fail.
The work shows some knowledge and required skills are present Fail:
to a degree. There may be appreciable error or omission of facts, Marks in
poor structure, misdirection to the task, or poor conceptualisation the range
or illustration of the work. Evidence of analysis and evaluation is 30% –
weak. There will be indications in the work that the candidate is 39%
capable of improving it by further application to the task
The work contains sufficient descriptive information. There is Pass:
some analysis and explanation with appropriate illustration and Marks in
example, and some attempt to evaluate. The work will generally the range
be coherent and relevant, it will contain some useful proposals or of
solutions related to familiar solutions and there will be some 40% –
attempt at originality. It will be communicated clearly. 49%
The work contains all the necessary contextual information. Pass:
There will be adequate analysis, explanation and Marks in
conceptualisation, with appropriate illustration and example, and the range
sound attempts to evaluate and judge. The work will be of
substantially coherent and will contain relevant and feasible 50% –
proposals or solutions related to familiar situations, some 59%
responses to uncertainty or ambiguity and some
acknowledgements of the implications of change.
The work will contain complete explanations using most available Pass:
information. There will be substantial analysis; the ability to Marks in
recognise evidence, use ideas, conceptualise, evaluate and judge the range
in familiar situations will be clearly demonstrated. Proposals or of
solutions will be contextually relevant and useful, with substantial 60% -
evidence of the skill necessary to operationalize them in a variety 69%
of situations, including those in which uncertainty, ambiguity or
change are present. The work will provide evidence of originality
and of useful knowledge transfer to novel situations. It will be
coherent and convincing.
The work will clearly demonstrate the ability to analyse accurately, Pass:
reliably and fully, all relevant information; to use evidence; to Marks in
conceptualise, evaluate and judge; to propose and operationalise the range
effective solutions, and to show substantial originality and of 70%
creativity in a variety of familiar situations or in the face of and
ambiguity, uncertainty or change. It will demonstrate valuable above
knowledge transfer and propose feasible solutions for a wide
range of situations. Evidence of the ability to innovate will be

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