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Press release

Work starts on the Les Mes solar farm (31 MWp), a sustainable project from Eco Delta built by Siemens

LES MES (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), January 21, 2010 This morning

Raymond Philippe, the Mayor of Les Mes, Pierre NGahane, the Prefect of the Alpes-de-HauteProvence department, and Mickal Dor, the Sub-Prefect, officially opened the construction site for one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in France. This plant, on the plateau of La Colle des Mes, is being built at the initiative of Eco Delta, an independent developer and operator of solar and wind farms, with backing from the Sumitomo Corporation. The first of six parks at the Les Mes solar farm will be brought into service next May. The farm will generate 31 MWp and will supply electricity to 12,000 homes in the region. As with all of Eco Deltas projects, this power plant was designed and implemented with sustainability in mind. In spring, the 66-hectare site will be sown with plants specially selected to encourage bees and to support eco-agriculture. There are already plans to return the land to agricultural use at the end of its lifecycle, and to recycle the solar panels. Siemens has been entrusted with implementing this ambitious project based on a turnkey contract and a performance contract. The project will be carried out by the Grenoble-based Solar Project teams from the Energy Sector at Siemens France, the French subsidiary of the group which is a global leader in eco-compatible solutions, The investment of 110 million euros has been financed by: a capital contribution jointly subscribed by Delta Solar, the subsidiary of the Eco Delta group specializing in photovoltaic electricity, which remains the major shareholder, and by the Sumitomo Corporation, and a syndicated bank loan arranged by BNP-Paribas. Over a full year, the Les Mes power plant aims to achieve sales of 14.5 million euros.

As the Mayor of Les Mes, I am delighted by the launch of the site for the photovoltaic power plant on the plateau at La Colle des Mes and I congratulate the directors of Eco Delta for their perseverance in making this project a reality. I would like to thank the Prefect for issuing the building permits. This project is close to our hearts as it is located on a plateau which lends itself to this type of installation. There is little impact on the environment, agriculture is not affected and disruption to the public is minimal. Nonetheless, thanks to the considerable volumes of renewable energy it will generate, it will enable Les Mes to contribute to the efforts of the department and the country in the field of sustainable development. I very much hope the 100 MWp from solar projects on this plateau will soon come on stream. Its a shame that the recent abolition of the local business tax will deprive the community of some of the tax revenue we were anticipating from this new business, explains Raymond Philippe. Today, at the outstanding location of the plateau at La Colle des Mes, we are proud to launch the site of one of the largest solar farms in France. With the cooperation of our partner Sumitomo Corporation and our service provider Siemens, we will contribute to diversifying energy in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region. We would like to thank the Mayor of Les Mes and all those who live in the area for their help and support, adds Ronald Knoche, CEO of Eco Delta. We will do everything we can to ensure that nature is fully respected, and to offer a service which respects the environment. At the site, soil preparation has been designed using the mulching method, which will allow the earth to become more fertile in the future. Our quality plan incorporates all environmental standards and we will bind our suppliers and service providers to our aims in this regard. During operation, we will favor environmentally-friendly technologies, processes, materials and products. When the power plant is eventually decommissioned it will be completely disassembled so that the land can be returned to its original condition, or in fact to a better condition, as it will have been maintained and fertilized, concludes Olivier Gueydan, Head of the Energy Sector at Siemens in France.


An independent developer and operator of sites to produce electricity from wind and solar energy sources, Eco Delta currently holds building permits to produce in excess of 200 MW in Southern and Central France. Since it was founded in 2002, Eco Delta has, starting off from a first patent filed by its R&D teams, successfully built up specific know-how on energy infrastructures. Eco Delta wants to continue setting up partnerships with local authorities and landowners, offering them the opportunity to actively contribute to the national plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions, thanks to the installation of solar or wind farms. Eco Delta is benefitting from the industrial and capital backing of the Caisse des Dpts, which holds 10 % of its capital, as well as support from ANVAR. Eco Deltas teams, who are experts from the world of energy and the environment, cover all aspects of projects: development, coordination, financing, principal assistance and operations. On January 12, 2011, Ronald Knoche, Eco Deltas CEO, responded to the governments decision to introduce a new regulatory framework for photovoltaics in an open letter to the Prime Minster published in Le Monde. In his letter he puts forward 5 strong measures aimed at ensuring the sector emerges from the crisis stronger than ever.

Eco Delta Ronald Knoche Chief Executive Officer Tel : + 33 (0) 4 42 01 65 80 Calyptus Marie-Anne Garigue Press Office Tel : + 33 (0) 1 53 65 68 63

About Siemens France Siemens, Europes leading high-tech company, has been established in France for 160 years and prioritizes innovation in the fields of industry, energy and healthcare. Through its 8,000-strong workforce, 7 production facilities, numerous partnerships with universities and higher education institutions and competitive clusters, Siemens France plays an active part in economic development in France and abroad. Siemens France has 9 R&D centers, 6 of which are centers of expertise working for the company throughout the world in all high tech sectors, such as automatic transportation systems, metallurgy, power transmission and distribution, software package design and production, fire detection and mechatronics. Siemens France therefore generates over a third of its revenue from exports. In fiscal 2010, the Siemens group in France posted new orders of EUR 2.5 billion (as at September 30, 2010). The Siemens Energy Sector is the worlds leading supplier of a complete spectrum of products, services and solutions for the generation, transmission and distribution of power, and for the extraction, conversion and transportation of oil and gas. In fiscal 2010 (ended September 30), the Energy Sector had revenues of approximately EUR 25.5 billion and received new orders totaling more than EUR 30.1 billion and posted a profit of more than EUR 3.6 billion. On September 30, 2010, the Energy Sector had a workforce of more than 88,000. Further information is available at:

Press contacts: Siemens France

Communication Energy
Christophe Mlo Tel. 01 49 22 43 11 / 06 09 11 39 14

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