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These marking guidelines consist of 11 pages.

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English First Additional Language P1 2 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline


1. Candidates are required to answer ALL the questions.

2. These marking guidelines serve as a guide to markers. Some responses may

require a marker’s discretion.

3. Candidates’ responses should be assessed as objectively as possible.


• Because the focus is on understanding, incorrect spelling and language errors in

responses should not be penalised unless such errors change the
meaning/understanding. (Errors must still be indicated.)

• If a candidate uses words from a language other than the one being examined,
disregard those words, and if the answer still makes sense, do not penalise. However,
if a word from another language is used in a text and required in an answer, this will
be acceptable.

• For open-ended questions, no marks should be awarded for YES/NO or I AGREE/

I DISAGREE. The reasons/substantiation/motivation is what should be considered.

• When one-word answers are required and the candidate gives a whole sentence, mark
correct provided that the correct word is underlined/highlighted.

• When two/three facts/points are required and a range is given, mark only the first

• Accept dialectical variations.

• For multiple-choice questions, accept BOTH the letter corresponding with the correct
answer AND/OR the answer written out in full.

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English First Additional Language P1 3 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline



1.1 1.1.1 It pollutes the environment. ✓ (1)

1.1.2 Dumping the waste. ✓ (1)

1.2.1 It helps to redirect waste from landfill sites. ✓
It creates jobs in the green economy. ✓ (2)

1.2.2 The writer wants to show that the company is credible ✓ and has
received many accolades. ✓ (2)

1.3 1.3.1 It is appropriate because the company uses waste to create jobs,
recycle and help save money. ✓
It emphasises on the importance of using something many might
think is useless. ✓ (2)

1.3.2 It means to be taught a new✓/additional skill. ✓ (2)

1.4 1.4.1 C/acronym (1)

1.4.2 It suggests that it is a unique project ✓ which has never been done
before on the African continent. ✓ (2)

1.5 1.5.1 To provide opportunities for recycling projects to have application

in the real world. ✓
To develop the local economy. ✓ (2)

1.5.2 The writer means the kind of jobs that ensure adequate quality ✓
and can last long. ✓ (2)

1.6 1.6.1 ‘reliance’ ✓ (1)

1.6.2 They use compressed earth blocks. ✓ (1)

1.7 It can also contribute to the creation of informal jobs. ✓ (1)

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English First Additional Language P1 4 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline

1.8 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response, e.g.


I agree with Whyte’s view because there should be collaborations

between different partnerships such as government, businesses, industry
and social organisations to try and utilise waste to give it value.



Not many people may see value in waste and may not recycle because
they may believe that saving the environment does not have to be their job,
but perhaps the government or those businesses which pollutes the

NOTE: Accept any other suitable responses. A candidate can score 1 mark
for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a combination
answer. (2)

1.9 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response, e.g.

It is suitable because the passage talks about how waste can be used as a
resource to create sustainable jobs and thus helping in protecting the


It is not suitable because the passage is more about the establishment of

the waste management centre rather than how to use waste as a resource and
changing people’s mindset about waste disposal and how to use waste
as a resource.

NOTE: Accept any other suitable responses. A candidate can score 1 mark
for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a combination
answer. (2)

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English First Additional Language P1 5 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline


1.10 R17.80✓ (1)

1.11 It is important because it gives the reader a summary of the month to month
petrol price ✓ and how it has increased through the year until October. ✓ (2)

1.12 July ✓ (1)

1.13 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response, e.g.


The visual is effective as the information is about the petrol hike from the
beginning of 2022 until October. The petrol gauge indicates how the fuel
hike will possibly hit motorists hard and they may not be able to fill up. The
gauge will probably be on empty all the time because of how expensive
it will be.



The visual is not effective because it is only in cars whereas the information
affects everyone as the increase of petrol affects food prices, and those who
use petrol for business such as lawn mowers, and the gauge would only be
understood by people who have cars.

NOTE: Accept any other suitable responses. A candidate can score 1 mark
for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a combination
answer. (2)

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English First Additional Language P1 6 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline



The following points form the answer to the question:

QUOTATIONS (NOTE: Candidates may phrase
the facts differently.)
1. ‘When shopping online make sure that you 1. Use a credit card instead of
use a credit card as it is easier for your debit card.
information to get hacked if you use a debit
2. ‘It is vital to monitor your bank accounts by 2. Regularly check your bank
regularly checking that no suspicious account for fraud.
activity has occurred.’

3. ‘Never open emails from anyone you do not 3. Do not open emails from sites
know or from a site you have not previously you do not know.
4. ‘Avoid shopping on computers other than 4. Use only your personal
your own, including those in internet computer when shopping
cafés.’ online.
5. ‘Make sure your computer is regularly 5. Update your computer
updated.’ regularly.

6. ‘People can easily access the online stores 6. Remove all your personal
you use or gain access to your online information when you have
banking if you let your device remember your finished shopping on a
usernames, passwords or credit card website.
information, it is advisable to delete it
every time you exit the site.’
7. ‘Do not connect to an open free Wi-Fi 7. Avoid connecting to free Wi-Fi.
because the network may not be secure and
people can hack into your device and gain
access to everything.’
8. ‘When shopping on unfamiliar websites, 8. Read the website’s privacy and
always read the site’s policies on privacy and security policies.
security to avoid getting into a trap.’

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English First Additional Language P1 7 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline

Marking the summary

Marking is on the basis of the inclusion of valid material and the exclusion of invalid

The summary should be marked as follows:

• Mark allocation

o 7 marks for 7 points (1 mark per main point)

o 3 marks for language
o Total marks: 10

• Distribution of language marks when the candidate has not quoted verbatim:

o 1 to 3 points correct: award 1 mark

o 4 to 5 points correct: award 2 marks
o 6 to 7 points correct: award 3 marks

• Distribution of language marks when the candidate has quoted verbatim:

o 6 to 7 quotes: award no language mark

o 4 to 5 quotes: award a maximum of 1 language mark
o 2 to 3 quotes: award a maximum of 2 language marks


• Word count:

o Markers are required to verify the number of words used.

o Do not deduct any marks if the candidate fails to indicate the number of
words used, or if the number of words used is indicated incorrectly.
o If the word limit is exceeded, read up to the last sentence above the
stipulated upper limit and ignore the rest of the summary.


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English First Additional Language P1 8 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline



• Spelling:

o One-word answers must be marked correct even if the spelling is incorrect,

unless the error changes the meaning of the word.
o In full-sentence answers, incorrect spelling should be penalised if the error is
in the language structure being tested.

• Sentence structures must be grammatically correct and given in full sentences/

as per instructions.

• For multiple-choice questions, accept BOTH the letter corresponding with the
correct answer AND/OR the answer written out in full as correct.

• Where an abbreviation is tested, the answer must be punctuated correctly.


3.1 People who have dark marks (on their faces) and want to get rid of them. /
People who want beautiful skin. ✓ (1)

3.2 ‘dual’ ✓ (1)

3.3 The advertiser included these words to show the reader that even (famous)
actresses/people who can afford to buy any products ✓choose to use this
product. ✓ (2)

3.4 Beautiful skin is deserved by everyone. (1)

3.5 The advertiser shows a picture of the actress before using the product and a
picture of the results after two weeks of using the product. ✓ . (1)

3.6 The picture of a woman on the advertisement sends a message that the
product is only for women. ✓ Males are excluded because there is no mention
of the product being unisex. ✓ (2)

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English First Additional Language P1 9 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline

3.7 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response.


The advertisement does convince the reader to buy the product because it
shows that even award-winning actresses (who can afford other products)
use it. It also shows that the product does work very fast to show good results.



The product focuses only on fighting dark marks and not other skin problems
that people may have. The product only caters for a specific group of people. It
does not convince all readers to buy the product.

NOTE: Accept any other suitable responses. A candidate can score

1 mark for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a
combination answer. (2)

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English First Additional Language P1 10 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline


4.1 In the lounge/sitting room/bedroom. ✓ There is a couch/sofa.✓ (2)

4.2 In frame 2, Blondie tries to wake Dagwood up but he seems to still be sleeping.✓
In frame 3, Blondie seems to be pulling Dagwood by his arm rather than
him willingly walking out to see the beautiful spring day.✓ (2)

4.3 Dagwood has just been woken up and is confused why Blondie is rushing him
to go outside. ✓ His mouth is wide open to show that he is shocked and his
eyebrows are raised to show confusion.✓ (2)

4.4 When my name gets called out in assembly, I will spring up to collect
my award.✓ (1)

4.5 she is ✓ (1)

4.6 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response.

It does succeed in conveying humour because Blondie wakes Dagwood
up so that he can go outside and enjoy the beautiful spring day, but instead
Dagwood goes out to enjoy the day by napping outside.✓✓


It is not humorous because Blondie did not need to wake Dagwood up as
spring day can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. ✓✓

NOTE: Accept any other suitable responses. A candidate can score

1 mark for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a
combination answer. (2)

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English First Additional Language P1 11 September 2023 Preparatory Examination
NSC – Marking Guideline


5.1.1 (a) decorated ✓ (1)
(b) women’s ✓ (1)
(c) eats ✓ (1)
(d) this ✓ (1)

5.1.2 didn’t he?/did he not? (1)

5.1.3 It made ✓ me feel good. (1)

5.1 4 Shows possession/ownership. ✓ (1)

5.1.5 Chestnut said that he ✓ was ✓ mentally fit to participate in the sport. ✓ (3)

NOTE: Award ONE mark for each underlined change and one mark
for correct punctuation.

5.1.6 Chestnut does not/doesn’t challenge his body and mind.✓ (1)

5.1.7 It is the name of a magazine/newspaper.✓ (1)

5.1.8 Hot dog eating is not a conventional sport,✓ although it has made
Chestnut a respected competitor. ✓


Although hotdog eating is not a conventional sport, it has made

Chestnut a respected competitor.


Although it has made Chestnut a respected competitor,✓ hot dog

eating is not a conventional sport.✓ (2)


5.2.1 more/less important ✓ (1)

5.2.2 affordable ✓ (1)

5.2.3 encourage ✓ (1)

5.2.4 global – adjective ✓ (1)

in - preposition ✓ (1)

5.2.5 localities✓ (1)


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