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Kode/Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Program Studi : Program Studi Sastra Inggris Bidang Minat Penerjemahan (S1)
Nama : Ade Kris Padma Mahayani
NIM : 050785778


1. Identify situastion below whether formal situation or informal situation. Then, make
expression that appropriate used based on classification that have been done.
a. Giving speech in the white house
b. Having dinner with parents in law
c. Presenting a symphosium
d. Writing a birthday invitation card

Expression of Informal Language Expresion of Formal Language

Having dinner with parents in law Giving speech in the white house
Writing a birthday invitation card Presenting a symphosium

2. Mention example of nouns, adjective, verb, and adverb. Then, make sentences using those
Answer :
 Nouns : Mystery
Exampel Sentence : I saw the mystery of light in the box
 Adjectiv : Powerful
Exampel Sentence : My father has powerful muscle
 Verb : Give
Exampel Sentence : My boyfriend give me flowers
 Adverb : Monthly
Exampel Sentence : The magazine is published monthly

3. Fill in the blank correctly using appropriate preposition .

a. Do you have_____ sugar your tea?
Answer : In

b. When we flew_____the clouds, we could see the earth's surface.

Answer : In
c. The kids are playing _____the backyard.
Answer : In
d. You can pick up your keys_____ the front desk.
Answer : At
e. Please stay_____ the police caution tape.
Answer : Behind
4. Write your description on your office!
Answer : Description in office
1. Claustrophobic
* Definition : Cramped, restricted; creating a feeling of being closed in or having no space to
* Examples : “Her claustrophobic office left no room for anything more than a desk and a
single chair.”
2. Dilapidated
* Definition : Run-down, in disrepair; a state of deterioration or decay.
*Examples : “The wallpaper was peeling, and the ceiling tiles were stained with water
damage in the dilapidated office.”
3. Pristine
* Definition : Immaculate, spotless; free from dirt or grime or in an original or unspoiled
*Examples : “Her pristine office was always impeccably clean, without a single paper out of
4. Chaotic
* Definition : Disorderly, messy; in a state of complete confusion and lack of order.
* Examples : “With paperwork piled high on the desk, the chaotic office was a testament to
his disorganized approach to work.”
5. Modern
* Definition : Contemporary, state-of-the-art; characteristic of the present time.
* Examples : “With its glass walls and high-tech equipment, the modern office was a
showcase of the latest design trends.”
6. Spartan
* Definition : Austere, plain; marked by simplicity, avoidance of luxury, and often strict self-
discipline or self-denial.
* Examples : “The spartan office contained only the essentials – a desk, a chair, and a lone
7. Opaque
* Definition : Nontransparent, obscure; not able to be seen through.
* Examples : “The opaque office windows kept the inside hidden from the world, adding an
air of mystery.”
8. Harmonious
* Definition : Balanced, in tune; forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
* Examples : “The harmonious office boasted a calming balance of colors, textures, and
9. Soporific
* Definition : Sleep-inducing, dull; tending to cause drowsiness or boredom.
* Examples : “The soporific office was a monotonous sea of grey cubicles, where the hum of
fluorescent lights could lull anyone to sleep.”
10. Quaint
* Definition : Charming, unusual; attractively old-fashioned, or peculiar.
* Examples : “The quaint office was filled with vintage furniture, hand-written letters, and an
old typewriter.”

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