QUIZ Bahasa Inggris 1-Ikwan Nugroho RMIK-Smt 1

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Nama: Ikwan Nugroho

NIM: 22111298

QUIZ Bahasa Inggris 1 (Pertemuan 4)

Prodi DIII RMIK Poltekkes Bhakti Mulia

1. Complete the following table:

No. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Definition a word used to name a word that words used to adverbs or
or refer to people, describes an describe nouns. additional
things, places, and action, action, words that
ideas. condition, or provide a
experience of clearer and
something. more
of a verb,
adjective, or
Characteristi Besides countability, Verbs have Adjectives are The
cs nouns can be described several stackable. One modifying
by four other characteristics: of the words very
important grammatical form, tense, characteristics and
characteristics: gender, person, number, of adjectives is extremely
number, person, and voice, and mood. that they can are
case. Some verbs can occur in a string themselves
stand alone in —they can adverbs.
sentence; other occur one after They are
verbs are helping another. ... called
verbs. Helping Adjectives are DEGREE
verbs are forms Gradable. A ADVERBS
of the words do, number of because
be, and have, or adjectives are they specify
the words gradable—they the degree
shall/will, can express to which an
might/must, degrees of a adjective or
would/could/sho property. ... another
uld, and can/may Adjectives are adverb
modifiable. applies.
highly, quite,
totally, and
cs of
Example Book, desk, Drive,run,write,te Tired,easy,high,t No,very,suc
pencil,eraser,paper,cat, ll,eat rue h a veryb

2. Fill the blank with the right Verb

V1 V2 V3 Ving
jump juumped jumped jumping
Go went gone going
bring brought brought bringing
think thought thought thingking
buy bought bought buying
learn learnt learnt learning
watch watched watched watching
run run run running

3. What is the meaning of the following words?

a. Bruise : Memar
b. Toothache : Sakit Gigi
c. Ambulance: Ambulans
d. Shiver : Menggigil
e. Surgeon : Ahli Bedah
f. Sanitation : Kebersihan
g. Nurse : Perawat
h. Medical record: Rekam Medis
i. Drugstore : Toko Obat
j. Lungs : Paru-Paru


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