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Q:what is the managers centred decision making power called as?



The manager's centred decision making power is called as Autocratic

Decision Making. It is a style of decision making in which the manager has
complete control and authority over the decision making process. In this
style, the manager makes the decision without consulting with anyone
else or taking the opinions of other stakeholders into consideration. This
style of decision making is usually used when the manager has the
necessary experience and expertise to make the best decision for the
organization. Autocratic decision making is often seen as a less effective
decision making style when compared to other styles such as consensus
or group decision making. This is because it limits input from others and
can lead to decisions that are not well-informed or in the best interests of
the organization.



ANS: Restoring equity in individuals is an important goal in promoting

social justice. Equity is the idea that everyone should be treated fairly and
given equal access to resources, opportunities, and benefits. One way to
restore equity in individuals is through the implementation of public
policies and programs that target certain populations that have
historically been disadvantaged. This includes policies such as affirmative
action, which give preference to certain groups, such as women and
people of color, in hiring and admissions decisions. Additionally,
government programs that provide resources and services to low-income
communities can help to reduce poverty and provide individuals with
greater access to education and employment opportunities. Other
strategies for restoring equity include community-based initiatives that
focus on providing educational resources and job training to
disadvantaged individuals. These initiatives can help to level the playing
field by providing individuals with the skills and resources they need to
compete in the job market. Finally, it is important to engage in
conversations about equity and social justice. Through education and
dialogue, individuals can learn about the importance of equity and work
together to create a more equitable society.

Extroverts are typically outgoing, sociable, and enthusiastic
individuals who enjoy being in the company of other people. They
are often very talkative, like to take the lead in conversations, and
can be seen as the life of the party. They are often energized by
socializing and tend to think out loud. They tend to be more
impulsive and take risks with their decisions. They thrive off of
positive feedback from others and crave social approval. They
usually have a wide circle of friends and enjoy being the center of

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