Martin Mycielski

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вул. Гвардійська, 30, м. Олешки, Херсонський район, Херсонська обл., 75100, тел. (05542) 2-24-51
Е-mail:, сайт:, код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 04059941

від ___________№ _____________ На № _____________ від _________

To Vice-President of the "Open

Dialogue" Foundation in Europe,
representative of the European


Dear Mr. Martin!

Taking this opportunity, we express our respect and sincere gratitude for
supporting Ukrainian people.
Tatyana HASANENKO, head of Oleshki town military administration, Yevhen
RYSHCHUK, mayor of Oleshki, we would like to adress you regarding the
establishment of partnership relations and supporting our local community.
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of the territory of
Ukraine, a separate independent state. From that time until now, the Oleshki
community, located on the left-bank Kherson region, is a territory of Ukraine
temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation.
Residents of the community are going through difficult times due to the
military aggression of the Russian Federation. In peacetime, more than 38,000 people
lived in the community. In order to save their lives, a significant number of the
population was forced to leave their homes and find shelter in different parts of our
country and countries of the world. Those who remained in the temporarily occupied
territory need special attention and support.
Every day, our people show extraordinary courage, resilience and faith in
victory, even when the occupiers shell and set fire to peaceful neighborhoods. As a
result of active hostilities in the territory of the community, many houses were
destroyed and damaged. The infrastructure of the community is being destroyed and
On June 6, 2023, as a result of the terrorist actions of the occupying forces due
to the detonation of the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant, dozens of
settlements in the Kherson region were flooded.

The temporarily occupied territory of Oleshkivska urban territorial community

did not escape flooding. Nine out of thirteen settlements of the community were
In connection with the significant destruction of settlements due to flooding,
the loss of all property, without posibile variants for living, the creation of a
humanitarian disaster, most of the residents of the community who remained in the
occupied territory were forced to evacuate to safer areas.
Currently, the Oleshki town military administration is taking measures to
prepare for the de-occupation of the sub-departmental territory and restore the
livelihood of the community's residents.
In connection with the above, for the purpose of protecting persons affected by
the armed conflict, providing assistance to people from particularly dangerous
territories and territories of hostilities, ensuring the vital needs of the population, we
are contacting you with a request to establish partnership relations.
We hope for a positive response in solving the problems of citizens who need
comprehensive assistance. Please inform me about the results of the consideration of
the proposal to the email address of the Oleshki city military administration:
In case of additional questions, you can contact the head of the Oleshki city
military administration Tetyany HASANENKO (telephone +380501866410) and the
mayor of Oleshki Evhena RYSHCHUKA (telephone +380503185088).
We express deep gratitude in advance for cooperation!

With respect and hope for cooperation

The head of the city

military administration Tatyana HASANENKO

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