KTHT 21 - C7 - SE Planning and Organization

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Chapter 7

System Engineering
Planning and
Instructor: Dr. PHAN THỊ MAI HÀ

11 / 2021
SE Planning & Organization

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 2

SE Planning & Organization
1 Systems engineering program planning

2 Systems engineering management plan

3 Organization for system engineering

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 3

1. System engineering program planning

description of the tasks that need to be accomplished for
bringing the system into being along with applicable
schedules, program resource requirements, and
organizational approach

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1. System engineering program planning

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 5

2. Systems engineering management plan

provide the structure, policies, and procedures to foster the
integration of the engineering and support activities needed
for system design and development
facilitates the integration of all design-oriented plans and
provides the necessary communication links with other key
planning activities

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 6

2. Systems engineering management plan - example

1. Title Page, Table of Contents, Scope, Applicable Documents

2. Systems Engineering Process
2.1 Systems Engineering Process Planning—decision database (deliverables), process inputs,
technical objectives, work breakdown structure, training, standards and procedures, resource
allocation, constraints, work authorization, verification planning.
2.2 Requirements Analysis—reliability and availability; maintainability, supportability, and
integrated logistics support (ILS); survivability; electromagnetic compatibility; human
engineering and human systems integration; safety, health hazards, and environmental impact;
system security; producibility; test and evaluation; testability and integrated diagnostics;
computer resources; transportability; infrastructure support; other engineering specialties.
2.3 Functional Analysis—scope, approach, methods, procedures, tools (system-level functional
block diagram).
2.4 Synthesis—approach, methods to transform the functional architecture into a physical
architecture, to define alternative system concepts, to define physical interfaces, and to select
preferred product and process solutions. 2.5 Systems Analysis and Control—trade studies,
system/cost effectiveness analyses, risk management, configuration management, interface
management, data management, systems engineering master schedule (SEMS), technical
performance measurement (TPM), technical reviews (design reviews), supplier control,
requirements traceability.
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 7
2. Systems engineering management plan - example

3. Transitioning Critical Technologies—activities, risks, criteria for selecting technologies and

for transitioning these technologies.
4. Integration of the Systems Engineering Effort—team organization, technology verifications,
process proofing, manufacturing of engineering test articles, development test and
evaluation, implementation of software designs for system end items, sustaining engineering
and problem solution support, other systems engineering implementation tasks.
5. Additional Systems Engineering Activities—long-lead items, engineering tools, design to
cost/cost as an independent variable, value engineering, system integration plan,
compatibility with supporting activities, other plans and controls.
6. Systems Engineering Scheduling—systems engineering master schedule (SEMS), systems
engineering detailed schedule (SEDS).
7. Systems Engineering Process Metrics—cost and schedule performance measurement, other
process control techniques (control charts).
8. Role and Function of Reviews and Audits.
9. Notes and Appendices.

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2. Systems engineering management plan – example

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 9

2. Systems engineering management plan

Statement of work (SOW):

A summary statement of the tasks to be accomplished.
An identification of the input requirements from other
References to applicable specifications (Type A), standards,
procedures, and related documentation.
A description of the specific results to be achieved
(equipment, software, design data, reports,… along with the
proposed schedule of delivery.

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2. Systems engineering management plan

Statement of work (SOW): guideline

short (< two pages), clear & precise manner.
Every effort must be made to avoid ambiguity and the
possibility of misinterpretation by the reader.
requirements in sufficient detail (practical applications &
legal interpretations). Do not underspecify or over-specify.
Avoid unnecessary repetition & incorporation of extraneous
material and requirements.
Do not repeat detailed specifications & requirements (in
referenced documentation)
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 11
2. Systems engineering management plan

System engineering program tasks

Perform a needs analysis and conduct feasibility studies
Define system operational requirements and the
maintenance concept, and identify and prioritize the
technical performance measures
Accomplish a functional analysis at the system level and
allocate requirements to the next lower level
Prepare system specification, Type A.
Prepare the test and evaluation master plan (TEMP)
Prepare the systems engineering management plan (SEMP).
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 12
2. Systems engineering management plan

System engineering program tasks

Accomplish synthesis, analysis, and evaluation
Plan, coordinate, and conduct formal design review meetings
Monitor and review system test and evaluation activities
Coordinate and review all formal design changes and
modifications for improvement
Initiate and establish the necessary ongoing liaison activities
throughout the production/ construction, utilization and
sustaining support, and retirement and material disposal
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 13
2. Systems engineering management plan

Work breakdown structure

product-oriented family tree that leads to the identification of
the functions, activities, tasks, subtasks, work packages, and
so on, that must be performed for the completion of a given
not an organizational chart in terms of project personnel
assignments and responsibilities, but does represent an
organization of work packages prepared for the purposes of
program planning, budgeting, contracting, and reporting.

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2. Systems engineering management plan

Work breakdown structure

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 15

2. Systems engineering management plan

Work breakdown structure

Level 1. Identifies total anticipated scope of work related to
the design and development, production, distribution,
operation, support, and retirement of a system.
Level 2. Identifies the various projects, or categories of
activity, that must be completed in response to program
Level 3. Identifies the functions, activities, major tasks, or
components of the system that are directly subordinate to
Level 2 items. Program schedules are prepared at this level.
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 16
2. Systems engineering management plan

The scheduling of tasks

scheduling methods: bar charts, milestone charts, Gantt
charts, program networks, …
program evaluation and review technique (PERT), the critical
path method (CPM),

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 17

3. Organization for systems engineering

Organization: combining of human resources in such a
manner as to fulfill a need.
Organizations constitute groups of individuals of varying
levels of expertise combined into a social structure of some
form to accomplish one or more functions.
Organizational structures: depend on established goals and
objectives, the resources available, the communications and
working relationships among the individual participants, the
motivation of the personnel, and many other factors.
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 18
3. Organization for systems engineering

Developing the organizational structure:

Structure: functional model, a project orientation, a matrix
approach or a combination thereof
Consumer, producer, and supplier relationships:
needs to understand the environment in which systems
engineering functions are performed

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3. Organization for systems engineering

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3. Organization for systems engineering

Producer organization and functions:

functional approach: grouping of functional specialties or
disciplines into separately identifiable entities.
pure project: planning, design & development, production,
operational use, and support of a unique/single system
matrix configuration with a mix of the pure functional
organization and the project organization
project-staff organizational configuration: a project includes a
systems engineering group while many of engineering support
activities provided on a task-by-task basis by staff functions
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 21
3. Organization for systems engineering

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3. Organization for systems engineering

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3. Organization for systems engineering

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3. Organization for systems engineering

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3. Organization for systems engineering

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3. Organization for systems engineering

Major systems engineering communication links: A

1. Marketing and sales—to acquire and sustain the necessary
communications with the customer → “contractual” channel.
2. Accounting—to acquire both budgetary and cost data in
support of economic analysis efforts (e.g., life-cycle cost
3. Purchasing—to assist in the identification, evaluation, and
selection of component suppliers with regard to technical,
quality, and life-cycle cost implications.

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3. Organization for systems engineering

Major systems engineering communication links: A

4. Human resources—to solicit assistance in the initial
recruiting and hiring of qualified project personnel for system
engineering, and in the subsequent training and maintenance
of personnel skills.
5. Contract management—to keep abreast of contract
requirements (of a technical nature) between the customer
and the contractor.

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 28

3. Organization for systems engineering

Major systems engineering communication links: B

To establish and maintain on-going liaison and close
communications with other projects with the objective of
transferring knowledge that can be applied for the benefit of
Project Y. To solicit assistance from other company-wide
functionally-oriented engineering laboratories & departments
relative to the application of new technologies in support of
system design and development.

SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 29

3. Organization for systems engineering

Major systems engineering communication links: C

To provide an input relative to project requirements for
system support, & to solicit assistance in terms of the
functional aspects associated with the design, development,
test & evaluation, production,… through system life cycle.
Major systems engineering communication links: D
To provide an input relative to project requirements for
production (manufacturing, assembly, inspection…), & solicit
assistance to design for producibility & implementation of
quality engineering requirements.
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 30
3. Organization for systems engineering

Major systems engineering communication links: E

To establish and maintain close relationships and the
necessary on-going communications with such project
activities as scheduling; configuration management; data
management; and supplier management
Major systems engineering communication links: F
To provide an input relative to system-level design
requirements, and to monitor, review, evaluate → technical
lead in definition of system requirements, accomplishment of
functional analysis, conductance of trade-off studies, …
SE – C7: SE Planning and Organization 31
3. Organization for systems engineering

Staffing the Systems Engineering Organization:

Important factor: culture, capabilities, environment.
Choose person
- be highly professional senior-level individuals with varied
backgrounds and a wide breadth of knowledge (research,
design & development, manufacturing, …)
- conversant with some of different design-related technologies
and specific applications throughout system design &
development process

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3. Organization for systems engineering

Staffing the Systems Engineering Organization:

Important factor: culture, capabilities, environment.
Choose person
- have vision & be creative in selection of technologies
- teamwork approach, committed to objectives of organization;

a certain degree of interdependence is required,

- high degree of communication (written, verbal, and/or
nonverbal means).

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