Social Media Software

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Social media software


GOSAI YASH VINODGIRI (2021095900023526)

GUPTA ANUSHKA AJAYKUMAR (2021095900023414)

MEMAM MO VARIS MO RAFIKBHAI (2021095900023302)







DATE: 29/10/2020

This is to certify that the project entitled “ social media software” has been
carried out by yash v.gosai , anushka a.gupta & varis r.meman under
my guidance in fulfilment of the subject maionr project (1ET1030701) of
Bechelor of engineering in information technology (semester VI) of
sankalchand patel university, visnagar.

Internal Guide
Name: prof. Maitri bhavsar
Sign :

Head of department
(dr. kirit j.modi)

➢ Kwikthought is a microblogging platform designed to replicate the core

features and functionalities of Twitter while offering an enhanced and
customizable user experience. This platform provides users with the
ability to create short posts, known as "kwik" to share their thoughts,
opinions, and updates with a global audience. The following abstract
outlines the key components and features of kwikthought, emphasizing its
user-centric design and innovative elements.

➢ This web application aims to provide users with a familiar and engaging
social media experience, allowing them to share short messages (tweets),
follow other users, engage in conversations, and discover trending topics.
The project seeks to offer a simplified version of Twitter, complete with
user profiles, timelines, likes, retweets, and comments. This overview
provides an insight into the key features, technologies, and architecture of
the Twitter Clone Website.
Chapter – 1


1.1. overview of project

➢ User Registration and Authentication:

Users can create accounts using their email addresses or social media
The authentication process ensures secure access to the platform, protecting
user data.
➢ User Profiles:
Each user has a profile page displaying their username, profile picture, bio, and
Users can customize their profiles by uploading profile pictures and adding
personal information.
➢ Tweets:
Users can compose and post tweets with a character limit (e.g., 280
characters) just like Twitter.
Tweets are displayed on users' timelines and can include text, images, links,
and hashtags.
➢ Following and Followers:
Users can follow other users to see their tweets on their timelines.
Followers receive notifications about the tweets and activity of the users they
➢ Timelines:
The main feed displays a timeline of tweets from users that a person is
Users can also view their own tweets on their profile.
➢ Engagement Features:
Users can like (heart icon), retweet (share icon), and comment on tweets.
Engagement metrics such as the number of likes and retweets are displayed.
➢ Hashtags:
Users can include hashtags in their tweets, making it easier to discover and
follow trending topics.
Clicking a hashtag leads to a timeline of tweets related to that topic.
➢ Notifications:
Users receive notifications for new followers, likes, retweets, and mentions.
The notifications system enhances user engagement and interaction.
➢ Search and Discover:
Users can search for other users, hashtags, and specific tweets.
The trending section displays popular hashtags and discussions.
➢ Privacy and Settings:
Users can adjust privacy settings, choose who can see their tweets, and
manage account details.

➢ Technologies:
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a JavaScript framework like React or
Backend: A server-side language (e.g., Node.js, Python), a web framework (e.g.,
Express, Django), and a database system (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB).
Real-time features like notifications may use technologies like WebSockets.
➢ Scalability and Security:
The system must be designed to handle a growing user base and data while
ensuring data security and user privacy.

➢ Monetization:
Future options for revenue generation can include ads, premium features, or
subscription models.
1.2. object & scopes


➢ The primary object of the Website is to provide a social

media platform that emulates the key features and
functionalities of Twitter. The primary goal is to create an
engaging and user-friendly space for individuals to share
their thoughts, follow others, and participate in online
discussions. Some specific objectives include:

1.User Engagement: Encourage users to create and share content in the form
of tweets, interact with other users, and participate in conversations.

2.User Growth: Attract and retain a growing user base to increase the
platform's popularity and reach.

3. Data Security: Ensure the security and privacy of user data, including
personal information and user-generated content.

4.Real-time Interaction: Implement real-time features such as

notifications and live updates to enhance user experience.

5. Discoverability:Enable users to discover trending topics and follow

relevant conversations through hashtags and search functionality.

6. Monetization: Explore revenue generation options, which may include

advertising, premium features, or subscription models, to sustain and grow the

The Twitter Clone Website's scope involves various

aspects, including:

1. Functional Scope:
- User registration and authentication.
- User profiles with customization options.
- Posting and viewing tweets.
- Following and followers management.
- Timeline displays of tweets.
- Engagement features (likes, retweets, comments).
- Hashtags and trending topics.
- Notifications and user activity tracking.
- Search and discoverability features.
- Privacy settings and account management.

2. Technological Scope:
- Frontend development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a frontend
- Backend development using a server-side language and web framework.
- Integration with a database system for data storage and retrieval.
- Implementation of real-time features (e.g., WebSockets for notifications).
- Scalability considerations to handle growing user traffic.
- Security measures to protect user data.
3. Monetization Scope:
- Initial planning for potential revenue streams (e.g., advertising, premium
- Provision for implementing monetization strategies in the future.

4. User Experience (UX) Scope:

- User interface design and user experience considerations to create an
engaging and intuitive platform.

5. Data Security Scope:

- Ensuring user data is protected from unauthorized access and
implementing data security best practices.

6. Growth and Expansion Scope:

- Planning for user acquisition, marketing, and strategies to expand the user

7. Compliance and Legal Scope:

- Complying with data protection laws and legal regulations related to user-
generated content and privacy.

8. Testing and Quality Assurance Scope:

- Implementing testing procedures to ensure the platform functions
correctly and is free from critical issues.
Chapter – 2

1. Data modeling diagram:-


2.2. sentiment analysis:
2.3. E-r diagram:

1. Snapshots:

Log in & sign up page


Home page after user log in or sign up


Follow or unfollow other people and interact & share your thoughts with
Chapter – 4


➢ As the platform matures, it can explore monetization strategies such as

advertising, premium features, or subscription models to sustain and
further develop the service. It should maintain a strong focus on user
experience, ensuring that the user interface is intuitive and engaging.

➢ In conclusion, the Twitter Clone Website strives to capture the essence

of Twitter while providing a unique space for users to connect, share,
and discover. Its success will be dependent on continuous user
engagement, technical excellence, data security, and an evolving
strategy to adapt to changing user needs and opportunities in the social
media landscape.

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